Day 3 and I’m being interviewed by fellow author Stephanie Keyes as part of her Fall Fantasy Author Series. It should be great fun. I can tell you she asked me some pretty tough questions.
Monthly Archives: September 2012
A Shadow in the Past International Blog Tour Day 2 – Giveaway at Rebecca Emin’s Ramblings of a Rusty Writer and a stop with fellow Ottawa Romance Writer Maggie Jagger
The launch day party is over and all is well. Perhaps a few sair heids amongst the partygoers but otherwise everyone seems to be fairly decent shape.
Good thing because today one lucky person who visits Rebecca Emin’s blog is going to win A Shadow in the Past tote bag!
Isn’t it a thing of beauty! Measuring 47 cm x 39 cm x 12 cm, it’s big enough to carry all your important purchases. I recently used mine when I attended Scene of the Crime and it was large enough to hold an umbrella, sweater (being prepared for changing weather), our registration kits, my “Menopause is Murder” fan, the five books I bought and my digital SLR camera and case.
Leave a comment at Rebecca Emin’s Ramblings of a Rusty Writer for your chance to win!
And after my visit with Rebecca, I’m jetting across the ocean to stop in and visit with author Maggie Jagger in the beautiful Canadian province of Quebec where we’ll talk about writerly things and being fellow members of the Ottawa Romance Writers’ Association.
You can visit Maggie’s blog at
A Shadow in the Past International Blog Tour Day 1 – It’s launch day at!
It’s launch day for A Shadow in the Past over at!
The champagne corks are popping like crazy here in celebration!
What can I say, these lovely ladies and gents know how to throw a launch party!
Come on over and join in the fun!
A Shadow in the Past International Blog Tour
Beginning on September 28th, I’m taking my debut novel A Shadow in the Past on a fifteen day international tour. Yes, I’ve already been to the physical launch in Kansas and still basking in the glow from that and hosted my launch in Brockville but I’m heading out on the road again – virtually.
I’ll be posting every day where I’ll be and there is always this post you can refer back to in order to find out where I am. So without anymore preamble from me…
Sept 28
Sept 29
Rebecca Emin’s Ramblings of a Rusty Writer blog
One lucky visitor here will win A Shadow in the Past tote bag.
and fellow Ottawa Romance Writers’ Association member, author Maggie Jagger
Sept 30
Stephanie Keyes Fall Fantasy Authors Series
Oct 1
Nikki Bywater reviews A Shadow in the Past at Books4U
Oct 2
Rosemary Gemmell hosts me over at Ros’s Reading & Writing blog
Oct 3
Nicky Wells CentreStage
and fellow Ottawa Romance Writers’ Association member, author Maureen Fisher at Books by Maureen
Oct 4
I’m thrilled to announce that I’m being hosted by three members of my local writers group – Writers’ Ink
Joe Mossman
Christopher D. Hanna at My adventure in becoming a writer
and Dorothy Bush at Twisting in the Wind
Oct 5
Peggy Stanton’s – Looking Out
Janice Horton – Writer & Novelist
Oct 6
Shaz reviews A Shadow in the Past at Jera’s Jamboree
One lucky visitor will win A shadow in the Past mouse pad
Oct 7
Carol E. Wyer at Facing 50 with Humour
Oct 8
Patricia Sands at Everyone has a story…
Ashley Stoyanoff at The world of Ashley Stoyanoff and over on her Goodreads blog
Oct 9
Oct 10
fellow 4RV author Penny Ehrenkranz
Chris Longmuir at Chris Longmuir, Crime Writer
Oct 11
Lindsay Healy’s Little Reader Library
Oct 12
the grand finale over at Author Roast & Toast
where one lucky person will win a signed copy of A Shadow in the Past.
You can purchase A Shadow in the Past at the following links:
4RV Publishing:
Barnes & Noble:
and locally at Leeds County Books, 73 King Street West, Brockville, ON
Today’s launch of A Shadow in the Past in the Wedgewood Author Series
I couldn’t have scripted my hometown launch any better if I tried. Everything went so smoothly. Before the launch started, I was interviewed by Doreen Barnes for Brock News TV. I’m not sure when it will be available online but I will pass the link on when I get it. The interview took place in the library at The Wedgewood Retirement Resort, directly across the hall from the media lounge where my launch was held.
Now I decided that I couldn’t wear the same ensemble today that I wore in Kansas but footwear definitely worked into the equation. I mean a newly published author can’t always wear the same clothes to every event.

In the beginning there weren’t many people in the room but at 2:00, we started anyway. Doreen introduced me and I spoke about the background information on my book and then read an excerpt before the floor was opened up for questions.

While I was in my element in front of the crowd, the room began to fill up. Undistracted by the interruption, I carried on. By the time, I was wrapping up my reading it was practically standing room only.

Many of the people who came to my signing wanted to get their photo taken with me. Who woulda thunk it? People wanting to get their picture taken avec moi.

