It’s been a busy day for me here today at Celtic Connexions. First of all, I’m taking part in Janice Horton’s Spellbindingly Fun Blog Party, celebrating the launch of her new novella How Do You Voodoo? And secondly, because it had been arranged some time ago that I would do a spot for our cable company’s program Reader’s Corner.
The show’s host, Doreen Barnes, and I chatted about my novel, A Shadow in the Past. What made me decide I would write a book? Why I set it where I did? We talked about my characters, Sarah & Robert, the research involved, and what my favourite scene is.
I could give you all the answers now in my blog post, but then you wouldn’t want to watch the program when it comes on next month.
At the end of our interview, I was asked to read a very short (about 30 seconds) passage from my book. So I picked one that I hope will entice you into purchasing your very own copy.
For those of you who are local to Brockville and have cable you’ll be able to watch it on local channel 10. I’ll post the date and air time when I get it, but with so many of my followers being scattered to the four corners of the world, the episode should be shown on their website. TV Cogeco Readers Corner. Once the show goes online, I’ll post the complete link.
Not quite the ear-to-ear grin that I had in Kansas but still looking pretty pleased with myself.

You can buy A Shadow in the Past from the following:
In Canada:
and if you’re local to Brockville, you can buy it from Leeds County Books, 73 King Street West or directly from me
In the US:
4RV Publishing:
Barnes & Noble:
And in the UK: