Yesterday’s Craft Sale at the Mallorytown Legion was well attended but not as busy as the one I took part in last November. Still, it was a good turnout to say there were quite a few other things going on in the village competing for attention.
I sold and signed three copies of A Shadow in the Past within the first hour and a half. Afterwards things died down but even though I didn’t sell anymore copies directly, the prospect of a sale from the bookstore in Kingston, A Novel Idea, where I have copies for sale, exists.
The idea that my book was now available as an e-book appealed to a number of people. One woman, who knew her daughter would love my book said she would let her know. Her daughter lives in Australia…
When a contemporary teen is transported back through time to the Victorian era, she becomes A Shadow in the Past…
Nineteen-year-old Sarah Shand finds herself thrust back into the past. There she struggles to keep her real identity from a society that finds her comments and ideas strange and her speech and actions forward, unlike Victorian women. When Sarah verbally confronts confining social practices, including arranged marriages; powerful enemies commit her to a lunatic asylum. After falling in love with the handsome Laird of Weetshill, Robert Robertson, she must decide whether to find her way back to her own time or to remain in the past with him.
If you would prefer to buy A Shadow in the Past in e-book format, you can order it from amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobobooks and the iBookstore.
Today at the Mallorytown Legion from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, there will be a craft sale. Loads of vendors and goodies to choose from. So, if you’re close by to the village, drop by. The legion is on the east side of Quabbin Road opposite Peryl Road.
I’ll be there selling and signing copies of my debut novel, A Shadow in the Past.
When a contemporary teen is transported back through time to the Victorian era, she becomes A Shadow in the Past…
Nineteen-year-old Sarah Shand finds herself thrust back into the past. There she struggles to keep her real identity from a society that finds her comments and ideas strange and her speech and actions forward, unlike Victorian women. When Sarah verbally confronts confining social practices, including arranged marriages; powerful enemies commit her to a lunatic asylum. After falling in love with the handsome Laird of Weetshill, Robert Robertson, she must decide whether to find her way back to her own time or to remain in the past with him.
If you would prefer an e-book to a paperback, you can order A Shadow in the Past in that format from amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobobooks and the iBookstore.
Today, I’m thrilled to host in my Author Interviews Scottish native but now English resident, Lizzie Lamb.
Freighter passing by the Three Sisters Islands in the St Lawrence River
Normally, I conduct these interviews in my cozy lounge here at Celtic Connexions, but today, since today is too nice to be stuck indoors, I thought sitting by the river on a bench at Blockhouse Island looking over this beautiful part of eastern Ontario and New York State was more suitable. And look! We’ve been lucky enough to see a freighter coming up river.
After a slight diversion and the tea and biscuits I’ve brought along with us, it’s down to the business at hand.
I love the title of your book – Tall, Dark & Kilted. How did you come up with it?
It was a bit of a fluke really. I had a one to one with an editor at the Romantic Novelists’ Association Convention a year ago where she read three chapters and the synopsis of the novel – which was then called BIG BAD WOLF. Her feedback suggested that the title told the reader nothing about the setting or what the novel was about. Furthermore, she said that most readers took between 3-5 SECONDS to decide if they wanted to buy a book without moving on. I thought about calling the novel HIGHLAND FLING but there were already about two dozen novels of that name. Off the top of my head I suggested Tall, Dark and Kilted and she LOVED it. The name stuck and I’m glad I changed it.
Your book is set in the Scottish highlands. What made you decide that part of Scotland? Is there a specific area that readers will recognize even if it goes under a fictitious name?
A Scot by birth and heritage, I’ve loved the west coast of Scotland ever since I can remember and have spent many holidays there. The scenery, the history and the fact that the Gulf Stream touches its shores and palm trees and other tropical plants thrive in the shadow of snow topped mountains has a real resonance for me. I also adored Monarch of the Glen (the TV series) although that was filmed elsewhere and the movie Local Hero (filmed in Pennan). Kinloch Mara is an amalgam of lots of the places I’ve visited but Port Urquhart was based on the towns of Oban and Portree.
