Time Travel – If you could travel back in time… what era would you like to visit?
Since A Shadow in the Past is a time travel novel, it’s only fitting that the theme for my e-book launch splash on August 4th is what era would you most like to visit if you could travel back through time.
A Shadow in the Past is on these lists at Goodreads:
2013 Summer Reads
Young Adult Romance
2012 Debut Authors Young Adult and Middle Grade
Young Adult Novels by Goodreads Authors
Teen Historical Fiction
Stop by and cast your vote in one or all of the lists mentioned above and launch A Shadow in the Past to the #1 slot – create even more buzz for e-launch day.
So put your thinking caps on and be ready to reveal your answers in the comments here on launch day. You could win book swag:
or a 2014 A Shadow in the Past wall calendar:
Good luck to everyone who enters!