3:00 pm GMT tomorrow and the haggis season will be over. Waaaah!!! It’s a great mindless way to spend your time and see some of the sights of Scotland… oh yeah, and Time Square in New York City.
Back to the hunt. Must bag as many of the wee blighters as possible before the end of the season tomorrow.
Getting used to doing things on this -typing especially. This is even more awkward than typing on my BlackBerry. The fact I have long nails doesn’t help because this beast doesn’t respond to the touch of my talons on’y fingertips.
Still not bad to say this is the first time I’ve actually typing on it. Only one boo-boo that I can see and I’ll correct it later.
Typed entirely on the iPad in landscape orientation.
I’ve come out of the dark age. After much protesting, I finally signed up for Facebook. Still not happy with their privacy and ownership of content rules so you’ll not find much out about me there because I only put in the bare minimum of information.
Eventually, I’ll have it set up so folks can be fans of my books but at least, the account is started and maybe I’ll be able to keep up with the kith and kin across the pond on a more regular basis. Time will tell, I guess.
Not sure if I got it back entirely but was able to embellish the exisitng scene plus added some to the end. Whether that was what I planned on or not remains to be seen.
If my original idea for the scene that got blasted out of my wee brain returns, I’ll get it documented then compare it to what I’ve written. Hopefully, it will.
I had a brilliant idea for a very tender scene between my hero and the young girl in the asylum. Unfortunately, between the time it came to me when I was in the loo and when I got back to my document and found where that scene was… it disappeared. The fact that there was a disruption here at the house, didn’t help.
I’m hoping that when things quiet down the idea will come back. I have another idea for later on so maybe I best get it roughed out so it doesn’t disappear, too.
I’ve had my first article published in 2011. Yeah!!! I knew it was coming because it had been bumped from an earlier issue of the magazine due to lack of space but to actually see it in print… woo hoo!!!
This afternoon couldn’t have worked out better! It turned out so well, we’re planning on getting together again next month. Okay, we visited, we wrote, visited some more, watched the traffic coming to a standstill on the motorway outside the mall window and wrote some more.
Our local group comes up with a 250 word prompt for each monthly meeting. The other two gals worked on theirs while I worked on a scene in my novel.
None of us knew how the afternoon would turn out but in the end, all three of us were extremely pleased with the results.
Looking forward to Sunday afternoon when my laptop and I will be meeting two other gals for a few hours for a “writing” date. Never done this before. Don’t know what to expect. Might spend the entire time chewing the fat and brainstorming and in the end get very little writing done… still, if it gets the ideas percolating it won’t be a wasted afternoon.
The dreaded block has jumped up and smacked me up side the head. Egads! I hate it when that happens. It can be the stupidest of things that puts the brick wall up in front of me and it takes a while to break it down but I eventually get there.
At least I’m writing which is my goal for this year. Might not be working on my manuscript but at least I’m writing… here.
I think I’ll jump ahead to Chapter 9… see what mischief I can get up to there. I was pretty much that far along when I decided to go back and re-write the beginning.
Since having the first five pages of my Sarah’s Gift manuscript critiqued, I’ve taken those comments to heart and have totally re-written the opening.
Now it packs a punch and gets to the “turning point” in fewer pages! Yeah!!! But, I have to keep it off my blog and website because even though I’m the one who wrote it and put it on my “own” page(s), once it hits the Internet, it’s considered published. With all the work I’ve put into it with the goal of getting “my girl” published, I don’t want to prejudice my chances by doing something stoo-pid.
Besides when the good news that I’ve got a contract with a publisher, I will have the news posted at lightning speed! Followed closely by the pop of a champagne cork, naturally.
My Scottish roots and writing by Melanie Robertson-King