I love the TV series Monarch of the Glen and the movie Local Hero. The first time I saw palm trees in Scotland was when I visited Finlaystone Estate at Langbank. The next time was when I was in Plockton. I’ve never been to Oban or Portree but hope to rectify that very soon.
You have a rather catchy tagline for your novel. Would you share it with us?
I chose that tagline because I thought that non-UK readers would have seen the movie and/or watched the TV series and they would understand what my rom com was about.
You recently took part in a “literary lunch” with another author. Enquiring minds need to know… was this something you both organized or did the venue do it and invite you? Would you deem the event a success?
The event came about because Adrienne (one of The New Romantics 4 – our indie group) is managing director of her own PR company. She was having lunch with the owner/manager of the hotel and he was looking for a range of events to draw customers into the hotel. As the Leicester Book Fest was looming on the horizon, Adrienne suggested a literary lunch and he jumped at the idea. Adrienne asked me to join her as I am used to public speaking and am confident when talking about my path to publication and Tall, Dark and Kilted to potential readers. The lunch was a great success and we hope to host another event there in the run up to Christmas/ Valentine’s Day.
To be honest I seem to have so little time when I’m not writing in one form or another!
I like to visit friends, have them for dinner or afternoon tea and meet up with girlfriends in coffee shops. I try to read as much and as widely as I can and write reviews of the books I’ve read, which takes up quite a bit of time. I have this dream of sitting in the garden in the sun and doing nothing at all – but the weather won’t play ball and my mind is always buzzing with new writing ideas. Before I know it I’ve reached over for the iPad and started typing … I also like listening to music on my iPhone through headphones and watching movies. My latest resolution is to spend less time social networking and more time chillin’ and unplugging from the wonderful but time consuming career I’ve chosen. Hm, wonder if I’ll manage it.
Author Bio:
Of Scottish/Irish/Brazilian heritage, I was born up in a steel mining town in the Scottish Industrial Belt. The massive RAVENSCRAIG steel mill was quite literally in my back garden. In order to escape from the forbidding industrial landscape I learned to play imaginatively with my friends in the back garden and then started writing extra scenes and characters for the movies I saw on a Saturday morning. I was bitten by the writing bug and never looked back. I lived in Scotland until I was 11 when my parents moved to England in search of work and better opportunities for me and my siblings… Scoll forward to 2006 –
Sorry to interrupt, but if I recall correctly, Ravenscraig was in Motherwell which is a part of Greater Glasgow? Do carry on.
After teaching my 1000th pupil and working as a deputy head teacher in a large primary school, I decided it was time to leave the chalk face and pursue my first love. I joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s New Writers Scheme, honed my craft and wrote Tall, Dark and Kilted. I’d always wanted to write a romantic novel set in the Highlands and Islands and Tall, Dark and Kilted is the result. Not a steel mill in sight!! Much of my time is taken up publicising Tall, Dark and Kilted and finishing my second rom com which will be published autumn 2013. I am also a founding member of an indie publishing group: The New Romantics 4 and enjoy meeting readers and talking about my writing.
I live with my husband (also a retired primary deputy head teacher) and my naughty parrot Jasper in Leicester and I have the best job in the world.
You can buy Tall, Dark and Kilted from amazon via this universal link.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my chat with Lizzie as much as I have. Thanks for making the “virtual” trip from England to Eastern Ontario and my wee corner of the world.
Pippa Lambton’s life has fallen apart and husband Rob is ready to give up their marriage. Three years before, their son Daniel passed away, he was the glue that held them together.
Pippa leaves home for the beautiful Isles of Scilly, a chance to rediscover herself. She meets handsome Norwegian, Sven Jorgensen. Nature warden, Sven, teaches Pippa about the island wildlife.
