2012 has begun with a bang for me! Actually, the bang started back in October 2011 when I was offered and accepted contract with 4RV Publishing for my novel, A Shadow in the Past.
Each year the Ottawa Romance Writers’ Association, of which I’m a member, awards members for their writing accomplishments. Two years ago, I won their Genesis and Phoenix awards that recognized the fact that I submitted a partial (Genesis) and a complete manuscript (Phoenix) but was rejected. But since there are many who never even get that far, I think I did all right. This year, I’m eligible for the Jo Beverly First Book Award because I was offered and accepted a contract in 2011. My award will be presented at our Valentines Brunch next month.
This past Saturday morning, along with another member of my local writing group, Writers’ Ink, I recorded a show for our local cable TV company’s Readers’ Corner program which will be aired in the near future. It was primarily on our group, but I was able to talk about my novel, although not in as much detail as I would have liked.
The work on my novel’s cover is underway. My cover artist is the talented Aidana WillowRaven. After visiting her website and seeing her brilliant work, I can’t wait to see what she has up her sleeve for my novel.
This morning, I woke to find out I’d been assigned my lead editor, Carla Ralston! According to my publisher, Carla is excellent. I’m looking forward to working with her.
Since January 1st, things have moved at an unbelievably fast pace and will continue to do so until my book is out. Oh what excitement lies ahead!
I’ve got loads of things planned for the big event. A launch here in town at The Wedgewood Retirement Resort, a blog tour, readings and signings at assorted venues throughout Eastern Ontario, along with another interview for Readers’ Corner and possibly (fingers crossed) for another program called The Authors.
I’ll be posting more here as my adventure unfolds as well as putting updates on my website melanierobertson-king.com so keep checking in. Feel free to leave comments here and/or sign my website’s guestbook. I’d love to hear from you!