Not only was Saturday New Years Eve but it was also the day that Jake had to go back to the vet to have his ear looked at and if it was deemed time, have his stitches removed.
He’s looking pretty happy and content here. Actually, when the stitches did come out, the worst part for him was being held still. He wasn’t best pleased. Then the vet showed us how to clean his ear and massage it so that the skin and cartilage would re-adhere to each other. So armed with more ear drops for his chronic deep down inside the ear canal infection, more antibiotics, and the non-alcoholic antibacterial cleanser we brought him back home.
Today was the first time I cleaned and massaged his ear. When he saw me coming with a couple of gauze pads and the bottle of cleanser, he took off like a shot. Once I started, he didn’t find it too bad. Not that he found it all that good either but you get my meaning.
Now that the indignities are over and done with, he’s a-snooze on his bed. I don’t think he’s even moved all that much since I did it.
Oh my poor Jake, he is such a sweet boy and I hope those ears heal for once and for all!
I can’t wait to see him later this month.
Aye, haggis, tatties and neeps… Robbie Burns night with good food, good company and whisky!