Category Archives: Artist


Today is…


Never heard of it before? Well, you can read more about it here. The stories can cover everything from Grimm to urban legends.

Scottish legends, myths, and mystery are found in A Shadow in the Past, so what better time to celebrate it?

Even the cover exudes fairytale mystery. Once upon a time…

cover by Aidana WillowRaven

Nineteen-year-old Sarah Shand finds herself thrust back into the past. There she struggles to keep her real identity from a society that finds her comments and ideas strange and her speech and actions forward, unlike Victorian women. When Sarah verbally confronts confining social practices, including arranged marriages, powerful enemies commit her to a lunatic asylum. After falling in love with the handsome Laird of Weetshill, Robert Robertson, she must decide whether to find her way back to her own time or to remain in the past with him.

Available from the publisher 4RV Publishing or amazon

And then there’s the sequel … Shadows From Her Past

A cruel twist of fate returns Sarah Shand to her life in the year 2010 where she discovers she is a patient in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and has been for months. Struggling to come to terms with the situation, she insists she belongs in the year 1886 at Weetshill mansion with her husband the Laird, Robert Robertson, and adopted daughter, Jenny. Her family and consultant physician try to convince her she was dreaming or hallucinating but Sarah refuses to believe them.

Robert, who has experienced strange things at the stone circle at Gordonsfield Farm, somehow breaks through the time-space continuum and visits Sarah in his future. He pleads with her to return to the past but his cryptic messages only confuse her.

Medical student, David Robb, himself a descendant of the Robertsons of Weetshill, befriends Sarah. Fascinated with her stories of the past, after her release from the hospital, he takes Sarah to meet his parents, the current owners of the mansion and surrounding land.

This year, the winter solstice and lunar eclipse occur on the same day. Will a trip to the stone circle during this combination of events create the magic Sarah needs to return to 1886 and her family there? Or will she remain in the present and make a life with David?

Available to buy from amazon.

Do you have a favourite fairy tale? I’d love to know what is is. Tell me in the comments.

Boo’s Bad Day A Children’s Book by Penny Lockwood

Boos Bad Day - cover resizedBOO’S BAD DAY
By: Penny Lockwood
Picture book for children aged 18 months to 6 years
Published by 4RV Publishing
ISBN# 13: 978-0-9852661-5-8

Buy from 4RV $8.99 includes s/h

Look inside at Amazon $7.32 prime

Melanie, thanks for hosting me. At the end of the tour, I will pick out one commenter’s name and send an autographed copy of Boo’s Bad Day to a United States address only. If the name I pick is someone who lives outside the U.S., I will send a PDF copy of the book. So remember, readers, be sure to leave contact information when you comment!

If your readers missed yesterday’s post, they can catch up at Tomorrow, I’ll be visiting with

Boo’s Bad Day is the first picture book I’ve ever written. I’ve read plenty of them to my children and now my grandchildren, but I never seriously considered writing one, mostly because I had heard how difficult they are to write.

Generally, I tend to write for older teens and adults in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, and romance, although I do have two middle grade novels under contract with 4RV Publishing: Ghost for Rent and Ghost for Lunch.

I’ve read quite a few articles and books about writing for children. In fact, when I first got serious about publishing my stories, I took a class through the Institute of Children’s Literature and focused on writing for younger children. Unfortunately, I found it difficult to find markets for those stories and soon learned I had a better chance of getting published when I aimed at an older age group.

Still, writing for young children intrigued me. After all, I was a mother and loved watching my children learn to read and enjoyed reading to them. Over the years, while I continued to have success writing for older children, I harbored a desire to write for young children.

When a call came out from a small publisher for volunteers to read submissions, I applied and became an acquisitions intern. One of my primary duties was reading and deciding on picture books for publication. I quickly learned what made a good story and what didn’t as well as the things a picture book publisher looks for.

Writing a picture book isn’t as easy as people might think. While it’s not as long as a novel, it takes a lot of work. The writer needs to use language that’s easily understood by a child. Words that make sounds like crunch, blare, pop, etc. are interesting to kids. They like to hear them said out loud. In addition, the writer needs to be sure there is a plot, even though the book is only 32 pages and less than a thousand words. The main character must also overcome obstacles in that short space.

The other difficult thing is for the writer not to add to much description to the story. The illustrator must be able to create her own images and not try to paint the picture the writer has spelled out.

