It’s launch day for A Shadow in the Past at the Kansas Book Festival!

The hard work of setting up this morning is done and now it’s launch time! The months of sweating through the final revisions, copy edits and proof approval have paid off and I’m holding my baby in my hands. It’s as beautiful as Vivian told me when she first got a copy back from the printer.

So, if you’re in Topeka, drop by the Kansas Museum of History at 6425 SW 6th Avenue. I’d love to see you, not to mention sell and sign you a copy of my book.

My novel’s cover created by Aidana WillowRaven

Suggested Tweet:

Launch day for @RobertsoKing’s debut novel A Shadow in the Past published by @4RV! #shadowpast #KSbookfest #4RV #lahe

My Kansas Adventure -Day 2 Begins

We have to be up, eaten, and into our glad rags and over to the venue before 7:00 this morning. I set our alarm last night before falling asleep sometime between 9:30 and 10:00, but when I woke this morning about 4:30, I decided to stay up.

Today is going to be more exciting than yesterday even. Okay, it will start out with a lot of hard work setting up out booth but then it will be time to sell books. I brought postcards, bookmarks and business cards with me for promotion and hopefully that will generate interest in me and my stuff.

My red shoes will go i my tote bag, but will only come out for a photo op or two when I’m on solid ground. We’re outdoors under tents so the only thing they would be good for in that instance would be aerating the soil.

Well must start getting ready because it’s just after 5:00 and we have to get our skates on. More from Kansas later.


My Kansas Adventure -Day 1

Getting up at 2:30 this morning wasn’t my most favourite thing in the world but i dragged myself out of my cozy bed, reset the alarm for the proper time for Monday morning (even though I won’t be home yet).

So after getting coffee into me and my last minute things packed, we set off for Ottawa and the first leg of the trip. It’s been so long since I flew to the US from Ottawa, that I didn’t realize you Cleared US customs in Canada. No big deal but with the lineup ahead of me, I did wonder if I would get to my “cigar with wings”. Don’t get me wrong, I love to fly but anything I’ve flown on before is a bit wider than one seat on one side of the aisle and two on the other.

The fields below were a patchwork of colours greens, yellows and browns. The trees, still mostly dressed in their summer greens, appeared almost black. Various stands of trees looked almost alien with their formations looking like tendrils reaching out to consume everything around them.

Once I landed in Kansas City, it didn’t seem like anytime had passed at all before Carla’s flight arrived. Mind you, I did walk from the terminal that my flight landed at over to where hers came in.

Car rental sorted and we were off. Paid a wee bit extra for a GPS but since neither one of us has been here before, it seemed the sensible thing to do.

We found the hotel with no problems, met up with Vivian and Jacque, then went out for a bite of lunch, after which Carla and I went on an advance scouting mission to check out tomorrow’s venue. Pictures to follow.

But most important of all, I got to hold a copy of my book in my hands for the first time! What a feeling! The copies that I ordered are in Vivian’s van and will wait until we unload at the festival when we’ll transfer them to the trunk of the rental car. But rest assured, I will be posting a photograph of them in all their glory soon.



The Next Big Thing!

Last week fellow author, Mandy Baggot, tagged me in her post The Next Big Thing and this week it’s my turn! So, I answer ten questions about my Work in Progress/Current release and tag five other writers to tell you about their latest work next Wednesday! Woo hoo! Sounds like fun, eh?

What is the (working) title of your book?

My novel’s cover created by Aidana WillowRaven

Since mine is my current release, it’s no longer a working title. Now known as A Shadow in the Past, its working title for a very long time was Sarah’s Gift.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

I’ve been a keen reader of the Scottish newspapers since my first trip to my father’s homeland in 1993. I saw an article in the Press & Journal that caught my attention. But even before that, I was given a photograph of my grandfather and his first wife presumably on their wedding day and bingo, everything came together and I wrote a short story which I later expanded to a novel.

What genre does your book fall under?

YA Crossover, although historical romance would also work since the majority of my book is set in 1886.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Without a doubt, they would have to be Scottish so I would have to  Shirley Henderson who played Isobel Sutherland in Hamish MacBeth as Sarah and John Hannah of Rebus and earlier MacCallum fame as Robert.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

When a contemporary teen is transported back through time to the Victorian era, she becomes A Shadow in the Past.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

Neither. I’m under contract with 4RV Publishing for this novel after pitching to them at the MuseItUp Online conference last October. My novel launches on Saturday, September 15 at the Kansas Book Festival.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

That’s hard to say. I’m thinking 6 months to a year but it was 4-5 years ago now. Before that it started out as a short story. I was working full-time in addition to writing so had to steal moments to write.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

This is going to sound lame but I’m not sure how many other YA Crossover novels that involve time travel with romantic elements are out there. Except my heroine is only nineteen, I would have to say the closest would be the Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon.

