Category Archives: Searching for Serenity

It’s time for the November edition of Searching for Serenity!

Let’s play the November edition of

Searching for Serenity!


Where will we find her this time? You want to make sure you behave in here. There are at least four elves in the shelter. Two on the throne and two in the back corners.

Serenity and Roger visited this park area in It Happened on Dufferin Terrace. When they did, the throne was outdoors totally, not sheltered by three walls and a roof.

november edition

Serenity may not have visited here, but we frequently do for a bowl of their French Onion Soup. It’s to die for! If you look out the window, you see the Christmas market across the street in the square and the Simons department store in the background.

November edition

If you were to turn 90 degrees to the right from where this picture was taken, you would see the Château Frontenac Hotel.

november edition

The street at the top of the staircase is Avenue St Denis. This is a place Serenity visits in It Happened on Dufferin Terrace.

november edition

It’s quite the trek up all these stairs, especially in winter conditions. Obviously, it was something important that brought here here and up the wooden flight of steps.

november edition

So there you have it. A few more spottings of Serenity around Vieux-Québec.

Do you think you know these locations or why she’s in them?


Late Summer Finale of SEARCHING FOR SERENITY #game #fun

It’s the summer finale of the fun game, Searching for Serenity. Today’s episode starts and ends at the Château Frontenac. All of the locations are places Serenity walked during her time in Vieux-Québec while on the jonathans assignment.

summer finale

We’re down in the lower town now. Something significant happens here in the book but in winter. Any ideas?

summer finale

Back up the steep hill(s). This city’s wall lines one side of this street, which is named for the fortifications.

Further down the street, a pair of cannons stands guard.

Near the other end of the wall, which at this particular street, the gate (or port) has been removed. This park is bisected by Rue Richelieu.

And lastly, we’re making our way back to the Château Frontenac. This tree has something unique in its roots. Look closely, and you’ll see a cannonball. This is one of my favourite spots and on every trip to the city, I take a picture.

Think you know where the pictures were taken? Leave your guesses in the comments.

If you missed the first two episodes, you can catch up.

Day 1
Day 2

And to help you out with the area, here’s a map of the old city.

Good luck and have fun!

#GAME ~ It’s time to play Searching for Serenity!

Is everyone ready to play the Searching for Serenity #GAME?

Although Serenity never frequented this British Pub on Rue Saint-Jean, we have on many occasion over the years on our visits to Quebec City. With the extreme heat and humidity, it was a great place to sit for a few moments, enjoy a cold drink and rest. When you’re putting in approximately 20K steps a day, a beverage and a comfortable place to sit are a must.


The following two pictures are places Serenity did visit in It Happened on Dufferin Terrace. Roxie Rebel caught up with me here the other day (check out her post Roxie Rebel on assignment…). With all the stuffed animals surrounding her, you can bet we’re in a toy store – aka toy heaven.


Another place Serenity visited celebrates December 25th year-round! All things Christmas 365 days of the year (except for those days they remain closed).

You have to see the place to appreciate it. My little travelling companion, Buddy, came from this shop last November.


What better place for a ‘shelfie’ than on a book rack?

So there you have it. Three locations. Leave your guesses in the comments and label them 1, 2 & 3 or A, B & C. Whatever floats your boat.

See you next time!



Remember a few years ago, I took my debut novel, A Shadow in the Past, to Scotland and photographed it in various locations? Clues to the book’s whereabouts were in the blog posts? The game back then was Seeking Sarah Shand. Well, now it’s time to play again, but this time it’s

Searching for Serenity!


Are you ready to play?

searching for serenity

Here’s a good look at the cover because, in some of the photos, it’s a bit small to get a proper perspective on the area.

Dufferin Terrace is a beautiful boardwalk between the Hotel Château Frontenac and the St. Lawrence River. The Lower Town portion of Vieux-Québec is below.

If you continue away from the hotel towards La Citadelle, you walk along what is known as Promenade des Gouvernours. In this direction, you’ll climb far more stairs than if you start at the Plains of Abraham on the other side of the fortress. I’ve walked it in both directions, and much prefer starting at the battlefield.

searching for serenity

Here she is. Do you know where?  Leave your answer in the comments. I’ll keep track, and at the end, someone will be named the winner.

Good luck. On your mark, get set, guess!