Ten Days to Go in #NaNoWriMo 2015
With only ten days remaining in the month, are you still on track? Achieving your writing goals?
If you’re striving for 50,000 words you should be sitting around 33,340 now.
Not quite that ambitious but wanted to write every day? So far I’ve managed to do that although with travel earlier this month it made a few days difficult. Still, I’ve managed to get a few words into my WIP each and every day.
Sometimes the words flow? Sometimes not so much? I’ve had a few of those days this month. Usually a quick read over the last day’s work and I’m off and running once again.
I can see a huge re-write coming for my WIP. Scenes that need to be rearranged. That’s the joy of pantsing. The logic doesn’t always work, but then this is something that can always be fixed after the end of the month.
Is your #NaNoWriMo project still flowing smoothly? Have you run into difficulty?