I recently met Canadian author, Y.S. Lee, who writes The Agency series YA novels set in Victorian London so perhaps my book could be compared to her novels?

I really don’t like making comparisons like this because I’m an emerging writer and some people might think it presumptuous of me to think that I’m on the same plateau as these other authors.

Who or What inspired you to write this book?

I had recently started reading the Outlander Series and with it being set in Scotland I was immediately hooked. Then the romance and the time-travel aspect took over and I thought I could write a time-travel romance.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Egads! I don’t want to put spoilers in here, otherwise people won’t buy it. So can I leave it at it’s the first in a series? There are lots of plot twists throughout the story.

I’ve tagged the following authors:

Barbara Phinney

Janice Horton

Audrey Hawkins (writing as Joanna Lambert)

Darlene Jones

Gina Dickerson

Sophie’s Turn by Nicky Wells makes its Sapphire Star Publishing Debut!

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After a brief vacation, Sophie’s Turn, by fellow author Nicky Wells, returns all freshly pressed, edited and ready for show.

About Sophie’s Turn

Slapper.  Slut.  Adulteress.  These are hardly words that Sophie Penhalligan would normally use to describe herself.  Yet this is exactly how she is behaving, all things considered, even if she isn’t quite married to Tim yet.  And it’s all happening because her past is coming to tempt her!  Nine years ago, she met her teenage idol and rock star extraordinaire, Dan, up close and personal.  Well, almost.  Now Dan has crash-landed back in her life.  How could Tim ever stand a chance against the charming, handsome singer?  How could she?

Sophie, now twenty-eight and a budding newspaper journalist, is happily embroiled in a relationship with Tim, her boyfriend of two years.  Until recently, she was confident that Tim would eventually propose—probably as soon as he could get his act together.  But just as Tim’s persistent inaction is beginning to cast a cloud over their relationship, Dan’s sudden reappearance turns Sophie’s world upside down.  Thus unfolds a roller-coaster of events including an ill-fated trip to Paris with Tim, a night of unfulfilled romance with Dan, Sophie and Tim’s engagement party gate-crashed by Dan, and Sophie’s professional secondment to accompany Dan’s band on their revival tour—at Dan’s special request and very much against her will.

And then, one fine day in Paris, Sophie suddenly finds herself engaged to Dan while her erstwhile fiancé Tim is…  well, doing whatever it is Tim does back in London.   What is she to do now?  Who wouldn’t give anything to meet their favorite star, let alone marry him?

Find out how Sophie gets into this impossible situation, and how she turns it around, in Sophie’s Turn, the honest, funny and sometimes bittersweet story of one woman’s entanglement with a rock star.

