Progress Report
I’ve been conspicuously absent from my blog, so I thought it was about time I got my skates on and wrote a post. This one is a progress report on my work-in-progress – It Happened in Gastown.
The book is written. Yay! There could be an epilogue but that can be written and edited separately.
Currently, this episode of the “It Happened” series is longer than the first (It Happened on Dufferin Terrace), but that’s okay. Many series have different length books in them. Harry Potter comes to mind.
It Happened in Gastown has been through Grammarly – copied and pasted from Scrivener one scene at at a time – and corrections made in both applications.
Next, I compiled the entire document to word format (.docx) using Scrivener and imported it to Autocrit. That process wasn’t without its challenges. It seems the version of Safari I’m running on my MacBook Air and Autocrit didn’t like each other. Only a portion of my document loaded. Nothing past chapter 15 and there are 21 chapters in total.
Thanks to Kevin at Autocrit, that problem is sorted and I’m happily editing away using Chrome. Again, I’m making the changes in both applications so if something goes pear-shaped (as things sometimes do), I’ll have an up-to-date copy.
The Office 365 version of Word has the ability to read your manuscript back to you, but since I don’t have that version, I depend on either Scrivener or Natural Reader to do this step for me. The beauty of doing it in Scrivener is the corrections only need to be made once.
Finally, it’s off to my readers who will undoubtedly pick out errors that slipped through the cracks.
My plan is to post a cover reveal at some point during this process with pre-order links for kindle and kobo.
If you would be interested in hosting a cover reveal for It Happened in Gastown, leave a comment and I’ll get back to you with the details.
Dear Melanie,
I am so happy for you and the readers of your books! Hip Hip Hooray! It Happened in Gastown is close to its publication day!
Never Give Up
Thanks, Joan! Per chance are you interested in taking part in the cover reveal when the time comes?
Surely, how do I do that? What’s involved?
Congrats on being so close to publishing another book! Woo hoo! I’d be happy to help with your cover reveal, if you’d like. 🙂
Thanks so much, Shawn! I’ll be in touch with the details. 🙂