There’s nothing like basking in the glory of a 5-star review of your novel. Even if it’s a 1-star stinker, at least you’ve moved someone to write why they didn’t care for your book. I’ve been told, too, you haven’t arrived until you’ve received one of these unpleasantly aromatic odorous reviews.
I’ve been approached by people in the supermarket who have bought my book and told me in the middle of the canned veg aisle how much they loved it, how I twisted the plot and kept them turning the pages so they couldn’t put the book down.
As authors these are the things we truly love to hear or read. It reinforces our belief that we’ve written a quality piece of work that resonated with that particular reader.
But when you don’t get that feedback – whether it be a written review, or a reader makes a point of telling you face-to-face how much they enjoyed your book – you don’t know.
When you read a book (especially if it’s a new-to-you author), do you take the time to write a review and post it on amazon, Goodreads or other sites?