Excerpt from Sophie’s Turn by Nicky Wells

“What the hell is going on here?” I hissed, trying to prevent others from hearing our exchange.
“Oh, Sophie, Dan’s turned up. Isn’t it amazing?” she beamed at me.
“I can see that,” I kept hissing, “But what is he doing here?”
Rachel was quite drunk herself and looked at me with those bleary eyes that usually meant she was up to no good. “Sophie,” she declared solemnly and rather loudly, “you have broken the man’s heart. He has come to reclaim you.” She wobbled unsteadily and I gripped her arm. Usually one to hold her liquor, party-girl Rachel had clearly gone too far tonight.
“Shh!” I admonished. “Will you keep your voice down? What are you talking about?”
“Dan is completely besotted with you, and he said he couldn’t bear the thought of you getting engaged to Tim so he had to…hic…come and check him out…hic!” Oh God, she had the hiccups. She would have to spend the night in the guest room. Once Rachel got the hiccups, she was beyond salvation. I gave her twenty minutes before she collapsed. I had to extract critical information fast.
“Why did you introduce him to Tim?” I continued my interrogation. “Couldn’t you have sent him away?”
“Oh no, Sophie. I couldn’t turn this lovely, heartbroken man away.” She looked at me with big, innocent, and totally unfocused eyes. “In fact, we were just looking for you. You seemed to have… hic… hic… hic…disapp-hic-eared.”
“What did you say to Tim about who Dan was?” I needed to know.
“That he was Dan, of course. Your boy-hic-friend from Tusk!” She dropped this bombshell completely nonchalantly.
“You what?” I squeaked. “Please tell me you’re joking.”
“No, I’m s-hic-erious! Ti-hic-im thought it was very funny. Hic.”
I wrung my hands and barely prevented myself from tearing at my hair. If Tim had thought it was funny, he must have thought Rachel was being facetious or winding him up. He had seen her drunk before — the experience hadn’t done anything to endear her to him in any way —so it was likely that he hadn’t paid the slightest bit of heed to the truth she was spouting. But I had to move, and fast.
“You,” I said to Rachel, grabbing her by the shoulders and steering her toward the stairs. “You have had enough to drink. You are going to bed.”
“I hic-am?” Rachel asked, surprised.
“Indeed,” I confirmed grimly and marched her up the stairs. “Right, here you are. Guest room. Bed. Now.” I propelled her forward and she flopped on the bed like a rag doll.
“Very ti-hic-hic-red,” she mumbled before passing out.
I, on the other hand, had sobered up dramatically and had only one thought left: damage limitation. I blundered back downstairs, racing quite unladylike in my high heels, and skidded to a halt in the lounge. There they were, companionably sitting in front of the stereo, playing DJ.
I clattered across the floor, grabbing a bottle of champers and three glasses off a table as I went. Tim looked up, and then sprang to his feet.
“And here she is,” he announced to Dan with no small measure of proprietary pride. “Doesn’t she look gorgeous?”
Dan rose to his feet, somewhat unsteadily, and looked me up and down. A sad smile played on his face for just the briefest of moments.
“She looks stunning, indeed. Congratulations to you both.” He walked over to me and planted a chaste kiss on my cheek. “Well done,” he said softly, and Tim beamed gratefully, completely unaware that the comment was aimed solely at me. In fact, he seemed completely besotted by Dan’s manly, famous presence.
“Dan here and I were just discussing rock music,” he informed me as though Dan were his new best friend.
I shuddered for a moment. God forbid.
“Dan has some very interesting views about the movement, you know?”
I winced and smiled a secret apologetic smile at Dan, but he was too drunk to notice anything patronizing in Tim’s comment. I had to separate the two before things got out of hand. Luckily, one of our other guests absolved me of thinking up more ruses by descending on Tim and whisking him away to the kitchen.
Dan and I regarded each other in silence.
“You do look beautiful,” Dan repeated, suddenly sounding a whole lot more sober.
I wanted to cry. “What are you doing here?” I whispered, not trusting my voice.
“I don’t really know,” he acknowledged. “I just felt…lonely. At a loose end. I had to see you and convince myself that…well, that it really is too late. You know?”
I was simultaneously touched and petrified. “I thought we’d agreed…,” I started, but Dan interrupted immediately.

About Nicky Wells: Romance that Rocks Your World!

Rock On! Nicky Wells writes fun and glamorous contemporary romance featuring a rock star and the girl next door.  She recently signed her work with U.S. publisher, Sapphire Star Publishing.  Nicky loves rock music, dancing, and eating lobsters.  When she’s not writing, Nicky is a wife, mother, and occasional teaching assistant.

Originally born in Germany, Nicky moved to the United Kingdom in 1993, and currently lives in Lincoln with her husband and their two boys.  In a previous professional life, Nicky worked as a researcher and project manager for an international Human Resources research firm based in London and Washington, D.C.

Visit Nicky on her blog where you can find articles, interviews, radio interviews and, of course, an ongoing update on her work in progress, the second and third parts of the Rock Star Romance Trilogy.  You can also follow Nicky on Twitter and find her on Facebook.  Nicky is a featured author on the innovative reader/author project, and has joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association. Nicky also has author pages at Sapphire Star Publishing and, of course, Goodreads.

You can buy Sophie’s Turn from the following:

A Shadow in the Past is on Front Row Lit!

Yes, that’s right. Not totally unexpected but sooner. Still, with the exposure Adam’s Front Row Lit and Front Row Monthly get, I’m certain the advance publicity will work to my advantage. As proof of that, I’ve already had a message on my Facebook Author Page wanting to know where a person can get a signed copy of my book.

Here is the link to Front Row Lit where you can find out about my novel and a bit about me, too.