Spending time with Sven, Pippa finds herself laughing again. She is aware of Rob’s dilemma over his childhood adoption and their turbulent relationship, but after an awkward kiss with Sven, she is torn about how to proceed. There is much to resolve and leaving Rob could prove a disaster. Is her affair with Sven a holiday fling? How can she leave Rob after losing Daniel?
Sven helps Pippa plan to leave her home in Henrietta Street in Whitby, Yorkshire, and live with him on the islands. She leaves Sven behind on the trust they will see each other again soon. Arriving home, all is not what it seems. Has Rob been entirely truthful? After inheriting a fortune will Pippa want to stay with him?
During Pippa’s absence Sven receives a note to meet Astrid, his ‘ex’ from five years before. She is on holiday. Astrid has a confession and Sven is left feeling emotionally blackmailed. But will Pippa manage to get away from Rob? And what is the secret from his past that Sven has learned from Astrid? Sven is left wondering if he will ever see Pippa again.
I think I had better introduce myself. Sven Jørgensen. I originally came from Norway, but I live here now.’
She took his hand; his grip felt genuine and welcoming. Norway, eh? Gosh, he’s so suntanned. He must spend hours on these boats every day.
‘I’m Pippa Lambton, I live in the north-east of England. How long have you been living in Scilly?’
‘Oh, it must be, erm … almost six years now. I work for the new Scilly Environmental Trust and generally make a nuisance of myself. I’m actually an ornithologist. If you are interested in birds, then I’m your man!’
Pippa giggled to herself. His long blonde hair and suntan made her wonder whose man he really was. How silly, she hadn’t realised he was the main tour guide for the islands. She was only trying to cheer herself up. He must have thought she was some dizzy woman on holiday trying to make out she was a proper birdwatcher. Still, he seemed helpful, which was something she needed right now.
‘Listen, erm,’ He scratched the side of his nose. ‘There’s a slide show tomorrow night in the church hall—perhaps you can come? You will learn a lot about the history of the islands and the birdlife. Bring your family and friends.’
Pippa replied immediately. ‘Okay, sounds like a great idea. Although I don’t have anyone I can bring; I’m here on my own, but I will be there. Promise.’
‘Oh I see, well,’ he hesitated for a moment.
Before he could finish his sentence, Pippa remarked. ‘I’m just taking a break from life, the universe and everything. You know how it is, just a spot of respite.’
‘Respite?’ echoed Sven.
‘Oh yeah, well, that’s another story for another time, eh?’ Annoyed with herself for hinting she had a problem, she moved on. ‘I’ve been to Scilly before, on a day trip. I enjoyed the atmosphere here so much, I’ve come back for a longer stay.’
She didn’t know why she mentioned this. She so much wanted to feel less pain in her daily life, but referring to her tragedy during her holiday might spoil things. She often couldn’t help herself, a habit she would have to curb. If only she could stop being in eternal grief! Would it always be this way? The short answer was: yes.
‘Give me a second. Are you walking back into town?’ asked Sven.
Pippa nodded. ‘Yep.’
‘Let’s go back to the boat. Just got to pick up a few things, and then I’ll walk up that way with you.’
Pippa followed him as he carried on with the conversation.
‘I’m pleased you came; it’s a great place to learn.’ He looked down at Don in the boat. ‘Mate, pass me my bins and ’scope, can you?’
Don obeyed, giving Pippa a sideways glance. ‘Watch ’im, young lady, he has an eye for all the young girls.’
‘Thanks, Don.’ Sven grinned and ignored the comment.
Pippa chuckled at his apparent shyness. She liked the way he spoke, his Norwegian accent, his politeness, and his gentle way of talking to her. He had well-cared-for teeth beneath a kind smile. He would be a useful person to get to know for all the information she needed about the wildlife tours.
