Day Four
Compared to the previous few days, this one is tame. After our last breakfast at JA JA, we checked out of the hotel to begin our final day in this beautiful, and friendly area we know and love.
Since I first spotted this gothic mansion in 1993 when I was a parent chaperone on my son’s year-end school trip, it niggled at me. The house looked like this in 2004.
And with some photoshopping, it looked like this.
Under the watchful eye of a neighbour, we walked around the perimeter, never venturing onto the actual property. I think that would have created a call to the local constabulary. I know I have photos between then and now, but of course, when I want them, they’re hiding elsewhere.
Aside from a few public conveniences stops on the trip home, our final stop was on Île d’Orléans and the Chocolaterie de I’lle Orleans. And before you ask, no it wasn’t for chocolate. We discovered honey here that we love. So, brought back the empty jar to ensure we got the right one. The girls working in the shop got a kick out of us bringing back a used container but understood when we told them we loved this blend and wanted to ensure we got the same.
I didn’t bother recording my Fitbit stats today. They were awful. Only about 4500 steps.
Love these pics and the others from this trip. Someday, I’ll get there… *sigh*
The mansion is from your book cover, right? So pretty in the non-photoshopped pic and so eerie in the other. 🙂
Dear Melanie,
I love the first house better than the second. Of course, if they are supposed to be the same, I am in deep trouble.
Thanks for sharing your adventures with us your readers!
Never Give Up
Believe it or not, Joan, they are the same house.
Yes, that’s the mansion on my book cover. It looks so innocuous in the non-photoshopped picture. Amazing what a little photoshopping can do.
That’s incredible. Mood striking! Thanks for telling me.
Enjoy being your sweet self.
Never Give Up
I love reading about your recent trip to Quebec City. Some places I recognized and others I learned about…would love to see the toy store you have described in the blog and in the book.
The toy store is amazing and not too far from Gare du Palais. You definitely have to see it to believe it.