The countdown to the annual event known as national novel writing month is on. Better known as #NaNoWriMo, authors from around the world take part in this gruelling event.
Do you #NaNo? If so, do you start out like this? The Eureka moment that will sustain you for the entire month?
Then write feverishly for a while?
Things are looking good … and then, the dreaded writer’s block attacks.
The end of the month draws nearer and you’ve not written in days. When all is said and done, do you feel like this? Frustrated with yourself and your lack of staying power?
Life gets in the way. It happens to all of us. Maybe your idea wasn’t enough to sustain a novel.
The beauty is, you can outline and plan for National Novel Writing month ahead of time. If you’re prepared and not flying by the seat of your pants, the month will fly by with few hiccups.
1,667 words every day is not impossible and you’ll achieve your 50,000-word target for the month. The trick is, it’s not random words. It’s a novel. You need a beginning, middle and end.
Will you #NaNo?