About the Author Lin Treadgold was born in Yorkshire and attended private education. After travelling the world and visiting over thirty countries, she took the opportunity to become a writer and
nature conservationist. She has always wanted to write a novel; moving to Holland gave her the opportunity to fulfill a dream. Lin is a member of the Romantic Novelists’
Association and organises workshop events for new writers.
More About Goodbye Henrietta Street
Key Selling Points
• A romantic saga based on the Isles of Scilly and in Yorkshire, with deep character development.
• The book appeals to tourist of the Isles of Scilly as well as locals to Whitby, Yorkshire and anybody aware of nature and The Wildlife Trust.
• Story includes environmental issues such as oil spills from passing tankers in the wild Atlantic Ocean; the islands’ vulnerability due to the weather, storms and fear of losing rare plants; birds being affected by disasters, overfishing and human carelessness.
• Tourists on holiday can follow Sven and Pippa’s romance through the islands’ landmarks.
Target Market
An easy read for summer days for people to think again about the way we treat nature. Life is so fragile which the story shows through the lives of characters. Written for anyone who loves romance and enjoys immersing themselves in a summer read.
Safkhet Soul, our books for the soul, was launched on Valentine’s Day 2012. Bringing fresh, funny and fabulous stories, Safkhet Soul will paint a smile on the face of every
reader. Safkhet Soul also showcases the stories that touch a place in your heart.
Never heard of it before? Well, believe it or not, there is a quirky holiday for every day of the year. Hallmark had an ultimate holiday site which has now closed but they’ve kindly listed some other links where you can discover what the holiday of the day is.
To celebrate Tell A Story Day, I’ll be a guest at fellow loveahappyending lifestyle contributor and author, Anneli Purchase at her blog Anneli’s Place.
Okay, so here’s my story… in keeping with the day.
Nineteen-year-old Sarah Shand finds herself thrust back into the past. There she struggles to keep her real identity from a society that finds her comments and ideas strange and her speech and actions forward, unlike Victorian women. When Sarah verbally confronts confining social practices, including arranged marriages; powerful enemies commit her to a lunatic asylum. After falling in love with the handsome Laird of Weetshill, Robert Robertson, she must decide whether to find her way back to her own time or to remain in the past with him.
Now isn’t that a great story? I think so, but then I’m biased.
Carrie Miller and her only daughter Sarah share a dark secret that no one must ever discover. A secret surrounding the demise of a brutal husband and father. They are determined not to reveal the truth. Not even to Jonny Mason the handsome young man who adores Sarah and would do anything for her. Even Suzy Pond, Sarah’s best friend must not find out. Suzy is trying to cope with her wayward boyfriend Billy. He lies and steals from her and leaves her pregnant and alone.How will she cope? How will Jonny cope when his own beloved father is brutally attacked and left for dead? As one young man’s life spirals out of control, the women around him gather their strength. Some friendships are shattered forever, some are strong enough to weather the most terrible of tragedies.
I was born and brought up in the area of London known as “The Angel” where my books are set. I now live in East London with my husband and youngest son. I have two sons and one beautiful granddaughter. I studied Social Science with the Open University and have a B.A hons degree. I work part time as a play worker with primary school children. I worked with special needs children for more than twenty five years prior to this. Angel Girls is my second novel. It is the first of my books to be released as a paperback. Angel Girls and my first novel, Poppy Days are also available for kindle. I am hoping to release Poppy Days as a paperback later this year.
You can follow Debbie Ingram on Twitter at @dollhousedeb
Since, I don’t have a cover I’ll share images of my main characters, Blair Martin and Niamh MacIsaac instead.
Second Chances
Working on an oil-rig in the North Sea can be dangerous but sometimes the commute can be deadly.
Niamh MacIsaac dreads saying goodbye to her partner, Blair Martin, every time he leaves for his job on an off-shore oil platform. Her worst fears become reality when the helicopter he’s a passenger on ditches into the North Sea. While waiting and hoping for news of survivors, a severe storm blows up and the search is stood down. Will they be reunited and have a second chance at happiness, or will the North Sea claim yet another victim?
