Day 1 ~ November 1st
Day 1 of #NaNoWriMo went extremely well for this writer. As I said in yesterday’s post, I’m not aiming for the magic 1667 words per day. I just want to make myself write every day.
So how did I do, I hear you ask? Drum roll, please…
How about 2350 words. Not a bad day’s work, if I don’t say so myself. And today also included three loads of laundry washed, dried, folded and put away and making a curry for supper.
Speaking of curry, it’s been simmering in the crock pot all day and it smells delicious.
Tomorrow will be the true test of my writing every day resolve. It’s back to work so will have to squeeze in words over my lunch hour and when supper is cooking. After that, my poor brain and eyes will be done for the day.
And this post is 163 words in length. Does that count towards my daily word count? I think so. #amwriting