After the Self-Publishing Workshop

Now that I’ve had the opportunity to let the knowledge I absorbed from today’s workshop digest, I think I can finally relay what I learned from it. The presenter, Robert G Johnston is the self-published author of Vinland The Beginning and Vinland The Ragnarok – novels based on the Vikings arrival in Canada.

His presentation was excellent, well organized and thorough. Robert’s willingness to share his self-publishing journey which is just recently finding its place in the e-book world, is a demonstration of his commitment to helping fellow writers.

Self-Publishing Workshop Today

Today I’m off to a self-publishing workshop. It should be interesting, especially with the current move by many authors to try this route with their novels and other shorter pieces. The timing (for me anyway) for this subject is perfect.

I’ll post more about it after I’ve been and let everything sink in. It could be rather overwhelming at first.