Launch Day is here for FALLEN FOR ROCK!
‘A thrilling and delicious story of love and self-discovery woven around a broken romance that will make you turn page after page and cheer to the end.’
Love, life, loyalties. Nothing stays the same when Emily gets drawn into the world of rock.
Glossy and sophisticated professional high-flyer Emily has no time for nonsense such as the rock music her ex-boyfriend Nate adored so much. Yet when she unexpectedly comes into possession of VIP tickets—access all areas—for new rock band phenomenon, MonX, she can’t resist the temptation.
The fateful gig turns into more than one night, and Emily finds herself strangely drawn to this new and unfamiliar glittery world. However, only weeks later, MonX and her own universe fall apart with devastating consequences for all. When MonX lead singer Mike appeals for her help, she reluctantly embraces a new opportunity. But she soon discovers that while she may be a rock chick after all, a groupie she is not… Or is she?
Just exactly where do her loyalties lie? And what direction will her life take now that she’s left behind everything she treasured?
Warning! Fallen For Rock contains some explicit content and strong language that may not be suitable for readers under eighteen years of age.
Proudly introducing: Mike Loud, rock guitarist and “I’m hell to live with” lead singer in Fallen for Rock
Welcome, Mike, and thanks for taking the time to chat with me today. How are you?
I’m fine, thanks so much for having me. It’s a bit early in the day, so please nudge me if seem a bit spaced out. And thanks for the extra strong coffee!
Late night recording, was it?
Absolutely. We didn’t leave the studio until four in the morning. That’s like…five hours ago.
Goodness. I’m doubly honoured that you made it, then.
Wouldn’t have missed it for the world, chick.
I’m very glad to hear that you’re back recording again. It was all a bit touch and go after the MonX break up for a while, wasn’t it?
Well. *coughs* You could say that. We didn’t part on the most amicable of terms.
You’ve been keeping very quiet about what happened. You never gave a statement to the press at the time, but you did reveal all to Nicky Wells for her latest novel, Fallen for Rock. How come?
Technically, I didn’t reveal anything to anyone. Nicky was primarily chatting with Emily, and Emily shared what I’d told her. Obviously I met Nicky a few times as well, and I read the whole book before it ever went to print…
You did?
Of course I did. I’m a fast reader. I’m not adverse to a bit of romance, although it was a little strange seeing… um… well… some of Emily and my… physical encounters…rendered on the page. In written words. Not that I’m a prude or anything. It was just odd to read that stuff about me.
Ha! I bet. So what happened with MonX?
*Mike grins* You’ll have to read the book for the gory details. I swear I was innocent, really.
Tell me about the book. How does it feel to be not only a rock star but also a romantic hero?
A romantic hero, crikey! *guffaws loudly* I’d never considered it like that. It feels surreal, to say the least. I’d never planned to ‘star’ in a book. A movie, perhaps, but not a book. Although who knows… maybe one day Fallen for Rock will hit the big screen.
Anything’s possible. I hear Nicky had an offer for a movie deal on her first novel before now?
She certainly did.
She turned it down, or so she told me. Apparently she didn’t like the terms of the deal, and they wanted to change the location too.
Crazy. But Fallen for Rock…?
I guess if the right deal comes along, we’ll have to talk casting.
Who’d be you, do you think?
Me? *laughs loudly* I’d play myself.
It’s interesting to hear about what drives you.
Ha! Some would say I’m too driven. Emily nearly chucked me out way back when because I was such an arsehole while I was writing music. She was really worried for me too, and all I did in response was snap at her. Although in fairness, I had warned her that I’m hell to live with.
And that’s also in the book. Am I thinking of the right scene here?
You certainly are. That bit’s in the book, as is our whole story from start to finish. How we met, how MonX broke up, and what happened next to me, and to her.
Why “Fallen for Rock”?
Great question. Nicky says it’s because Emily goes through such a turnaround. You know, from rock-hater to rock-lover. Me, I think the title works on many levels. I took a fall, too, although not so much ‘for rock’ as ‘from grace.’ And Emily quite literally had a fall. A fall that would change everything! So it’s a fab title, and the meaning just gets more and more powerful as the story unfolds.
Thanks so much, Mike, it’s been brilliant talking with you. You take care now!
You too. And rock on, as Nicky would say.
Rock on indeed…
Fallen for Rock SWAG Giveaway!
To celebrate the launch of Fallen for Rock and to spread some joy, I’m giving away the following items:
One Large Signed Poster of “Fallen for Rock”
Three Sets of Signed “Fallen for Rock” Swag (Postcards and Bookmarks)
Three Sets of Signed “Fallen for Rock SWAG SPECIAL” including 2 bookmarks, 2 postcards and 2 guitar picks
Five Sets of Signed “Fallen for Rock” Guitar Picks (two picks per set)
One Set of “The Complete Nicky Wells Swag” (signed): Bookmarks and postcards for Sophie’s Turn, Sophie’s Run, Sophie’s Encore, Spirits of Christmas and Fallen for Rock
One Audio CD: Bon Jovi “Greatest Hits” (2010)
One Amazon Gift Certificate for £5/$7 or equivalent
Enter HERE:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
About Nicky Wells: Romance that Rocks Your World!
Ultimate rock chick author Nicky Wells writes romance with rock stars—because there’s no better romantic hero than a golden-voiced bad boy with a secret soft heart and a magical stage presence!
Nicky’s books offer glitzy, glamorous romance with rock stars—imagine Bridget Jones ROCKS Notting Hill! If you’ve ever had a crush on any kind of celebrity, you’ll connect with Nicky’s heroes and their leading ladies.
Born in Germany, Nicky moved to the United Kingdom in 1993 and currently lives in Lincoln with her husband and their two boys. Nicky loves listening to rock music, dancing, and eating lobsters. When she’s not writing, she’s a wife, mother, occasional knitter, and regular contributor at Siren 107.3 FM with her own monthly show. Rock on!
Nicky’s books: Sophie’s Turn | Sophie’s Run | Sophie’s Encore | Spirits of Christmas
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Did you know? There’s a single out now by Nicky’s fictional rock band Tuscq come to life! “Love Me Better” is available for download from Amazon, iTunes and many other places.