Niamh opened her eyes, looked at the sleeping baby in the small bassinet beside her bed in Aberdeen Maternity Hospital and smiled. She turned her head away to look around the rest of the room. When she’d been brought up after the emergency C-section, it was the middle of the night and the hospital room completely dark. At least, that’s how she remembered it. Exhaustion and drugs for the post-op pain clouded her memory.
“Blair? Is that you?” she groggily asked the figure sleeping in the chair on the other side of the bed.
“Huh?” Blair woke with a start.
“How long have you been there?” she asked, stretching her arm out to touch him.
“Since they brought you up from surgery.”
“Oh,” she replied flatly. “And Mum?”
“Don’t know. She left to make a few calls and that’s the last I saw her. Figure she went home. I know she wasn’t best pleased to see me turn up.”
“I’m glad you did. With the way things ended after that awful row we had, I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”
“I stormed around for a few days then did something I didn’t think I’d ever do. I drove down to Barnsley,” Blair answered.
“You what?”
“You heard me. I drove to Barnsley. Never would have done it if it wasn’t for you.”
“And?” Niamh shifted position, her interest piqued by his revelation.
“The pit’s gone. Shopping complex there now. The old house is still there. Looks as rundown now as it did then.”
“That’s not quite what I meant. What about your father? Did you see him?”
“No. He’s dead. It was the drink.”
Niamh didn’t know what to say. She knew Blair hated the man for the hell he’d put both him and his mother through. She remained quiet for a few minutes then asked, “Did you go to the cemetery to see your mother?”
“Yes. Took flowers. The bastard’s buried there with her. He should rot in hell for all eternity for what he put us through,” he said as he lowered his head.
“How do you know he’s buried with her?”
“Because it’s on the fucking headstone! I don’t know who arranged it but I’d like to…”
“Beat the stuffing out of them, like your father did to you and your mother.”
Blair sat in silence for a moment. He stood and stretched before quickly changing the subject. “That chair is bloody uncomfortable.”
“You didn’t have to stay all night. You could have gone home.”
“I know but I wanted to.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead.
“Why don’t you go home and get some sleep? You look shattered.”
“In a bit. I’m going on a quest for coffee right now. You want anything?”
“Not sure if can. I’ll be fine. You go.”
He leaned down to kiss her forehead again but this time Niamh moved her head so he kissed her squarely on the lips. “Won’t be long,” he said before leaving.
Niamh watched his muscular figure walk away from her. His tight jeans and white T-shirt made him look absolutely delicious. And that was what got her in trouble from the beginning. From the first day she kissed him while his girlfriend, Sarah, who was also her best friend was away at University, she wanted him. Didn’t love him but wanted him. She had been physically attracted to Blair for as long as she could remember but kept those feelings to herself since he was her best friend’s bloke – until that first kiss and from that point on, couldn’t help herself. Even now, she didn’t know her feelings for him. The sex had been fantastic but was that because Blair was the forbidden fruit? Once everything came out in the open and they had been caught by Sarah, things had changed. The intensity was no longer there. Blair seemed distant, especially after Niamh dropped her pregnancy bomb on him.
Come on Tour with Sophie and Dan… Visit where the story began: Edinburgh – Sophie’s Run Blogtour 2013
Sophie’s Run
Her famous star remains her rock while life takes her on a little detour…
Who says that the road towards true love is straight and even? Sophie is certainly discovering that it is anything but.
So she has finally found the man of her dreams! Well… she knows who he is, even though she hasn’t actually quite met him yet. But she misses her opportunity, and then her life goes crazy. Rock star and ex-fiancé, Dan, keeps getting in the way of her new romance—even if he is just trying to be helpful. A fire, an impromptu mini-trip with Dan, and a dreaded wedding later, Sophie is still struggling to meet the love of her life. Then, just as she is getting it together with her perfect man, best friend Rachel commits an act of unspeakable betrayal.
