Category Archives: Novels

My Road to Publication

It’s been long and filled with many setbacks along the way. But if it had been a smooth ride from the beginning, it wouldn’t have been as rewarding.

In his book, On Writing, Stephen King told of having to replace the nail he hung his rejection letters on with a spike. Well I, too, feel that way, although I prefer to think of it as having enough of them to wallpaper a room.

I joined a writers group but this first one wasn’t what giving me what I needed so left them when my membership expired. About the same time a small group was forming in my hometown so I joined them. This was much better for me. During this time, I heard about the Ottawa Romance Writers Association and went to two of their meetings/workshops as a guest and attended their 2008 conference. That was an educational experience! So I joined Romance Writers of America and this chapter and have seen my writing improve tenfold if not more.

Along the way, I discovered Brian Henry, aka Quick Brown Fox and began attending his workshops… Mississauga, Kingston, Brampton, Sudbury… I’ve learned so much from Brian that I can’t begin to put it all in one small blog post.

My novel's cover created by Aidana WillowRaven
Then last fall, I heard about an online Writers Conference and signed up to pitch to an editor. Well the rest is history. My road to publication is nearing the end. I have a contract, a talented cover artist, fantastic editor, and a great company to be associated with – 4RV Publishing LLC.

Re-Launch of Discovery at Rosehill by author Kathryn Brown

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Discovery at Rosehill by Kathryn Brown

A paranormal romance set in the Scottish Borders.

Medium Camilla Armstrong is led to Rosehill Farm by her deceased grandmother. There she discovers her true identity, falls in love with the village priest and learns more about her home she ever deemed possible. Spirit communication and ghostly apparitions connect Camilla to her past, but when an old boy friend returns to the area, her relationship with the priest becomes strained. Camilla helps the Reverend Marcus Calloway to come to terms with events which happened in his own past and enables him to move on with his new life as he reveals his dark secrets. Mystery, suspense and a murder bring a controversial twist to life as the main characters realise what it is they truly want in their lives.

Published by:
Language: English
ISBN: 9781447501053
Available in paperback at (buy):
Or signed copies can be purchased direct from me via my website
Also available on Kindle:

Paranormal Blog:
Twitter A/c @CrystalJigsaw:


It is difficult to believe this is written by a first time author. The story held me gripped to the point where dinner was ruined one evening as I had to finish the chapter. Problem was, the chapter ended up being several. The characters are very believable and the mystery running throughout the book held me right to the end when all was revealed. I am one for usually working things out, but not this time.
I won’t say things that give the game away as I hate it when others spoil the story for me, but the triangle of Camilla, Marcus and Ross had me fooled. The will she won’t she, will they, won’t they was another one I couldn’t guess the outcome to. I know what I wanted it to be, but it certainly isn’t as clear cut as you think.
I can thoroughly recommend this for anyone interested in the spirit world, ghosts, romance and mystery. The wonderful thing for a book in this genre? Not a vampire in sight – Deo Gratius!
If this is the offering Kathryn Brown can manage to come up with for a first novel, however good will the next one be – one thing’s for sure, I’ll be first in the queue to buy it. Lorraine Holloway-White (author and medium)

Author Kathryn Brown takes us on a journey to the Scottish borders in her debut novel “Discovery at Rosehill” Rosehill Farm is a once beautiful mansion set on 5,000 acres of land.

