Do you struggle with finding the “right” title for your writing – whether it’s a short story, novel, poetry or even a blog post?
Do you have to have your title before you begin to write?
How many times do you change your title before you’re finally happy with it?
The title for my debut novel, A Shadow in the Past, came from a sentence in the book.
The cover was designed around that. It works, don’t you think?
I thought I would use the same concept to come up with a title for the second book in the series and in keeping with the time-travel element, came up with Shadows From Her Past.
Don’t get all excited. Book two isn’t out yet. Book two isn’t anywhere near being ready. Book two doesn’t have a synopsis or back cover blurb yet (and that’s a whole other story – and yes, it will also require a title).
So finding a title can be an arduous task but I’ve looked around online and found these three sites that might be of help to you. There are more, but these were in the top of the google search results.
I’d love to hear how you deal with this conundrum. Drop me a line in the comments sharing how you find the “right” title for your work.
All my books, with the exception of one, have been named after song titles. I do like to find the title before I start writing as I think that gives my work an identity, a future promise that it will eventually become a flesh and blood book. However, I think all writers have a different take on this and it’s very much what works well for you as an individual. Good luck with finding your title Melanie and many thanks for the helpful websites.
Thanks for dropping by, Jo, and sharing your title ‘formula’.
For the longest time, A Shadow in the Past had the title “Sarah’s Gift”. It wasn’t until much later that the title changed.