Kindle version of Surfing in Stilettos by Carol E. Wyer launches today!

You already knew I wasn’t here today. I’m off visiting with Patricia Sands and Ashley Stoyanoff, but my social calendar has filled up a wee bit more. I’ve been invited to Carol E. Wyer’s Surfing in Stilettos Blog Party and how could I refuse such an invitation?

So I’ve narrowed it down to two pairs of party shoes and am whizzing back across the pond to join Carol at her Blog Party at Come and join me for some fantastic prizes, surprises, and desirable shoes.

Now which ones should I wear?


the studded sandals

Or perhaps these?

7 thoughts on “Kindle version of Surfing in Stilettos by Carol E. Wyer launches today!”

  1. It has to be those scarlet shoes. Def my favourites and they are your lucky shoes too I think. Teeter on over to the party but take care as falling from that height might hurt ha! ha!

  2. Definitely the red ones Melanie. I am totally jealous as my knee is still dodgy after my slip up on the ferry to France at Easter and I can only just walk in complete flatties!

  3. Ooooh what fabulous heels! Are they my size? Can I try them on?

    Love the new look blog, Melanie.

    Congratulations to Carol – that’s some party!

    Janice xx

  4. Thanks Nicky! It’s unanimous. We’re all in with the red shoes aka my ruby slippers. Truth be told, I’d prefer a pair of hub’s wool worksocks. They’re so practical – keep the tootsies toasty and the legs. However, there are occasions when those just aren’t appropriate. Oh well. I take advantage whenever I can.

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