The central character medium Camilla Armstrong is led to the mansion and its surrounding farmland by the spirit of her grandmother.
Camilla feels an immediate empathy with “Rosehill” a sense of having finally come home. She sets about restoring the old mansion to its former gracious glory.  The characterization of Camilla is deftly handled by the Author, you can’t help but like the warm and charming woman.
Her sensitivity to the spirits inhabiting the empty rooms of Rosehill soon captures your imagination, as the author gently leads you into the realm of the paranormal.
No clanking chains and ghoulish monsters in this well written novel, in fact I needed to remind myself that I was reading a fictional account, such is the comfort the author obviously has with this subject.  Camilla does readings on request and her first client has many hidden secrets that will only gradually reveal themselves via the encounters with tormented spirit’s seeking justice, release and revenge.
How is Camilla’s own past connected to this place? What tormented secrets will be revealed.
The tragedy of the spirits past plays out beautifully in chapters of encounters that ring true, you the reader are there with Camilla as she seeks the truth, and overcomes the fear of one particularly nasty spirit wanting to use her gifts to seek revenge.
Romance enters the story in the form of the very charming local vicar. His belief system and that of Camilla clearly are at odds, yet they are drawn inexorably to one another.
This author has a subtle gift for understatement that allows the reader to utilize their own imaginations, teasing us with scenes of romance and lust in equal proportion.  The sudden and unexpected illness of Camilla’s dearest friend brings Ross a former lover back into Camilla’s life. The tension between them is palpable and the friendship looks set to destroy Camilla’s new love relationship with Marcus {The vicar}, I will not spoil the outcome for you. Suffice it to say that the mystery deepens with every spirit encountered.  What are they trying to say? How will it affect Camilla’s life? You need to read the book to find out.  I rate books on readability, characterizations, plot line, narrative, dialogue and editing. This one comes up 5/5 on all counts. Susannah Burke, aka Stacy Danson (author of Empty Chairs)

Further reviews can be found on my blog under the heading “Discovery at Rosehill Information” and also on Amazon.


Re-launch of Embattled by lovehappyending author Darlene Jones

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Embattled by Darlene Jones

Em sits at her desk, her hands soaked in blood. No wounds, no pain, and no idea where the blood came from. The reds and greens swirling across her computer screen scream jungle battle. She’s certain she was there. Fighting through the jungle to stop a battle, storming into a courtroom to save the accused, facing a firing squad of armed ruffians…

Are her “three wishes” coming true?

And, Yves? He is there to arm her with special powers, to send her into battle, to watch over her. His first assignment as a supreme power is to clean up the mess on Earth without going down there himself. Meeting his superior’s expectations is a huge challenge. Falling in love with Em threatens to ruin everything.

Paperback: 370 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1466468054
Smashwords for all other eReader formats:

Author’s Website:
Author’s Blog:
Twitter Account @darlenejones47:!/darlenejones47


“Fantastic book. Depicting the lives of the earthly characters as they are affected by the “beings” took a lot of writing skill. For Em, rationalizing what is happening to her constitutes another writing challenge. It is very well done.”

“Beings from another world have Em living her dreams and wishes as she performs what the onlookers call miracles wherever she goes. The interwoven love stories are anything but sappy. This book is worth the time invested to read it.”

“I’ve read Embattled and was impressed by how the author handled the protagonist’s two worlds. Em knows she’s being influenced by “beings” but what they’re having her do is not against her core set of morals. On the contrary, she thrives on the challenge – and yet, she wonders how to rationalize her experiences in her real life. Darlene Jones does a superb job of making it all seem real and believable.”



She struggled through the thick vegetation, swinging the machete awkwardly, working her way towards her destination. Vines wrapped themselves around her legs. She yanked at the long skirt of her dress to free herself. She swung the machete again, and pushed through the narrow opening she’d created, ignoring the thorns that scratched her bare arms and shoulders. “Suitably dressed, I am, I am.” A spider web enveloped her. The machete cut through it easily enough, but remnants clung to her skin.

The sounds of battle assaulted her senses. Her heart pounded and caught in her throat with each pop of gunfire and thudded with each howl of pain. “Oh Lord, what am I heading into?”

She plunged on and burst into the clearing with a final swing of the machete that nearly toppled her. She pulled the heavy knife back, nicking her shin, but pushed ahead yelling, “Favór ida, stop! Stop!” She waved the unwieldy machete and forced her way between the combatants. Cries of rage rose from them. She watched the arching swing of machetes above her head, cringed, and waited for the killing blows. “Stop, Stop.” She yelled. The men dropped their weapons, fell back, and let her through.


Too damn antsy to go back to work, she paced her living room, poured a stiff drink, downed it, and paced again. She kept looking at her hands, expecting to see them covered in blood. Her shin burned from the scrape she had first noticed in the shower.

The television droned in the background. “The sharp report of gunfire, screams of the maimed and dying, wails of grief; replaced by birdsong. Traces of blood and body parts gone, erased by the scavengers. The jungle has reclaimed its ascendancy over man. More importantly, this extraordinary woman, la madame des miracles, as the natives are calling her, has lived up to that name. She has indeed effected a miracle. Proof is as near as the village just beyond those trees where tribal leaders are now debating peaceful coexistence.”