After learning about writing picture books, I realized I was ready to create one of my own. My grandchildren were the right age to enjoy picture books. It seemed like time to try writing one of my own. Using my newly acquired skills, I worked on creating Boo’s Bad Day. I decided to write about Boo because we had a cat, also named Boo, who was stranded outdoors in a huge fir tree during an ice storm for several days. My 21-month-old grandson loves kitties, and I thought he would like to hear Boo’s story. Boo’s Bad Day is based loosely on our own Boo’s adventure. I get a kick out of having him ask for “the kitty” book.

I would have to say I wrote Boo’s Bad Day for my own grandchildren, but it’s a thrill for me to know that other little people are enjoying it as well.

Author-Photo-Pen-smiling-copy.jpgAbout the author:Penny Lockwood has published more than 100 articles, 75 stories, a chapbook, and her stories have been included in two anthologies. She writes for both adults and children. Her fiction has appeared in numerous genre and children’s publications, and non fiction work has appeared in a variety of writing, parenting, and young adult print magazines and on line publications. She edits for MuseItUp Publishing.

She has recently released Boo’s Bad Day with 4RV Publishing and has three other children’s books under contract with them: Ghost for Rent, Ghost for Lunch, and Many Colored Coats. She has three romances published by MuseItUp Publishing: Love Delivery, Lady in Waiting, and Mirror, Mirror. Her short story collection, A Past and A Future, is available through Sam’s Dot Publishing and Smashwords.

You can follow Penny at:

Twitter: @PennyEhrenkranz


It’s “Tell A Story Day”

Tell A Story Day!

Never heard of it before? Well, believe it or not, there is a quirky holiday for every day of the year. Hallmark had an ultimate holiday site which has now closed but they’ve kindly listed some other links where you can discover what the holiday of the day is.

To celebrate Tell A Story Day, I’ll be a guest at fellow loveahappyending lifestyle contributor and author, Anneli Purchase at her blog Anneli’s Place.

Okay, so here’s my story… in keeping with the day.

a shadow in the past cover 500x773


Nineteen-year-old Sarah Shand finds herself thrust back into the past. There she struggles to keep her real identity from a society that finds her comments and ideas strange and her speech and actions forward, unlike Victorian women. When Sarah verbally confronts confining social practices, including arranged marriages; powerful enemies commit her to a lunatic asylum. After falling in love with the handsome Laird of Weetshill, Robert Robertson, she must decide whether to find her way back to her own time or to remain in the past with him.


Now isn’t that a great story? I think so, but then I’m biased.

Find me on my Facebook Author Page

and @RobertsoKing on Twitter.

A Shadow in the Past is available for purchase from 4RV Publishing, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and bricks ‘n mortar locations.

You can find out more about Loveahappyending Lifestyle here. And “like” our facebook page at this link.



It’s Tell a Fairy Tale Day

Today is…

Tell A Fairy Tale Day!

Never heard of it before? Well, you can read more about it here. The stories can cover everything from Grimm to urban legends.

Scottish legends, myths, and mystery are found in A Shadow in the Past, so what better time to celebrate it?

My novel’s cover created by Aidana WillowRaven

Even the cover exudes fairytale mystery. Once upon a time…

Nineteen-year-old Sarah Shand finds herself thrust back into the past. There she struggles to keep her real identity from a society that finds her comments and ideas strange and her speech and actions forward, unlike Victorian women. When Sarah verbally confronts confining social practices, including arranged marriages, powerful enemies commit her to a lunatic asylum. After falling in love with the handsome Laird of Weetshill, Robert Robertson, she must decide whether to find her way back to her own time or to remain in the past with him.

Suggested tweets:

Tell a Fairy Tale Day! @RobertsoKing’s novel is full of Scottish myths, mystery & romance #tellafairytaleday #lahe

Tell a Fairy Tale Day! @RobertsoKing’s novel is full of Scottish myths, mystery & romance #tellafairytaleday #FFP

Scottish myths, mysteries & romance @RobertsoKing’s novel has it all! #tellafairytaleday #shadowpast #lahe #readers

Scottish myths, mysteries & romance @RobertsoKing’s novel has it all! #tellafairytaleday #shadowpast #FFP #readers

If you have a favourite fairy tale, leave a comment telling which one it is.





