My online party celebrating A SHADOW IN THE PAST was a huge success. There was virtual food, fun and music.
Things were hopping on a couple of other locations, too. In conjunction with my party here, I celebrated on Facebook, Loveahappyending Lifestyle magazine, Brook Cottage Books, and found the time to do a Quickie Paranormal Interview on fellow 4RV Publishing author, Susan Meyers’ blog, I Spy Something Wicked.
Book swag packs
Originally, my plan was to only giveaway two but things changed because of the huge response to the party’s theme “if you could travel back in time, which era would you most like to visit?”
When I got to 100 party peeps over on Facebook, I put their names in a hat and had hubby draw a winner from there. That lucky person was
Random winners of book swag packs (chosen by my husband – Mr MR-K) from those who left comments here on the party day post are:
And the one lucky winner of the 2014 A Shadow in the Past wall calendar (drawn at random by my grandson) was
I would have left the giveaway open longer but as I’m off on holiday at the end of this week, it would be the end of the month or even into September before the winners were announced and prizes mailed out.
And I’ll close out this post with this little video (apologies for the advert at the beginning).
wohoooooooooooooooooooo!!! Fab! I’m thrilled to have taken part Melanie. A great day! x
Thanks for your support yesterday and hosting me over on your Brook Cottage Books blog. It meant a lot!
Great promotional idea. Lots of fun.
It was fun, wasn’t it, Vivian. Now to see if it pays off. If nothing else, my name is out there.
So pleased you had a wonderful launch, Melanie! It was fun and I am so pleased to be a winner! Wishing you lots of continuing success.
Thanks Gina! 🙂 I’ll be getting the swag packages out in the post this week.