I Write Like…
I would have never thought it but, according to the sample I copied and pasted from my work in progress, Shadows from her Past, I write like… are you ready for it?
I wonder, if I were to take a sample from my published debut novel, A Shadow in the Past, if the same result would occur? Hmm… maybe I’ll try that some time.
Who do you write like? Why not try this and see? You can find out by clicking on Analyze your writing in the box above or by clicking here.
I’d love to see whose prose your writing style emulates, so why not give it a go then leave a comment telling the results of your writing analysis.
Wow – I tried it with a section from my novel ‘Reaching for the Stars’ and I apparently write like Chuck Palahniuk – of ‘Fight Club’ fame. Punchy!!
Punchy for sure, Janice! I loved Reaching for the Stars. 🙂 It makes you wonder how much your voice changes depending on what you’re writing.