Goodreads Giveaway – A Shadow in the Past

It’s not too late to sign up! My Goodreads giveaway for two signed copies of my novel, A Shadow in the Past, runs until March 11th and is open to Canada, the UK and the US.

a shadow in the past cover 500x773My cover was designed by the uber-talented Aidana WillowRaven. Don’t you just love it?

Whilst I’m name-dropping, I have to thank Vivian Zabel, President of 4RV Publishing for taking a chance on an unknown commodity.

Okay, so what’ my novel about? Well, here’s the blurb…

Nineteen-year-old Sarah Shand finds herself thrust back into the past. There she struggles to keep her real identity from a society that finds her comments and ideas strange and her speech and actions forward, unlike Victorian women. When Sarah verbally confronts confining social practices, including arranged marriages; powerful enemies commit her to a lunatic asylum. After falling in love with the handsome Laird of Weetshill, Robert Robertson, she must decide whether to find her way back to her own time or to remain in the past with him.

So, if you fancy your chances of winning a copy in my giveaway, click here. Winners will be notified after on or after March 11th (it’s my first giveaway so I’m not sure how soon after it ends that winners are notified).

If you don’t want to wait for the giveaway to end, you can buy a copy of A Shadow in the Past from the following sources:

4RV Publishing


Barnes & Noble

If you’ve entered my giveaway, good luck (winners are chosen by goodreads) and if you decide to purchase my book, I hope you enjoy it.

Preditors & Editors 2012 Readers’ Poll Results

The annual Preditors & Editors Readers Poll, sponsored by Critters Workshop has drawn to a close. The results have been tallied and in the end, 4RV Publishing (with nominations in Children’s Books, Young Adult Books, Artwork from Books, Book Covers, Publisher, Author, Artist and Bookstore) finished with seven in the top ten.

Children’s Books (2 4RV nominations) took 8th place with First Flag of New Hampshire written by Stephanie Burkhart and illustrated by Ginger Nielson.

My novel’s cover created by Aidana WillowRaven

Young Adult Books (2 4RV nominations) took 3rd place with with my novel A Shadow in the Past.

Artwork from Books (2 4RV nominations) had two results tied for 6th place. Ginger Nielson who wrote and illustrated Willow, an Elephant’s Tale and my talented artist Aidana WillowRaven for her cover design for A Shadow in the Past.

Artist saw Aidana WillowRaven earn a 9th place finish in addition to her tie with Ginger in the Artwork category.

Author saw 4RV Publishing President, Vivian Zabel place 6th.

Bookstore 4RV Bookstore placed 3rd in the bookstore category.

Congratulations to everyone who placed!



My publisher, 4RV Publishing, was recently awarded the prestigious Best of Edmond Awards in the Book Publishers category! How exciting is that?

Digital award Best of Edmond 2012CDBW-QN5A-U9BB

I am so happy to say that I’m a member of the family because that’s what we are from every level within the company. We care about each other and support each other. You don’t get that at every publishing house.

So as Stuart McLean says about Dave’s record store on the Vinyl Cafe, “we may not be big, but we’re small”. There’s nothing wrong with that, don’t you think?

My character, Sarah Shand, now has her own blog!

In a moment of, shall we say lunacy, I set up a blog for my main character in A Shadow in the Past, Sarah Shand. Hopefully, she’ll behave herself and not let out any spoilers from my current novel, or ideas that I have percolating for subsequent works.

Sarah has been a delight to work with and I’m looking forward to doing it again. She blogs at Sarah’s Place. I know, not the most creative blog name but I’m sure if the two of us put our heads together we’ll come up with a cracker.

And if you have any brilliant ideas for a blog title for her, leave a comment here or over at her blog.

COVER REVEAL!!! Sophie’s Run by Nicky Wells

Sophie’s Run

Part 2 in the Rock Star Romance Trilogy

Her famous star remains her rock while life takes her on a little detour…

Who says that the road toward true love is straight and even? Sophie is certainly discovering that it is anything but.

So she has finally found the man of her dreams. Well…she knows who he is, even though she hasn’t actually quite met him yet. When she misses her opportunity, her life goes crazy. Rock star and ex-fiancé, Dan, keeps getting in the way of her new romance—even if he is just trying to be helpful. A fire, an impromptu mini-trip with Dan, and a dreaded wedding later, Sophie is still struggling to meet the love of her life. Just as she is getting it together with her perfect man, best friend Rachel commits an act of unspeakable betrayal. And to top it all, her new boyfriend leaves her lying in the mud.

