And the Winner is…

Before I announce the winning title, I want to thank everyone who entered. In the end, I received over 100 submissions! WOW!!! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would get such a fantastic response.
Here are the suggestions I received from the 26 contest entrants…
The Mystery of Hillcrest House
The Angel Falls Mystery
The Haunting of Hillcrest House
The Haunting Hargraves
Hand of The Hargraves
Caveat Emptor
Visions at the Hillcrest House
Haunted Hillcrest House
Haunted House— Hillcrest
Haunted Angel Falls– Mystery of Hillcrest House
A Walk with the dead
Shadows in the Hillcrest House
Gates of Hell
Screaming Souls
Screaming Souls at Hillcrest House
Midnight Mist
Fallen Angels
Silent Screams
Hargraves on the Hill
Haunted Souls Angel Falls
Mystery of Angel Falls
Angel Falls Haunting
Hillcrest Haunting
Hillcreast haunting
Scotland’s Eerie Hillcreast mansion
Hillcreast, help my kilt!
Echoes from the Past
Secrets of Hillcrest House
Beware of Hillcrest House
Devils at Angel Falls
Demons at Angel Falls
Secrets of Hillcrest House
Shadows at Hillcrest House
The Taming of Hillcrest House
Imprisoned at Hillcrest
The Souls of Hillcrest
The Lost Souls of Hillcrest
Lost Souls at Hillcrest
Unspoken Secrets of/at Hillcrest House
Unspoken Secrets
The Lingering’s
All that Remains or The Remains
The secret of Hillcrest House
Mystery in Angel Falls
Secrets of (from) the past
Whispers from the past
Lost in the future
Alone in the past
Victorian’s Secret
When Angels Fall
The Moon in Hillcrest House
The Deafening Silence of Angel Falls
Haunting Horrors of the House on the Hill
Hillcrest House of Horror
Portal to the Spirit World
Horror Halls
Look Over Your Shoulder
The Haunting Beauty of Hillcrest House
The House of Fear and Beauty
The Hillcrest House Haunting
The Haunting of Hillcrest House
The Haunted House of Angel Falls
Full Moon Gothic
A Rose for Jessica
What Lies Unknown
The Secret of Hillcrest House
The Mystery of Hillcrest House
The Haunting of Hillcrest House
Souls in Waiting
A Past Unearthed
A Past Reclaimed
Jessica’s Folly
The Hargrave Factor
The Haunting of Jessica Maitland
The Hargraves of Hillcrest House
Cliffside Manor
House of the Silver Moon
Jessica’s Dream/Nightmare House
Ghosts of Hillcrest Mansion
A Home Forever
Passage Way of Secrets
Unknown Messages
Hargrave Affair
Hargrave Encounter
Hillcrest Encounter
Fallen Angels Trapped on a Cliff
Fallen Angels in Hillcrest House
Maitland; The Reckoner
Cliff Dwelling Interlopers
Jessica’s Jaunt with Hillcrest
Unwilling Tenants of Hillcrest House
Unholy Occupation of Hillcrest
Unwilling Entrapment at Hillcrest
Hillcrest Manor
The Haunting of Hillcrest
Haunted Hillcrest
We Will Never Leave!
Beyond these Walls
The Ominous Fortress of Hillcrest House
The Ominous Fortress
An Ominous Dynasty
The Chronicles of Hillcrest Place
Unnerving Truth of Hillcrest House
The Unnerving Truth
Here Forever
Moonlight Seduction
Moonlight Desires
Haunted Desires of Hillcrest House
The Seduction of Hillcrest House
And now without any further delay … the grand prize winner (selected by titles received in chronological order) is Greta Krasteva with her title The Secret of Hillcrest House. Congratulations, Greta!
And the random winner among the remaining entrants is Jennifer Rogers!
I will contact you to find out your preferred e-book format (mobi for Kindle, epub for other ereaders, or .pdf).