She sank to the sofa, every nerve taut, every muscle quivering. Could that have been me? No way! She squeezed her eyes shut. The jungle battle replayed on her eyelids. That was her, madly waving the machete. She held her face in her hands, inhaled deeply, smelled blood, and felt the jungle close around her.

“Oh, my God! What’s happening to me?”


Another successful Valentine’s Brunch

The brunch today at the Loch March Golf Course in Kanata was a huge success. The venue was absolutely gorgeous. A wood fire crackled in the large stone fireplace. Large windows let in lots of natural light making the room bright and cheery.

The food was excellent. The menu included Summer Mix Salad, Pickle and Olive Tray, Garden Vegetables and Dip, Vegetarian Lasagna, Chicken Breast in White Wine Mushroom Sauce, Seasoned Rice, Rolls and Butter, Assorted Desserts (cheesecake, apple pie and chocolate mousse cake) and Fresh Fruit. Coffee and tea were set up and available throughout the afternoon. And for those feeling so inclined – a cash bar. The food was amazing. I was particularly fond of the chicken although enjoyed everything.

It being a Valentine’s Brunch, I had to come up something to wear. I had decided on my black leggings and had a few red tops in mind but when they weren’t available, I decided on a red leather jacket. That created another problem. I needed shoes. So after a lot of traipsing around and not finding the right shoes, the right colour to match the jacket, or worse still, not finding any in my size, yesterday my husband and I made a trip to Kingston. We were going to Costco on our bulk grocery run so decided to go to The Shoe Company. I found the perfect shoes! Right colour, my size and comfortable! Anne, my friend and co-worker who recently lost her valiant fight against cancer, would definitely approve of them.

We had three members, including me, who were up for the Jo Beverley first book award. Aislinn MacNamara, Coreene Smith, Kathryn Donaldson and myself. That’s the order in which the presentations were made. We were told ahead of time to be prepared to say a few words about how our first book came to be. In my speech, I mentioned Anne and the reason behind needing the perfect shoes to go with the ensemble.

This isn’t the best picture with the award because of the glare on the glass coming in from those amazing windows and then the flash on the camera going off. But still, I look happy in it so I had to post it.

Teresa Wilde did an excellent job with each of these Jo Beverley awards. Each one was designed to fit with the genre and time period each book is set in. Mine definitely has a Victorian flavour. I absolutely love it! My original plan was to hang mine centered over the awards I received two years ago at the brunch (mentioned in my earlier post) but it’s too big to fit there. So… I think I’m going to hang it where my first cover article hangs and maybe put it in the place I’d reserved.

Right now, that’s neither here nor there because it will be taken to work and shown off, to my various family members and local writers group and likely many other places before it resides permanently in its place of honour.

Here’s a close up of my wonderful award. I can’t begin to say how much it means to me.

Ottawa Romance Writers’ Association
Jo Beverley First Book Award

Presented to Melanie Robertson-King

For the sale of
A Shadow in the Past
To 4RV Publishing




Ottawa Romance Writers’ Association Annual Valentine’s Brunch

Today is the day that ORWA hosts its annual Valentine’s Brunch. I attended my first one two years ago. For that event, I’d put my name forward to qualify for two awards. Although they weren’t a first book award, they were validation that I was writing and submitting despite being rejected. The Genesis was for a rejected partial manuscript, and The Phoenix for a rejected full one.

This year is different. Later today, I’ll be receiving the Jo Beverley First Book Award for my debut novel, A Shadow in the Past. I love how that rolls off my tongue or my fingers when I’m typing… my debut novel.

Isn’t this a gorgeous cover? If the Joe Beverley First Book Award is the same as prior years it’s been presented, then my cover and a certificate will be side by side, matted in a frame. I think the colours of the frame and matte are matched with the colours in the image, as is the certificate.

Time will tell. The brunch, this year held at the Loch March Golf Course in Kanata, begins at 11:00  a.m. The menu sounds fantastic. And best of all – this year my husband is coming with me so that he can see me get recognized by my peers for my accomplishments.

And then there are the shoes. But they’re another story altogether.

I’ll post photos later this afternoon/evening.


Re-launch of Touched by the Light by loveahappyending author Linn B Halton

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Touched By The Light by Linn B Halton

Touched By The LightLife, death – then what happens next?

