World Book Night is celebrated in different parts of the world. What is World Book Night? You can read about it at this link.
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Angel Girls
Carrie Miller and her only daughter Sarah share a dark secret that no one must ever discover. A secret surrounding the demise of a brutal husband and father. They are determined not to reveal the truth. Not even to Jonny Mason the handsome young man who adores Sarah and would do anything for her. Even Suzy Pond, Sarah’s best friend must not find out. Suzy is trying to cope with her wayward boyfriend Billy. He lies and steals from her and leaves her pregnant and alone.How will she cope? How will Jonny cope when his own beloved father is brutally attacked and left for dead? As one young man’s life spirals out of control, the women around him gather their strength. Some friendships are shattered forever, some are strong enough to weather the most terrible of tragedies.
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Debra’s Bio:
I was born and brought up in the area of London known as “The Angel” where my books are set. I now live in East London with my husband and youngest son. I have two sons and one beautiful granddaughter. I studied Social Science with the Open University and have a B.A hons degree. I work part time as a play worker with primary school children. I worked with special needs children for more than twenty five years prior to this. Angel Girls is my second novel. It is the first of my books to be released as a paperback. Angel Girls and my first novel, Poppy Days are also available for kindle. I am hoping to release Poppy Days as a paperback later this year.
You can follow Debbie Ingram on Twitter at @dollhousedeb
My Scottish roots and writing by Melanie Robertson-King