The day turned out better than I could have hoped for. Signed and sold 22 copies! Wow!
A Shadow in the Past launches in The Wedgewood Author Series

At 2:00 pm today, I’ll be at The Wedgewood Retirement Resort (corner of King and Market St East) in downtown Brockville talking about and reading from my debut novel, A Shadow in the Past,published by 4RV Publishing.
If you’re in the Brockville area, come down to The Wedgewood. Admission to the event is free. Enter via the Market St entrance.
I’d love to see you there… not to mention sell you a copy of my book and sign it for you.
Gilli Allan re-launches Torn in paperback!
The new cover for Torn by Gilli Allan

Gilli Allan’s new cover for both her ebook paperback will be available on September 22nd!
Same great novel… great new appearance, designed by Gilli, herself.
Gilli is thrilled to be able to offer her novel in a new format for those who don’t have e-readers or those who do but love a physical book.
You can escape your old life, but can you ever escape yourself?
Jessica Avery is a woman in her early thirties with a three year old son, Rory. She has made a series of wrong choices in her life – job, men and life-style. Her job came to a disastrous conclusion. The men in her life have let her down and her life-style involved too many pills, parties and promiscuity. But she believes that by quitting her old relationship and moving from London to the country, she has escaped all that. Her choice now is to live a steady, responsible life in a tranquil new environment, putting her son’s needs and her role as mother as her number one priority.
But she finds country life less serene and bucolic than she expected. Her ex-partner tracks her down and assaults her as she leaves a local pub. Luckily, a witness to the encounter steps in and helps to defuse the situation, but she is left badly shaken. As an in-comer – and even worse, an ex-investment banker – Jessica is not made very welcome by the local mothers. Then there is the management of the rural landscape – the interests of commerce versus the preservation of the environment – which begins to engage her interest and concern. She wonders if leaving London was the right move.
The narrative is played out against the low-key background story of a proposed by-pass to the local town. Initially Jessica favours a new road until she realizes the route it might take, tearing through the landscape she’s come to love. She is torn between the pragmatic and the romantic decision. The friends Jess makes represent the differing positions. There is Danny Bowman, the counter-culture shepherd; his employer, James Warwick, affluent widowed farmer and father to three year old daughter, Sasha; Gilda Warwick, James’s match-making mother; and Sheila, the feminist nursery school owner.
The title – ‘Torn’ – can also be understood as referring to the personal choices which confront Jessica. Despite vowing she wants no emotional entanglements in her life, she is attracted to two very different men. She finds, to her cost, that in the face of temptation it is not so easy to throw off old habits and responses. She is a woman who claims she has never been in love. Eventually she is prompted to re-evaluate this stance and to admit to herself, that beyond an undeniable physical attraction, she has indeed fallen in love, but with which one – the suitable man or the unsuitable boy?
You can buy Torn from the following links: Paperback *new cover*
Kindle edition Paperback *new cover*
Kindle edition
You can follow Gilli online at the following links:
Writer Cramped. Gilli Allan’s Blog
On Facebook Gilli Allan
On Twitter @gilliallan
And over at Famous Five Plus
Starship Goodwords from Carrick Publishing
I’m thrilled to announce that my short story, Cole’s Notes has been included in Carrick Publishing’s first cross-genre anthology!
Details are available at Carrick Publishing’s website, including the list of authors and genres.
Starship Goodwords is available for the Kindle at and at
If you enjoy short stories, you’ll enjoy the variety on offer here.
My Kansas Adventure Photos!
Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s about time you posted pictures. So here you go folks, and not necessarily in any order!

Ah, one of three boxes of my author copies. Even before I cracked open the box, I held one copy that my publisher had in her stuff that she wanted me to sign. Anyway, you should have seen the Canada Customs guy’s look when I declared them and the ones I bought.
Me: I bought some books.
Him: $700?
Me: Also have the author copies of my novel.
Him: smiled and stamped my declaration form.

We were in the large double tent in the middle of the photo. This picture was taken on the advance scouting mission that Carla and I went on Friday afternoon.

My book is in the top of the rack on the right. It’s also displayed on an easel in a more prominent position… see here.

I thought the best feeling I ever had was holding my book for the first time. It still remains special but I think my first sale was even more special.

What a rush selling my first book! I can’t put the feeling of euphoria into words. Then I went on and sold 6 more!

Here I am with my editor, Carla. We had such a good time working on A Shadow in the Past. There were times that we both thought we shared the same brain we had such a great connection.

Even with the fun as I had in Kansas, memories I’ll cherish forever, as Dorothy said in The Wizard of Oz – there’s no place like home.
Now I’m looking towards the launch in my hometown on September 22nd.
The Wedgewood Author Series

Wedgewood Author Series:
Releasing her very first novel is author Melanie Robertson-King whose book launch of A Shadow in the Past will take place at 2 p.m., on Saturday, September 22 at the Wedgewood Retirement Resort.
Nineteen year old protagonist Sarah Shand finds herself in love with Blair, who cheats on her with Sarah’s best friend. Distraught and not knowing what to do, Sarah takes sleeping pills to mask the heartbreak. She leaves the family farmhouse and wanders out into the night, becomes disoriented and suddenly hears screeching brakes.
Waking up in the Victorian Era of Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Sarah encounters strange customs, eccentric characters, and a sharp spoken granddad, but also a dashing suitor, the Laird of Weetshill.
Sarah struggles with the secret of her true identity. Will Sarah ever return to the 21st Century?
Has Sarah found true love? If so, at what cost?
This event is free to the public with entry into the Wedgewood Retirement Resort at 15 Market Street East, Brockville.