Compared to Saturday, Jake travelled well in the car this morning. Not much fussing. Pretty much sat looking out the side window or with his head between the front seats looking to see where we were going. Hardly any whining or crying because he was in the car.
I called the animal hospital about 3:00 this afternoon to see how things went (he was scheduled for surgery around 2:00) and he had just gone in but the girl put me on hold and went to get an update for me. Things were going well, he was doing fine and the vet would call me afterwards.
About 3:30, the vet returned my call. The surgery had gone well. He was awake and sitting up but very groggy. Because of the time of day, she preferred to keep him overnight. His ear had a bandage on it and he had a cone on but still the first 24 hours after the surgery to completely drain the hematoma in his ear flap can be quite messy. Yes, the cone will stop a lot but there is still the finer blood spray that would escape. Who wants that mess just before Christmas? Not me. If he came home, he might be a bit too excited and run around, and cause himself undue pain. She also mentioned she didn’t know how he’d adjust to the cone. As long it’s the same one he went in wearing – the one they put on him Saturday – he’d be just fine. He had no difficulties adjusting to it whatsoever.
It seems strange not to hear him scratching at the backdoor to get in or see him lying on his bed but he’ll be home tomorrow night.
I’ll post a post-op photo of Jake tomorrow night but in the meantime, here’s one of him from a happier occasion.

Hope he enjoys his night at “the spa”.