The Prescott Farmers’ and Crafters’ Market
holds their annual
Christmas in July
on Saturday, July 23rd, 2016
I’ve got the Christmassy stuff I plan on taking to decorate my market stall all in one place so it can go in the car when we load up Friday night. After all, the event is called Christmas in July.
I just checked The Weather Network and they’re calling for sunny and 28C! We’ll cross our fingers that it doesn’t change between now and then. I’ll be taking many sneaky peeks to keep updated.
Having been rained on after getting set up, I’ve come up with some very creative ways to keep my stock – and me – dry. We’ve even gone so far as to waterproof the canopy. But let’s not think that way. Positive thoughts and prayers to the sun gods.
I usually post a recap at the end of each month with my market results but with this being a special event, I’ll post after it, too.
Cheers, m’dears! If you live close to Prescott, ON come on down to the market on Saturday morning.
Here’s to fair weather and lots of sales. Enjoy your weekend.
Thanks, Beverly! They’re calling for the possibility of thunderstorms for tomorrow. Hopefully, they’ll hold off until after the festivities. If not, I’ve come up with some creative ways to keep my books and me dry. 🙂