Welcome to my little corner of Canada, Rosemary. I’m glad you were able to make the virtual trip across the pond to celebrate St Andrews Day here at Celtic Connexions.
I take it you’re ready for a good old-fashioned ceilidh – Canadian style.
Come and sit by the fire take the chill off.*escorts my esteemed guest to one of the tartan wing-back chairs facing the crackling fire*

We’ll start with something ‘fizzy’ to celebrate your latest book contract. Can you tell us a bit about the novel and the series?
*Picks up bell off side table and summons manservant, Donald*
Thanks so much for inviting me to your St Andrew’s Day Party, Melanie – I’m honoured to be here! My most recent novel released this year is The Highland Lass, which fits right in as it’s set completely in Scotland. Mainly contemporary, Eilidh Campbell returns to the Inverclyde area on the west coast of Scotland seeking answers to her past – with the help of the handsome Scot she meets on the transatlantic flight!
Along the way, she traces the story of Highland Mary (an ancestress) and her relationship with Robert Burns. Mary tells her own story in short alternate chapters from 1785-6.
*Leans forward and switches on the music* I think this piece by the Corries is perfect to listen to after talking about Robbie Burns and his Highland Mary.
From the time one of your novels is accepted to publication, do you have to go through an extensive editing process?
Yes, both my publishers, Tirgearr in Ireland, who publish my Aphrodite and Adonis series, and Crooked Cat in the UK who published The Highland Lass, assign an editor to each author and we work with that editor until the book is as good as possible. Some books need lighter editing than others but all go through the process.
The meal will start with Cullen Skink for the soup course, followed by haggis, then roast venison with tatties and neeps.
We’ll have a dram with our haggis course. I have 18 year old Glenlivet and Cardhu, and 14 & 18 year old Oban. Which one would you like, if any?
I have to confess I don’t drink whisky, though when I was young, I remember my father telling my mother that if she was going to drink alcohol it should be whisky as that was the purest drink! And he did give me a hot toddy once when I was unwell – clears up a cold quickly.
Ah, yes, I’ll have a glass of red wine, please – I allow myself a small glass of that with a meal now and then!
I have to confess, I’ve never cooked venison before so I hope it’s edible.
I love Celtic music so I’m happy to listen to your choice and I’ll probably discover some new groups!
Loving this delicious meal, thanks, Melanie!
This is one of my favourite songs by the Old Blind Dogs.
I picked up a Dundee Cake to have for dessert and will start a pot of coffee using Chez Piggy (specially blended for a restaurant in nearby Kingston) blend.
Will there be a sequel to The Highland Lass?
I’m not planning a sequel to this one but I am trying to finish a different novel set in Scotland, with different characters and possibly completely contemporary – but with a little mystery again.
I can’t wait! I love novels set in Scotland.
Do you currently have any other writing projects on the go?
The third novella in my Aphrodite and Adonis series set on Cyprus has been accepted by Tirgearr for release in spring 2016 – this is contemporary romance with a touch of mythological fantasy (as Romy Gemmell)! I had also started the first novel in a Victorian crime series but I haven’t got completely into it yet, and I have another contemporary novel on the go. Too many different projects at once!
I can sympathize. I’ve got a couple of projects on the go, although one is being sorely neglected while I work on the other on as my NaNoWriMo project.
What book are you reading at the moment?
I usually have two books on the go – one on kindle and one in print. I’m reading the second crime novel by Alexandra Sokoloff at the moment. She used to write Hollywood scripts and now lives in Scotland and her Huntress Moon series is excellent. I’m also reading my way through several romance novels on kindle in between. I’m shortly about to start Paying Guests by Sarah Waters, one of my favourite writers.
I’ll be sure to check these authors out. I’m always on the hunt for someone new.
*Pushes the play button on the CD player* I’ve set it on random this time but I really wanted you to hear the other songs first. I hope you like Runrig. I love their rock beat with the gaelic language, although I can’t remember if Alba is performed this way. I know a number of their songs are.
Oh this is another favourite of mine by the Old Blind Dogs. I’m really hoping to see them sometime when I’m in Scotland.
I hope you’re enjoying my eclectic tastes in music from folk to rock and back again. Normally, Donald would be clad in a kilt but I’ve embarrassed him too many times, so today he kept his trousers on.
We’ll close up with your author links. I hope you’ve enjoyed spending St Andrews Day here in Canada at Celtic Connexions.
Website: www.rosemarygemmell.com
Blog: http://ros-readingandwriting.blogspot.com
Amazon Page: http://www.amazon.com/Rosemary-Gemmell/e/B00U19Z4H4
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Romy-Gemmell/1422387704702586
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/rosgemmell/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RosemaryGemmell
I’ve had a great time visiting with you and it’s made me celebrate St Andrew’s Day properly for a change.