Category Archives: Articles

After the Self-Publishing Workshop

Now that I’ve had the opportunity to let the knowledge I absorbed from today’s workshop digest, I think I can finally relay what I learned from it. The presenter, Robert G Johnston is the self-published author of Vinland The Beginning and Vinland The Ragnarok – novels based on the Vikings arrival in Canada.

His presentation was excellent, well organized and thorough. Robert’s willingness to share his self-publishing journey which is just recently finding its place in the e-book world, is a demonstration of his commitment to helping fellow writers.

Self-Publishing Workshop Today

Today I’m off to a self-publishing workshop. It should be interesting, especially with the current move by many authors to try this route with their novels and other shorter pieces. The timing (for me anyway) for this subject is perfect.

I’ll post more about it after I’ve been and let everything sink in. It could be rather overwhelming at first.


Secrets of a Page-Turner Workshop

Yesterday’s Brian Henry workshop was fantastic! As with all the other workshops I’ve attended, this one sent me away energized and ready to write. The amount of information given never leave you feeling overloaded or overwhelmed. Brian has a way of entertaining while teaching.

I’m looking forward to his next workshop that I’m registered for on April 10th.

Woo Hoo!!!

Book Review… Night Watcher by Chris Longmuir

Night Watcher by Chris Longmuir

***** (five out of five)

Julie Chalmers leaves her home in Edinburgh, Scotland after a visit from the police telling her that her estranged husband was found dead in Dundee. Knowing that he left for another woman, she pulls up roots, reverts to her maiden name, Forbes, and moves to the city where he died planning on exacting her revenge on the “other woman”.
Little does Julie know that the Night Watcher has already arrived in Dundee and his Chosen One is the “other woman.”

Nicole’s reputation as a man-eater is well known within the store where she’s slept her way to the top and is currently having an affair with Ken, one of the senior managers.

Julie rents the flat above the one her husband had in the building where he died and puts her plans of revenge on Nicole into action.

Over the years, Nicole has amassed a number of enemies – Harry, the security guard at the store who she belittles at every opportunity, Ken – her lover who she dumps when it becomes clear he’s not about to leave his wife, Scott – her husband who has his own bit on the side who reminds him of Nicole when she was young, before she lost her innocence.
When Nicole thinks she’s being stalked and gifts mysteriously arrive for her – dead birds and animals – and just as mysteriously disappear, her husband doesn’t take her seriously. He tries to convince her that it’s her imagination. But does he have an ulterior motive?

After Scott has left for Paris on business, Nicole finds his passport and knows he can’t travel abroad without it.
When the police are called in, the head detective on the case doesn’t take Nicole’s accounts of her recent happenings seriously. Only when she ends up dead does he realize he’s made a grave error.

Things get even more complicated when he falls for Julie and they embark on a relationship only to discover that Julie – the estranged wife of the apparent suicide in the building she’s moved into – becomes the next Chosen One.

Even when you think you have it all figured out, Chris throws in one final twist to throw you off. Her descriptive narrative draws you in making the sights, sounds and smells come to life. The dialogue is natural and makes the characters seem like normal folk you would meet on the street or in your local.

For anyone who enjoys crime fiction, I highly recommend this as an addition to your must read list.

Cross your fingers

I wasn’t sure if I could do this or not, but I was able to select two categories for this blog – articles and novels.

Today I mailed off an article that I’ve been working on for quite some time but wasn’t ready to send it in. It was a biography of my Dad. Part of me wants his story to be told – part of me doesn’t. He was very modest and wouldn’t want a lot of fuss.

I also mailed off a query letter and my re-vamped synopsis for Sarah’s Gift to Red Dress Ink. Fingers crossed that they like it enough to want the entire manuscript.