Celtic Connexions welcomes Scottish author, Janice Horton, as she celebrates her First Blogiversary
Take it away Janice!
Today and over this whole weekend, I’m celebrating my First Blogiversary over at www.janicehortonwriter.blogspot.com and I’ve so much to celebrate!
Who would have thought that in the course of just one year, I could have made so many new friends and been given so many exciting opportunities. Who knew that social networking isn’t just about making virtual connections but making real friends? It was how Melanie and I first ‘met’- on my launch day blog event – so we are celebrating our year of friendship and success together too!
This time last year I was just about to launch my first ebook ‘Bagpipes & Bullshot’ and was apprehensive about starting a Blog and joining Twitter. I had no idea what was in store for me and to be fair I had very few expectations. I certainly didn’t expect my whole world to be turned upside down!
A year ago, I didn’t have a clue that both the ebooks I would launch from my new blog would go on to be Amazon Bestsellers. I didn’t expect that from a single timeous tweet on Twitter I would be invited to write an article for ‘Friday Magazine’ the most popular English magazine in the United Arab Emirates. I certainly didn’t imagine that through my tentative first posts and tweets I had caught the eye of Linn B. Halton, the founder of Loveahappyending.com and that I was about to be invited to join her in an elite and innovative website project – not as not just an author – but an associate editor.
Who would have thought it all possible?
So do help me to celebrate my blogging year by popping over to my blog and joining in the fun. There are yummy treats on offer as well as my latest ebook, which is on Amazon today and over the weekend completely free of charge. Yes, my five star rated novel about a media stalked and disillusioned celebrity chef entitled ‘Reaching for the Stars’ is FREE. It’s my blogiversary gift to you! So please download ‘Reaching for the Stars’ – and if you already have it on your Kindle – why not recommend it to a friend? Leave a comment on my blog today or retweet one of my tweets @JaniceHorton to be in the draw for the yummy gifts!
Janice’s Blogiversary Blog: www.janicehortonwriter.blogspot.com
The Link to Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.com for your FREE copy of ‘Reaching for the Stars’
Find Janice Horton’s books on Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com
Janice’s Facebook Page:
Follow on Twitter: @JaniceHorton
And on: Loveahappyending.com
Wow – a year already! Times flies in some respects, but in others well – it seems like we’ve all known each other for a lifetime. So thrilled to know you Janice and Melanie – we’ve had a great time and can’t wait for an exciting 2012 for us all! You’ve had an amazing year Janice and you must feel so proud of what you have achieved. Well done you!
Wow! I thought Janice had been doing this forever: it’s such a great blog full of great ideas, and so well established. Many, many congrats and well done on everything. Whoop whooop! Have a great party… 🙂
Many congratulations again, Janice – you rock!
Happy to be one of your hosts on your First Blogiversary tour, Janice!
Hope the tour boosts interest in Reaching for the Stars (which I loved) and that your sales continue to climb even after the “free” weekend.
Cheers to your success!
Thanks for the blogiversary gift! I downloaded it today.
Congratulations on your successful year, and many more in the future!
Congratulations to Melanie on hosting our lovely Janice and I hope the new book hits the heights as well.
Congratulations, Janice! And a huge thank you for all your unstinting support! 🙂 x