Sophie has had enough. Confused and distraught, she decides that it is time for radical change. Surprising herself and shocking her friends, she embarks on a secret journey that eventually gets her life back on track.

Coming from Sapphire Star Publishing on 7 February 2013!

Drum roll, please… now for the bit you’ve been waiting for… the BIG REVEAL!

Today I welcome author Joanna Lambert to Celtic Connexions

Joanna Lambert joins me today here in my hometown along the shore of the St. Lawrence River. The sun is shining, it’s not oppressively hot and there is a beautiful breeze whispering through the trees surrounding my back yard. Since it’s such a nice day, I thought we would sit out on my deck, chat over some ice-cold lemonade and watch the birds and other wildlife come drink at either the birdbath or the waterfall fountain I have in one corner of the deck. I hope you’re not allergic to bees because they come to drink, too.

Your novels in the original Behind Blue Eyes Trilogy are all less than 300 pages. Did you ever contemplate putting them together into one novel? If so, what changed your mind?

Actually the manuscript was originally planned as one large book .  When I submitted to my current publisher, however, they would only take it in a two or three way split as it was too large and would have made the resale price prohibitive.

I know you self-published these books, was that a consideration in making three books?

Yes, as I said above, the publishers  liked the book but as they work out sale prices on page count, the resale price would have been astronomical.  I really wanted to keep the manuscript as one book and knew there was no way I could cut anything out or change the storyline to make it smaller.  So there was no alternative, I had to split it. I decided on a three way rather than a two and have to say, although it was hard work doing the rewrites, the whole thing turned out really well!

Had you tried the traditional route before deciding on “going it alone”?

Yes, I had sent the original manuscript to several agents.   I did get some really positive feedback but it was always a case of ‘thanks but no thanks’ and there were comments about it being a very large manuscript.  It was when I came to self-publish and was faced with having to split my work that I wondered whether the whole thing might have been a more attractive package had I marketed it as three separate books.

Will there be more involving the characters you’ve introduced us to after Between Today and Yesterday?

Yes, there will be one last book before I move onto something completely new.   This time Matt and Ella are very much in the background and it is the young adults who feature in Between Today and Yesterday who are the central characters who drive the plot.  I’m not quite there yet but what happens is going to be every bit as surprising as what goes on in Between Today and Yesterday.

Your original covers on your first three books were attractive, why did you decide to go with something more, shall I say bold? Have you noticed any increase in sales since your new covers went live?

I did like my original covers very much.  I chose them and felt they were right for each of the books.  However, it was when I had lunch with a fellow writer that she emphasised the importance of being ‘branded’.  She put me in touch with her own cover designer Jane Dixon Smith who worked with me to produce the new look.  I wanted to have a character on each of the covers.  So we have Ella, Andy and Matt on the trilogy and Marcie on the cover of Between Today and Yesterday.  The first three were done when the trilogy had been out for some time but there was definitely a slight surge in sales – although people who had already bought got in touch to say they were keen to get a set with the new covers!

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

I think self-belief and determination are both very important.  The writing journey can sometimes be difficult – there are good days you have when things go right and bad days when either the inspiration dries up or no matter what you write you’re not happy with.  When that happens you need to stay calm, hang on in there and convince yourself it’s just a passing phase.   Better still, close down the computer and come back to it later.  You’ll be surprised what a difference that can make!

The other piece of advice is get yourself an editor.  Having written four books now I know being the writer makes you far too close to your work and you just don’t see things that a fresh pair of eyes will pick up.  Believe me, a good editor can make all the difference!

When you’re not writing, what other hobbies do you enjoy?

Writing does take up a good deal of my time, but I also like to read – I have a Kindle but do occasionally get given the odd paperback to read as well.  I’m working part time now and allocate one of my free days for seeing friends and work colleagues I’ve kept in touch with over the years.   It’s great to meet for lunch and catch up on news.   I also love theatre (we’re really lucky in Bath having the Theatre Royal where we get a lot of pre-London productions).  Oh and I love the cinema too – we’ve a really good multiplex in the city.

Thanks for joining me here today on Celtic Connexions. It was good to see you. Maybe next time, we can take a little walking tour along the waterfront.