A quest to bring two people back together; laugh as you discover how Mya uncovers a whole new way of communicating! Intrigue, relationships, romance, laughter and a psychic conundrum in pursuit of love!  A contemporary romance story with a twist.

“I so wish I had read up on the subject of the afterlife. Is this the way it’s supposed to be, or am I doing something wrong?  Whatever happened to angels and clouds? I ask myself. Wasn’t I supposed to have a helper to greet me and show me the ropes?”

Mya remembers comforting light and the pain quickly being replaced by a state of calm and tranquillity. But what now? Mya wants to talk to people, find out how her friends and family are, but there’s no one around to help – until she suddenly finds herself chatting to Laurel.

Laurel has what she sees as the dubious gift of being able to communicate with spirits, and when Mya bowls in, desperate for some answers, Laurel’s life is turned upside down. Her relationship with boyfriend Dan is already in a fragile state and now there’s a bewildered, feisty young spirit getting in the way. As Mya flits around Laurel and Dan’s lives, unable to control how and when she appears, unexpected psychic connections are made.

Hardcover: 248 pages
Publisher: Book Guild Publishing (24 Feb 2011)
Language English
ISBN: 978-1-84624-531-2
Author’s Website:

Amazon Author Page: UK (buy) –
Amazon Author Page: US (buy) –
Twitter Account @LinnBHalton:
Facebook Author Linn B Halton:


Alice Berger, reviewer and author

“Romance, good friendships, and the paranormal blend together so nicely, with a cast of believable and well-developed characters. Everyone grows as a result of their experiences, and the reader is rewarded with a happy ending.  It’s impossible for me to tell much more about this story without giving away all the intricate plot twists that make it such a fun read. Touched By the Light is Linn B. Halton’s first work of fiction, and it’s a dandy. I look forward to reading more from this talented new author.”

Kit Domino, artist and author

“This Psychic Romance delivers on all counts even if you don’t believe in the supernatural and paranormal, life after death, spirits or anything remotely psychic.  Linn has created strong, believable characters in an intriguing plot that moves forward a pace. Each chapter is told from one character’s viewpoint delivered in the first person. And it works! No small feat for a new writer. So, well done Linn on a superb read. I look forward to reading more of your books in the not too distant future, it is a brilliant read.”

Wilkie Martin, author

“This is a good and imaginative story about the problems a young woman faces when she unexpectedly finds herself in the afterlife. It is cleverly constructed and well written with a nice romantic interplay between the characters, who are interesting and sympathetic. Just when you start to think you understand what’s happening, a couple of well-timed plot twists keep you wanting to read on as the plot moves to a satisfying finale.

Reader feedback:-

‘Lightning Jim’ First time I’ve written a review for this site (Amazon) but this book was fantastic! I would highly recommend it to anyone especially to those with an interest in the ‘human’ side of life. The characters are intriguing and the book got me instantly hooked. Hope there’s a follow up. 10/10

‘Clive’ A thoroughly enjoyable book, with many surprising twists and turns to keep the reader enthralled, With engaging characters, thoughtful incite Ms Halton creates a story worthy of the loss of a nights sleep. I couldn’t put the book down until finished. (Amazon)

‘Sue’ (via After reading ‘Touched By The Light’, I must congratulate Linn on her first publication. This delightful and unusual story contains likeable characters and unexpected twists that keep the reader interested throughout. It has a definite appeal towards the female audience, due to the romantic content. I can honestly say, it was an absolute pleasure to read!

Erin’ (via I just finished reading Touched By The Light. I enjoyed all the characters and could identify with them all. I especially liked the fact that we get to hear from each character, their thoughts and confusion. This really hit home for me as I have had many of the same thoughts and questions. With some very interesting and unexpected twists and turns in the story I found myself not wanting to put the book down until the very last page. I will certainly be on the look out for another novel by Linn B. Halton!


Passionate about books?

A new summer experience…

presents …. a Summer Audience

of Readers and Authors at Sir William Romney’s School,

Tetbury, Gloucestershire in the UK


Passionate about books? Interested in new authors, writing in general, and gaining an insight into what a writer’s world is all about from that very first idea through to the final novel? This fun day out is hosted by loveahappyending, an interactive Reader/Author website.

