Sunshine Blogger Award
I’m thrilled to be selected for a Sunshine Blogger award by fellow author, Jo Lambert.
This Award allows bloggers to celebrate other bloggers who are creative and bring positivity to the blogging community.
Part One of the challenge is to answer the questions Jo has sent me.
Part Two is to nominate a further 11 bloggers and send them my own set of 11 questions. My questions for them are at the end of this post.
Jo’s questions for me
What makes me happy?
I love curling up with a blanket and a book on a cold day. Add a mug of hot chocolate, and it’s absolute heaven.
What is my favourite holiday destination, and why?
Scotland hands down, but with my many trips to Vieux Québec, it’s running a close second.
If I could ask one question of a historical figure, who would I choose, and what would that question be?
Bram Stoker. Finally, put it to rest was it Cruden Bay or Whitby that inspired him to write Dracula. Both places claim it was them. I prefer to think it’s Cruden Bay and the ruins of Slains Castle on the north-east coast of Scotland.
Sweet or savoury – what’s my favourite dish?
Savoury, definitely. I don’t eat a lot of sweets. Anything Indian as long as it’s not too spicy, or a Sunday roast with all the trimmings works for me.
If I could live anywhere in the world, where would that be and why?
Somewhere in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, close to where my father was born. I was twelve when he died and, at that age, not interested in my roots. When I got old enough to embrace my heritage, I regretted not doing it sooner.
What is my favourite colour?
Blue, although if you looked at the history of the colour of cars I’ve owned over the years, you would think red. Blue in all of its shades is my favourite of all. It reminds me of clear skies, the rivers and oceans and being outdoors.
What is my all-time favourite movie, and why?
The Guns of Navarone. Yup, a war movie. I think it’s because my Dad served in WWII, and I love to read books set in that era.
How would I prefer to spend your weekend? Trekking in the Brecon Beacons or a relaxing spa break?
Trekking. If I’m wandering about in the Brecon Beacons, I’m not far from Scotland, where I can do more hillwalking.
If I could go back in time, would I have chosen a different career, and if so, what would that be?
I think it would still be something in the financial field, although after having done payroll for over thirty years, I’m not sure what area. Maybe something completely different so I wouldn’t have “auditors” periodically. 😉
Are you happy with the name your parents gave you? If not, what would you have chosen?
I got my name from my mother’s favourite character in the movie Gone with the Wind. Back when I was born, there weren’t many girls around with that name. I think that’s cool. My father wanted to name me Heather, but I’ve never seen myself as a Heather. So at the end of the day, I’m Melanie Heather Ann Robertson (happily married to a King) and love it.
Who is my favourite actor/actress, and why?
I love Maureen O’Hara. I should say loved since she passed away in 2015. The characters she played were larger than life, spunky, yet could be tender and loving. My two favourite movies she starred in are The Quiet Man and McLintock!
There are my eleven questions answered, now to move on to the next part.
The eleven bloggers I nominate are:
- Joan Y Edwards
- Chris Longmuir
- Beverly Stowe McClure
- Maggie Wheeler
- Rosemary Gemmell
- Ali Bacon
- Sandra J Jackson
- Jennifer C Wilson
- Suzy Turner
- Dr. Bob Rich
- Lizzie Lamb
My eleven questions:
- If you won the lottery, how would you spend your winnings?
- Are you a night owl or a morning person?
- PC or Mac. Which camp are you in?
- Which is your favourite blogging platform? WordPress, Blogspot, etc.
- What is your favourite summer past-time and why?
- Do you prefer print or ebook and why?
- What is your favourite food and why?
- Are you a fitness freak, couch potato or somewhere in between?
- Share a single photograph that depicts who you are (adventurous, laid back, etc.)
- You have the chance to take a once in a lifetime train trip. Which one would you choose and why?
- When you’re watching TV, do you prefer sitcoms or dramas and why?
Thanks very much, Melanie! Love your answers and I can see how much you love Scotland.
You’re welcome, Rosemary! My love of Scotland did shine through in my answers. I look forward to your answers when you get them posted.
Dear Melanie,
I enjoyed reading your answers. I would say I like sweets. I do like Maureen O’Hara.
Thank you for nominating me as a Sunshine Blogger. I am honored. You asked great questions.
Never Give Up
This is so wonderful, congratulations!
Thanks! So glad you dropped by.