Sophie has had enough. Confused and distraught, she decides that it is time for radical change. Surprising herself and shocking her friends, she embarks on a secret journey and eventually gets her life back on track.
Hi, Melanie! *waves* Whoop, the day is finally here. I know you were super excited about hosting this feature today, given your own love for all things Scottish. *happy dance*
But I’m getting carried away already. Sorry, you must forgive me. I’m just so over the moon to be here; thank you for having me! Perhaps, though, I should introduce myself properly to your readers. *clears throat*
Hello, you! My name is Sophie Penhalligan and I am the heroine in the Rock Star Romance Trilogy by Nicky Wells. I’ve been on this blog before and you might have stumbled across me then but in case we’re new acquaintances: it’s very nice to meet you! *waves again*
Today, Melanie is helping us celebrate the launch of Book 2, Sophie’s Run. ‘Her famous star remains her rock while life takes her on a little detour…’ Detour, indeed. My goodness, it’s been a rollercoaster ride and I can’t wait to share it all with you. In the meantime, however, I’d like to take you on tour. More specifically, I’d like to take you to the place where the story began, many years ago.
The train pulled into Edinburgh Waverley station and I panicked. What on earth was I doing? I lowered the window, awkwardly fumbling outside to reach the door handle, and let myself off the train. I was traveling light. My tiny rucksack carried only my purse and the barest of overnight essentials. I wasn’t planning to stay the night, really. But what was I planning? What had I been thinking when I got on that train, going after four blokes ten years older than my humble nineteen years? Well, in truth, I was only interested in one of them, but even that was a completely one-sided matter at this time.
It was five o’clock in the afternoon, and I had about two hours or so to get to wherever I needed to go. But, of course, I still needed to find out where they were playing tonight… (Excerpt from Sophie’s Turn)
If you’ve read the first book, you’ll know that I did meet my favorite rock band, Tuscq, that night and that I nearly got very up-close-and-personal with Dan Hunter, the lead singer. Nearly! Later on in the story, Dan and I go back to Edinburgh and it’s very romantic. Somehow, fate seems to draw me back to this amazing city, and I get to visit again in Sophie’s Run, if only in passing this time:
The train journey to Edinburgh was relatively uneventful. However, halfway across the country, the sunshine vanished and grey skies loomed.
Trying to lighten the atmosphere, I declared loudly and brightly, “Never fear, the weather is meant to be really changeable in these parts, I’m sure it’ll be fine and sunny tomorrow.”
“Och, it’s a wee bit o’ Scotch mist, lassie,” a passing passenger chipped in. “It winna fash ye. The thing to watch oot for is the midges, they’re fair ferocious this time o’ year.”
I didn’t have a clue what he had said, but I was too embarrassed to show myself up as a total Sassenach so I smiled apologetically and shrugged.(Excerpt from Sophie’s Run)
Uh-huh, another train journey to Edinburgh. I believe this is quite a deliberate echo of the first book, but you’ll have to read for yourself to find out who I’m going with this time and why. ☺ For now, I’d like to show you some of my favorite vistas and hang outs. You ready?
First of all, Princes Street. I’ll never forget walking down there on the way to that fateful gig… I’m standing on the corner looking down into Lothian Road (see photo), absorbing the atmosphere and barely containing my excitement at seeing Tuscq very soon.
By Lee Kindness [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC-BY-2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons
And here’s the Castle at Night! I’m still on Princes Street on the corner with Hanover Street, just looking in a different direction. Isn’t it amazing?
