Canadian author Michael J. McCann is one of the nominees for the 2015 North American Hammett Prize for literary excellence in crime writing by a Canadian or US author. McCann has been nominated for his latest novel, Sorrow Lake, which is set in eastern Ontario and is the first book in a new series featuring Ellie March and Kevin Walker of the Ontario Provincial Police. McCann is also the author of the Donaghue and Stainer Crime Novel series set in Maryland.
Last year’s winner of the Hammett Prize was Stephen King for Mr. Mercedes.
It’s a shame it rained on the Turkey Fair but that might have been a bonus for the authors gathered at the Writers’ Corner in the community room of the local library. We had a steady flow of people coming through most of the day, partly because of the rain, and partly to get their ‘passport’ initialed. By the end of the day, we were working with some pretty soggy paper.
Every author sold at least one physical copy of their book(s) and many of the customers passing through were thrilled to hear that some of us had e-book versions, too, with kobo being the e-reader of choice it seemed.
Other Eastern Ontario authors participating yesterday were:
Vicki Delany, who, in my opinion had the prime location for her table as she could see people as they entered the library. And can she work a room! Wow!
I first met Violette by attending one of her writing workshops and Vicki through attending the Scene of the Crime Mystery Festival on Wolfe Island. She, too, gives workshops and I’ve been to them when she’s come to the Thousand Islands Writers Festival.
with Violette Malanwith Violette Malanwith Violette Malan
I enjoyed myself immensely and I’ll be back next year (that is if they’ll have me). I’ve already marked the date in my calendar.
Since kobo seemed to be the e-reader of choice, does anyone know if there’s a way of tracking your sales through them similar to how novel rank works for amazon?
My Scottish roots and writing by Melanie Robertson-King