A unicorn is a legendary animal with a large, spiraling horn protruding from its forehead. In folklore, it is always white but can look like a horse or a goat. This wild, woodland creature was a symbol of purity and grace and could only be captured by a virgin.
A mercat cross is the market cross which be found in many Scottish towns, cities and villages. The cross is a symbol of the right to hold a regular market or fair which was granted by the monarch, a bishop or a baron. It indicated a burgh’s relative prosperity and marked the settlement’s focal point. In many cases, these crosses are topped with the Royal Unicorn.
There are more crosses with the Royal Unicorn, but these are a few.
Aberdeen Mercat Cross:

Edinburgh Mercat Cross:

Glasgow Mercat Cross:
One day, I swear, I will get back to England so I can FINALLY visit Scotland! Can’t believe we lived there 4 years and my parents never took me….GRRRRrrr
I’m surprised the Scottish flag doesn’t have the Unicorn on it. I mean, Wales has a dragon! 😛
Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
My A to Z
Caring for My Veteran
Maybe if Scotland wins independence, they’ll put the unicorn on their flag? Hope you get there. It’s a beautiful country.