I’m contemplating entering the Indiana Golden Opportunity contest for the first 35 pages (including synopsis) of Sarah’s Gift. I’ve entered the early parts of her in other contests but have never had my synopsis judged. Yes, that’s right, I said judged. Up to 50 points for it. I don’t write a good synopsis – it’s good as far as plot points go but not so good on the emotional reactions. Anyway, here is the link to the contest page… http://www.indianarwa.com/contest/
Hi, Melanie! So sorry I didn’t see this sooner! I suggest you enter if for no other reason than to get good feedback on the synopsis from trained judges. I know how much I hate to write them! But I also know they’re entirely necessary if you plan to submit for publication! Please email me any questions! sj@sandy-james.com
All best,
Sandy James, President IRWA