By Ad Meskens (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons
Of course, I did see some of Edinburgh by day, too. Not on my first visit, but the second time round. I checked out the Tollcross…
By Kyzer (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons …and the old town! Take a look at Goose Pie House in Ramsay Gardens…
By Kyzer (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0 (], via Wikimedia CommonsOne final, panoramic look at the Castle and Waverley Station…
By Kim Traynor (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons*sighs* Ah, so many memories. What a fabulous city. Have you ever been? Well, if you do go, or if you’re just dreaming about it, don’t forget to take me with you, and Sophie’s Run! Thank you for joining me on my trip today and… rock on!
Wait, wait, wait, there’s more: Introducing the Sophie’s Run Give Away!
Sophie’s Run GIVEAWAYS
1) Standard Giveaway
Nicky Wells is giving away one delicious chocolate gift to a lucky winner in the UK or North America!
The small print: This Gift prize is a product of Unique Chocolate. The Gift prize is subject to availability in your country. If the Gift prize is not available in your country, Nicky Wells reserves the right to offer a substitute gift prize of a similar nature at her discretion. Nicky Wells will require the winner’s postal address for shipping purposes.
Nicky Wells offers a giveaway of one Amazon gift voucher worth $20/£15 for one lucky winner. To enter, simply share your thoughts on Sophie’s Run with Nicky. Email your comment to and your name will be entered into the draw. Competition closes 1 May 2013.
About Nicky Wells: Romance that Rocks Your World!
Rock On! Nicky Wells writes fun and glamorous contemporary romance featuring a rock star and the girl next door. A signed author with U.S. publisher, Sapphire Star Publishing, Nicky is in the throes of publishing her Rock Star Romance Trilogy. Nicky loves rock music, dancing, and eating lobsters. When she’s not writing, Nicky is a wife, mother, and occasional teaching assistant.
Originally born in Germany, Nicky moved to the United Kingdom in 1993, and currently lives in Lincoln with her husband and their two boys. In a previous professional life, Nicky worked as a researcher and project manager for an international Human Resources research firm based in London and Washington, D.C.
Sophie’s Run is now available in Kindle edition from and, and in Paperback edition from and You can also get the paperback at Barnes & Noble, or download Sophie’s Run onto your Nook (coming soon).
“Today, West German imperialism is United States’ chief ally in Europe in aggravating world tension. West Germany is increasingly becoming the seat of the war danger, where revenge-seeking passions are running high… The policy pursued by the Federal Republic of Germany is being increasingly determined by the same monopolies that brought Hitler to power.
The Rhineland politicians fancy that once they get the atomic bomb, frontier posts will topple and they will be able to achieve their cherished desire of carving up the map of Europe again and taking revenge for defeat in the second world war.
One of the most ominous factors endangering peace is the bilateral military alliance that is taking shape between the ruling circles of the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany. This factor remains an objective of unflagging attention.”
Leonid Brezhnev
23rd Party Congress
March 1966
The Cold War and Nitroglycerin had one thing in common, both were stable when circumstances allowed. But, when something rocks the boat, or events are overtaken by Incidents that get out of control, the status quo is lost. The consequence is an eruption that is both violent and lethal.
The Cold War trilogy will trace the Cold War as it simmers, overheats and eventually turns East against West. The outcome? Start with ‘The Red Effect’ out in April, followed by ‘The Black Effect’ and ‘The Blue Effect’.
The Red Effect
1983: The Cold War has been in existence since the end of World War Two. Although tensions have always been fraught between the Western nations and the members of the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact, common sense prevailed.
Until, as a consequence of the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, the shooting down of a Korean passenger aircraft in 1983, and the relentless build up of Soviet military strength, everything is about to change.
In a panoramic novel, readers travel from centres of power to the front lines – a war is brewing and events are happening at every angle. Is the Cold War about to turn hot? Can NATO forces endure a mass strike by thousands of Soviet tanks? Can the West survive?
Follow the series of gripping events that culminated in ‘The Red Effect’, in the first installment of Harvey Black’s Cold War trilogy.
My Scottish roots and writing by Melanie Robertson-King