Making a list and checking it twice…

I sound like the jolly old man in the red suit but I’m not talking about Christmas. I’m talking about preparations for my trip to Kansas for the debut of my novel, A Shadow in the Past, on September 15 – things to take, things to do before I leave. Most importantly passport and plane tickets, clothing (for the event and the rest of the weekend and sleepware), medications, glasses and cleaner for same, promotional stuff (business cards, postcards and bookmarks), pens to sign books, extra bag to bring books home in, followed by camera, iPad, iPad card reader, extra batteries and charger, mobile phone and charger for it. With the phone… must turn off a lot of e-mail notifications and remember to turn the beast off before I get on the plane or will get zapped with exorbitant roaming charges (maybe even go so far as to delete the Facebook and Twitter apps temporarily) to really ensure there’s not a lot of stuff happening. Phone on in the morning, then off until later in the evening. And the hotel has free wi-fi for guests so I could get along without the phone entirely since I can login to my webmail using my iPad when I’m there.

Then there’s my launch in Brockville the following Saturday which means charge my DVD recorder, format a DVD, get my book cover poster mounted, make sure my camera battery is in a fit state, decide what to wear because I don’t want to wear the same thing as I did in Kansas (I mean I can’t have people thinking I only have one outfit).

Oh, and then there is my fifteen day, twenty-one stop blog tour that starts on September 28. Have I sent my posts, author info, cover and author images, and where to buy links back to mine hosts and hostesses? I think so but must touch base with everyone to make sure. So I hope they understand my scattered-brainedness when I e-mail them AGAIN to ensure they have everything they need for my date with them.

I’m thrilled to be in this position and have dreamt about it for such a long time. My brain might be on overload right now but I’m loving every minute of it.








Today I welcome author Joanna Lambert to Celtic Connexions

Joanna Lambert joins me today here in my hometown along the shore of the St. Lawrence River. The sun is shining, it’s not oppressively hot and there is a beautiful breeze whispering through the trees surrounding my back yard. Since it’s such a nice day, I thought we would sit out on my deck, chat over some ice-cold lemonade and watch the birds and other wildlife come drink at either the birdbath or the waterfall fountain I have in one corner of the deck. I hope you’re not allergic to bees because they come to drink, too.

Your novels in the original Behind Blue Eyes Trilogy are all less than 300 pages. Did you ever contemplate putting them together into one novel? If so, what changed your mind?

Actually the manuscript was originally planned as one large book .  When I submitted to my current publisher, however, they would only take it in a two or three way split as it was too large and would have made the resale price prohibitive.

I know you self-published these books, was that a consideration in making three books?

Yes, as I said above, the publishers  liked the book but as they work out sale prices on page count, the resale price would have been astronomical.  I really wanted to keep the manuscript as one book and knew there was no way I could cut anything out or change the storyline to make it smaller.  So there was no alternative, I had to split it. I decided on a three way rather than a two and have to say, although it was hard work doing the rewrites, the whole thing turned out really well!

Had you tried the traditional route before deciding on “going it alone”?

Yes, I had sent the original manuscript to several agents.   I did get some really positive feedback but it was always a case of ‘thanks but no thanks’ and there were comments about it being a very large manuscript.  It was when I came to self-publish and was faced with having to split my work that I wondered whether the whole thing might have been a more attractive package had I marketed it as three separate books.

Will there be more involving the characters you’ve introduced us to after Between Today and Yesterday?

Yes, there will be one last book before I move onto something completely new.   This time Matt and Ella are very much in the background and it is the young adults who feature in Between Today and Yesterday who are the central characters who drive the plot.  I’m not quite there yet but what happens is going to be every bit as surprising as what goes on in Between Today and Yesterday.

Your original covers on your first three books were attractive, why did you decide to go with something more, shall I say bold? Have you noticed any increase in sales since your new covers went live?

I did like my original covers very much.  I chose them and felt they were right for each of the books.  However, it was when I had lunch with a fellow writer that she emphasised the importance of being ‘branded’.  She put me in touch with her own cover designer Jane Dixon Smith who worked with me to produce the new look.  I wanted to have a character on each of the covers.  So we have Ella, Andy and Matt on the trilogy and Marcie on the cover of Between Today and Yesterday.  The first three were done when the trilogy had been out for some time but there was definitely a slight surge in sales – although people who had already bought got in touch to say they were keen to get a set with the new covers!

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

I think self-belief and determination are both very important.  The writing journey can sometimes be difficult – there are good days you have when things go right and bad days when either the inspiration dries up or no matter what you write you’re not happy with.  When that happens you need to stay calm, hang on in there and convince yourself it’s just a passing phase.   Better still, close down the computer and come back to it later.  You’ll be surprised what a difference that can make!

The other piece of advice is get yourself an editor.  Having written four books now I know being the writer makes you far too close to your work and you just don’t see things that a fresh pair of eyes will pick up.  Believe me, a good editor can make all the difference!

When you’re not writing, what other hobbies do you enjoy?

