Last night was the big night – the annual dinner of the Grenville Historical Society and I was on the “menu”. Tuesday night, I made a number of hand-outs that would accompany my presentation for the folks who would be there.
It started with a social hour at 6:00 then a delicious roast beef dinner at 6:30. The time capsule put away a number of years ago was opened (after much struggling since the lid had been riveted shut) and the contents revealed – including the executive of the society when the it was filled and sealed.
After a brief break and presentation of an award of merit to one of the members, it was time for me. I was given a glowing introduction by the President and then it was show time.
By the reaction I received when my talk was finished, I did a fantastic job. Folks applauded, commented and the like. There was even a reporter there from the weekly newspaper who took notes and photos during my presentation after which she and I sat and she interviewed me. If all goes well, I’ll be gracing the pages of the newspaper next week.
I have my presentation on DVD so will screen it (and the one from my genealogical society presentation in Brockville) and get it or both on my website or here on my blog… soon.