All Aboard the Canadian with Buddy and His Four Fantastic Furry Friends! by Melanie Robertson-King is a fun adventure story for children that demonstrates that friendship means you do not make fun of others. You accept the differences and never leave anyone out. Joan Y. Edwards
All Aboard the Canadian with Buddy and His Four Fantastic Furry Friends! by Melanie Robertson King, is a wonderfully written children’s book about getting along with others, even if they’re different from each other. As an animal lover and someone born with a difference, I enjoyed reading about the friendships that developed amongst these four different kinds of animals. They were able to overlook their outside differences to see their similarities inside, where it counts. This is an important concept for children to learn —it’s what’s inside that matters. I highly recommend this book for parents to read to their children as a precursor to discussing the importance of acceptance of those who do not necessarily fit the norm. Plus it’s just a fun story! Shawn Simon