Saturday, October 16 was the grand finale to this year’s Thousand Islands Writers Festival. Before we got down to the readings and stories by the three authors on hand – Janet Kellough, John Moss and RJ Harlick – retired Judge Cosgrove gave us a brief history of the court house.
Janet Kellough’s book On The Head of a Pin is a historical crime novel set in eastern Ontario during the time of the 1837 rebellion. It was fascinating to hear about local places that way.
John Moss read passages from two of his Miranda Quin and David Morgan novels including Reluctant Dead.
The last writer of the afternoon was RJ Harlick. She read from her Meg Harris mystery book Arctic Blue Death set in the Quebec wilderness and the Canadian arctic.
All three authors gave a wonderful performance. The wonderful afternoon culminated with a wine and cheese party in the atrium section of the courthouse – once totally outside and now glassed in. Very nice, indeed.
I can’t wait for the 2011 Writers Festival!