The Wedgewood Author Series – The Consequences Collection
The weather on October 26th wasn’t conducive to anyone venturing out yet a few brave souls joined me as I launched my short story anthology – The Consequences Collection.
In the week leading up to my launch, I sold three print copies and one kindle version. These sales were to folks who couldn’t make it to the launch and one person who needed the versatility of the kindle to enlarge the font.
One lady who came to my launch, I found out was a friend of my aunt’s during high school, so we had a lovely chat before things got underway.
I spoke a wee bit about how my anthology came to be, how I got my fantastic cover image, then read from the title story, Consequences, which was originally written for the one and only storefront writing contest in Brockville.

Afterwards, I fielded questions from the intimate group gathered in the media room at The Wedgewood Retirement Resort.

Then came time to sell books. Like I said, it was a small crowd but everyone there bought a book. And remember the lady who was a friend of my aunt? Well, she REALLY wanted a copy of A Shadow in the Past, so I sold her the copy that had travelled up mountains, to pubs, stone circles and ruined castles on our trip to Scotland (the only one I had with me) and she was happy as a clam.

At the end of the day, I sold and signed eight copies of The Consequences Connection and one copy of A Shadow in the Past. The next day, I sold two more copies at my writers’ group meeting. My end sales – 13 paperbacks, 1 kindle.
Where to buy The Consequences Collection:
Coming soon to amazon in paperback and to Barnes and Noble for the nook.