Writing does take up a good deal of my time, but I also like to read – I have a Kindle but do occasionally get given the odd paperback to read as well.  I’m working part time now and allocate one of my free days for seeing friends and work colleagues I’ve kept in touch with over the years.   It’s great to meet for lunch and catch up on news.   I also love theatre (we’re really lucky in Bath having the Theatre Royal where we get a lot of pre-London productions).  Oh and I love the cinema too – we’ve a really good multiplex in the city.

Thanks for joining me here today on Celtic Connexions. It was good to see you. Maybe next time, we can take a little walking tour along the waterfront.

Another Scene of the Crime Mystery Festival has come to an end…

After thunderstorms and chances of rain predicted for today, the weather cooperated and the sun stayed out all day. Best of all, it wasn’t as humid as its been in previous years so it wasn’t as uncomfortable inside the venues. It was great to renew acquaintances with fellow attendees from previous years and catch up with authors I’ve met on other occasions. And I met some new authors, too.

We left the mainland from the ferry dock in Kingston filled with anticipation of what the day would bring. What we didn’t know was Scene of the Crime was competing with a music festival.

My wee black car squeezed in between a Merc and a Mazda on the ferry dock on the mainland.
The windmills on Wolfe Island
Approaching the ferry dock in the village of Marysville on Wolfe Island

After a meet and greet with the authors and the Grant Allen award winning members of The Ladies Killing Circle, we made our way to the first venue (United Church) where four authors read from their works. Since we were there in plenty of time, I took the opportunity to buy some books.

Author Thomas Rendell-Curran
YA Author Y.S. Lee
Author D.J. McIntosh
Author John Moss
All of the authors and festival president Violette Malan

After a delicious church lunch, everyone had a chance to get their books signed by the authors and visit with old and new friends before making the trek to the Anglican Church where the authors we enjoyed reading from their works in the morning session, held a panel discussion led by author Vicki Delany.

D.J. McIntosh, Y.S. Lee, Thomas Rendell Curran, John Moss and Vicki Delany
Y.S. Lee answering one of the questions posed by Vicki

A Q&A session followed the author panel before we adjourned for a short break to allow the “ladies” to get into their glad rags and ready for their turn. The Grant Allen award is a handcrafted kaleidoscope. And normally there is only one presented. But since six lovely ladies make up the killing circle – six of these beautiful handcrafted items were crafted in the shape of a stick pen, all in presentation boxes in the shape of books.

The Ladies Killing Circle – Mary Jane Maffini, Linda Wiken, Barbara Fradkin, Joan Boswell, Sue Pike and Vicki Cameron
Mary Jane Maffini wrapping up the Ladies Killing Circle discussion before the presentation of the awards

Another delicious meal served up by the church ladies rounded up the day accompanied by the presentation of the short story contest winners (no, I didn’t enter this year… too tied up with edits for that) but I did tell people we sat with at various times throughout the day that my novel was coming out next month.

One of the books I bought today was the one that Y.S. (Ying) Lee read the prologue from. Well my husband was so drawn in to the story, that by the time we left the island, he’d read the first six chapters! That’s quite the achievement. Usually, he only reads tech manuals, computer books, magazines and newspapers. So him getting drawn into a novel is huge! Who knows, maybe eventually, he’ll pick mine up and read it.

With the music festival and the ferry schedule being interrupted to bring an ambulance across and back to the mainland again, things weren’t as orderly and on time as usual.

Normally, there isn’t a police presence on the island (so we heard) but when we got to the ferry dock, a police cruiser was parked next to the building. When the ferry approached, the officer driving pulled the car to the parking spot at the head of the queue.

Waiting for our ferry to the mainland
Fort Henry
Royal Military College or RMC as its better known by

All in all, it was a great day and I can’t wait until next year’s festival.

Scene of the Crime – 2012 Edition

In just a few short hours, I’ll be heading off to Wolfe Island for the 2012 Scene of the Crime Mystery Writing Festival. I’m hoping for no rain although the weather forecast is calling for a chance of thunderstorms. But then they could make an interesting background atmosphere for a mystery writing festival.

The Ladies Killing Circle (Joan Boswell, Vicki Cameron, Barbara Fradkin, Mary Jane Maffini, Sue Pike, and Linda Wiken) are this year’s recipient of the Grant Allen Award.

Other authors taking part this year are YS Lee, DJ McIntosh, John Moss and Thomas Rendell Curren.

I’ll be back later this weekend with photos and a round up from today’s event.

My Scottish roots and writing by Melanie Robertson-King