 Keynote speaker: celebrated author Jeannie Johnson

A Summer Audience is a relaxed and friendly event aimed at READERS and those who think they might like to begin writing. Fun, informative and a chance to chat with a passionate, talented and enthusiastic group!

Throughout the day there will be:

*        Interesting talks & readings by authors you may have already read and some exciting newcomers

*        How to get published … find out about the various options open to writers

*        Learn a little more about the project—and how to become an Associate Reader

*        A chance to attend a fun workshop on the day to learn about the writing process

*        Cast your vote for the Author competition – one lucky voter will win a stack of books

*        Look at the displays and examples of some new Authors’ work; buy signed copies

*        Branding and self-publicity — take part in a discussion and let our Authors know what YOU think

Saturday 16 June 2012


Light lunch included

 coffee at 9.30am

             £20 per ticket if purchased before 1.3.2012  (£25 after that date)

To purchase tickets online:-

Alternatively to reserve tickets and pay by cheque Email:

 or phone: (UK)  07906377571; (Int) +44 7906377571

Re-Launch of The Black Banner by author Helen Hart

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The Black Banner by Helen Hart

‘Gold and Glory!’ The pirates took up the chant. ‘Gold and Glory! Gold and Glory!’ Instantly our men surged from their hiding places, weapons primed… Between snatches of smoke and billowing sulphurous fumes I caught glimpses of fighting… Musket shot whistled through the air and splintered the deck timbers. A dozen pirates became two dozen, and then three as Logan’s men massed on the deck…

1719, and the high seas are plagued by the lawless. Pirates rule the crystal waters of the Caribbean, hunting heavily-laden merchant ships with savage ferocity. Entire crews are condemned to die beneath a cutlass blade unless they swear allegiance to the black banner.

Penniless Becky Baxter (13) is determined to escape a life of poverty. Cropping her hair and dressing in breeches, Becky leaves the backstreets of Bristol far behind to embark on a new life of adventure and fortune on the high seas. But when the ship she’s sailing on is captured by pirates, Becky faces a stark choice: join the pirates, or pay with her life…

Publisher: SilverWood Originals (an imprint of SilverWood Books)
Length: 240 pages
Language: English
Print: ISBN 978-1-906236-46-5

Amazon (UK) paperback (buy): for £7.99
Amazon (UK) Kindle (buy): for £3.58
Amazon (US) paperback (buy): for $14.00
Amazon (US) Kindle (buy): for $5.00
Author website (buy):

2012 – an exciting year unfolds

2012 has begun with a bang for me! Actually, the bang started back in October 2011 when I was offered and accepted contract with 4RV Publishing for my novel, A Shadow in the Past.

Each year the Ottawa Romance Writers’ Association, of which I’m a member, awards members for their writing accomplishments. Two years ago, I won their Genesis and Phoenix awards that recognized the fact that I submitted a partial (Genesis) and a complete manuscript (Phoenix) but was rejected. But since there are many who never even get that far, I think I did all right. This year, I’m eligible for the Jo Beverly First Book Award because I was offered and accepted a contract in 2011. My award will be presented at our Valentines Brunch next month.

This past Saturday morning, along with another member of my local writing group, Writers’ Ink, I recorded a show for our local cable TV company’s Readers’ Corner program which will be aired in the near future. It was primarily on our group, but I was able to talk about my novel, although not in as much detail as I would have liked.

The work on my novel’s cover is underway. My cover artist is the talented Aidana WillowRaven. After visiting her website and seeing her brilliant work, I can’t wait to see what she has up her sleeve for my novel.

This morning, I woke to find out I’d been assigned my lead editor, Carla Ralston! According to my publisher, Carla is excellent. I’m looking forward to working with her.

Since January 1st, things have moved at an unbelievably fast pace and will continue to do so until my book is out. Oh what excitement lies ahead!

I’ve got loads of things planned for the big event. A launch here in town at The Wedgewood Retirement Resort, a blog tour, readings and signings at assorted venues throughout Eastern Ontario, along with another interview for Readers’ Corner and possibly (fingers crossed) for another program called The Authors.

I’ll be posting more here as my adventure unfolds as well as putting updates on my website so keep checking in. Feel free to leave comments here and/or sign my website’s guestbook. I’d love to hear from you!