Brady is a sensitive young boy who takes his blankie wherever he goes. After traveling with his parents to visit his new cousin, Brady accidently leaves his blanket behind. Can Brady learn to get by without his blankie?
Welcome to Celtic Connexions, Stephanie. I’m always happy to host a fellow 4RV author here. I’m sure everyone wants to know the story behind the book and more…
What inspired you to write the story?
One of my husband’s relatives mentioned their grandchild had a blankie and was having a hard time without it. I drew on my own childhood memories of having a blankie. I think letting go of the blankie is the first step in growing up.
How long did it take?
It took about a week to write the story. I have to thank 4RV Publishing for publishing Brady’s Lost Blanket. It took about 2 weeks back and forth with the editing.
Did you pick the illustrator?
No, I did not. 4RV Publishing selected the illustrator. I think Bridget McKenna did a great job with the illustrations. They have a very whimsical feel and compliment the story well.
What makes this book special?
Brady’s Lost Blanket has a message for all young children who become attached to “something” (be it a blanket or something else) because they want to feel secure. It’s okay to let go of our “security” nets and move forward. It maybe a little scary at first, but once you go without it, you learn you can live without it.
How long have you been writing children’s books?
About 5 years now. My first children’s book, “The Giving Meadow” was published with 4RV Publishing in 2010. It has a great message about sharing and caring for young children as well as telling about Caterpillar’s transformation into a butterfly. It’s perfect for Easter as it helps young children understand Jesus’ story.
My review:
Brady’s Lost Blanket is a delightful children’s story about growing up and moving on from the security of a ‘blankie’ to not needing it anymore.
It’s a well-written book and thoughtfully told story.
Inspiration comes in small packages
By: Stephanie Burkhart
One of my husband’s relatives told me a story about her grandchild who was attached to his blankie. He left it behind when he was visiting relatives and was having a hard time without it. That brought back memories of the time when I was a young girl and had a blankie. My blankie was soft blue with silk blue trim. I loved to rub it against my face. It was very soothing. My blankie was my security net. It was always there for me. I could count on it to relax my ruffled feelings or frustration – until it mysteriously disappeared. One day, when I was five, my blankie turned up missing. I had no idea what happened to it. I felt “out of sorts,” “uncomfortable,” and “anxious.” (My mother hid it on me. She decided it was time for me to learn how to get along without it.)
Those first couple of days without blankie was rough, but I soon learned other age appropriate coping stragedies. I played with Barbie and her Beach van. I picked up a book. I began coloring. I loved playing with Matchbox cars. Soon my imagination grew and I didn’t need blankie anymore.
Giving up blankie was my first step to growing up.
Brady’s Lost Blanket is about taking that first step. It’s a great message for children. Growing up isn’t easy. There are all kinds of challenges, but learning how to get along without a blankie is usually the first one a child faces. In the story, Brady has a lot of support from his parents who offer him other ways to deal with the anxiety of losing his blanket. I hope that when other children read the story they realize that while it may be upsetting at first, letting go of blankie and embracing new things can be fun and they’ll be all right.
Stephanie Burkhart was born and raised in Manchester, New Hampshire, but now calls California her home. She currently works for LAPD as a 911 Dispatcher. Stephanie has been writing since she was five, when she crafted homemade comic books on the kitchen table. Her previous books with 4RV Publishing include: The Giving Meadow, and First Flag of New Hampshire. Stephanie enjoys coffee, adores chocolate and is currently the Den Leader for her son’s Cub Scout Den.
BRADY’S LOST BLANKET is available in print from 4RV Publishing.
Did you have a blankie growing up? Did you know someone who had a blankie?
I never had a blankie, buy I’m sure I had some security net, just too long ago to remember. This book would be helpful for a child who needs to let go of a blankie or other must-have item.
Hi ladies,
This was a good interview and review. Stephanie did a great job in creating a book that shows kids that there is life after blankie!
Melanie, thank you so much for having me here today. I’ll be working today so I’ll be popping in and out to check comments and hang out. Vivian is spot on about blankie and I agree, Deb, there is life after blankies. We just have to be brave enough to explore. 🙂 Melanie, I’d like to offer a PDF Review copy of the book to one your commenters. I’ll be back on Saturday to announce the winner.
I’d like to ask: What was your favorite childhood toy?
Steph Burkhart
Romance Under the Moonlight
Thanks for your generous offer of a .pdf review copy to someone who leaves a comment, Stephanie.
I can’t remember a baby/toddler blankie but the earliest favourite toys I had was a set of those little plastic cowboys and Indians. (Sorry – that’s not pc these days) Exactly the kind that you find today in the Dollar Store. We didn’t have much and I played with these hour after hour, day after day, in the sand or in the snow.
Glad to see you shared the news about “Brady’s Lost Blanket,” Melanie. Stephanie had a wonderful idea with this one. My baby daughter clung to hers way past five. Just saying …. It eased my burden. Ha!