Remember those fantastic stories we grew up with? Listening to our parents read them to us and then when we were old enough to read, reading them ourselves?
Snow White
Hansel and Gretel
Snow White and Rose Red
There were many others but these were among my favourites as a child. What were yours?
I must admit to being scared of the Grimm Fairy Tales. I read Hansel and Gretel at a young age and was traumatized by it. I stuck to Enid Blyton after that. These days of course, I can appreciate them for the masterpieces of story telling that they are!
Janice xx
Hansel and Gretel was a freaky story, I’ll admit. I loved Rapunzel… and I used to have long blonde tresses (not as long as hers, tho’)
Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your golden hair…
Oh I love the all. I have memories of my Oma (my Mum’s mum) telling them to me without the help of a book. I’ve since inherited her copy (yes, her copy ~ it’s ancient, with a typescript so old fashioned it’s hard to read and totally beautiful) and I’m keeping it safe for my kids. I love all the Grimm stories, but one of my favourites is the Froschkoenig (The Frog who turned into a King). 🙂
Having your grandmother’s copy of Grimm’s Fairy Tales is truly a treasured keepsake. I remember the story you’re talking about but I always thought it was a Prince not a King. No matter it was a beautiful story.