I’m so excited right now. I’ve got my first 5* review! I admit that from the time my book was a real “physical” thing and out in the world, I didn’t know if people would like it or not. As a matter of fact, I was terrified people would hate it. And admittedly there will be people out there who won’t.
You can read my 5* review at goodreads and a slightly more condensed version over at amazon.com.
Will these reviews entice you buy A Shadow in the Past? I certainly hope so. If you’re feeling so inclined to purchase your own copy, you can buy it from the following links:
In Canada:
ChaptersIndigo: http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/A-Shadow-In-The-Past-Melanie-Robertson-king/9780983801887-item.html?ikwid=a+shadow+in+the+past&ikwsec=Home
and if you’re local to Brockville, you can buy it from Leeds County Books, 73 King Street West.
In the US:
4RV Publishing: http://4rvpublishingcatalog.yolasite.com/robertson-king.php
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-shadow-in-the-past-melanie-robertson-king/1112348992?ean=9780983801887
And in the UK:
HUGE congrats, well deserved!! whoot!
Thanks so much, Nicky! I appreciate all your support.