Category Archives: Book Promo

The Girl with a Twirl by MJ Moon ~ Promo and Review

MJ Moon

The Girl with a Twirl


MJ Moon


MJ Moon

Genre: humour for children aged 9-13

Release Date: 11th May 2015

Brimming with dry humour and a sprinkling of romance, this is the second sparkling novel by M J Moon.

Meet dance mad Mabel Storm, the girl who no boy would ever dance with in a million years – no make that a zillion years!

Mabel has serious boy problems. The problem is she has no boy to dance with and the Search for a Star dance competition is fast approaching. Mabel sets out on a mission to win. But trouble strikes when her hapless parents and owners of Twinkle Toes dance school park her off to crochet obsessed Aunt Mathilda’s place at half-term. Mabel´s chances of finding a boy sink to minus zero…or do they?

Mabel´s luck is about to change…

It turns out that there´s more to batty aunt Mathilda than meets the eye when she gives Mabel a pair of the rarest dance shoes on earth. Things get weirder when a mysterious dancer known only as the Silver Shadow arrives on the scene.

Suddenly, Mabel is transformed from dancing disaster into a dancing diva as the pair wow audiences and judges with their slick moves.

But who is the Silver Shadow and why is he so desperate to dance with Mabel…?

Together, Mabel and the Silver Shadow win the Search for a Star regional finals and unwittingly win the attention of Mabel´s long-time crush and dancing heart-throb, Tino Ravioli, the country´s Latin dancing champion. When her dream comes true and he asks her to dance, Mabel runs off the dancefloor leaving one of her precious shoes behind.

An unexpected chance of romance arrives in true Cinderella style when Tino orders a search of dance schools across the land in order to find his mystery girl.

Mabel has a dilemma:

Does she dance with the secretive Silver Shadow and win the prestigious Search for a Star dancing competition or does she accept Tino´s offer to be his partner and become the envy of every girl in the country?

Find out what happens to dancing disaster area Mabel Storm – the girl with the twirl!

The Mermaids of Tamesis : :

The Girl with a Twirl:


My Review


From zero to hero to… well, if you want to find out more, you’ll have to read the book. Mabel loves ballroom dancing… but can’t find a partner. She wants to compete in and win the most prestigious contest in the UK. Now the fun starts.

Mabel has the typical worries that go along with being a teenager. The author deals with these in a believable and sympathetic manner making the pages fly past.

I would have liked to discover Mabel’s age much earlier in the book than I did not being completely familiar with the UK school system.

This fun-filled book will appeal to readers in the middle-grade to Young Adult age group – especially girls.

4 stars!


About MJ Moon


MJ Moon

In the wake of her previous incarnations as a one-time usherette in a local theatre, soft furnishings exporter, diplomat, professional Salsa instructor, Tarot reader and in the not so dim and distant past, a secondary school teacher of Spanish and business studies, Marion now teaches English in the oddball region of Almeria, Spain.

When she isn´t writing, Marion enjoys hiking in the Andalusian hills, doing Zumba (don´t get the two confused!) and looking after her little family; her beautiful and curious baby Jorge and husband Jorge.

Her first published novel was The Mermaids of Tameis published by Troubador in April 2015. The Girl with a Twirl is her second published novel.



Copy of the Book


a Rafflecopter giveaway


MJ Moon

It’s #Christmasinjuly Eve! Tomorrow, July 25th is the big day!




I can’t wait! I’m almost as excited about #ChristmasinJuly as I was about the real Christmas in December when I was a child. What was I getting? What would Santa put under the tree? What would he put in my stocking?



July 25, 2015


In Prescott, Ontario in the parking lot next to the clock tower at the corner of King and Centre Streets on Saturday, July 25, 2015, The Prescott Farmers’ and Crafters’ Market presents #ChristmasInJuly!

I’ll be there with my three books and would love to sign one for you or that special someone on your Christmas list.

For the person who likes mystery and suspense with romance…


When a contemporary teen is transported back in time to the Victorian era, she becomes A Shadow in the Past…

Nineteen year old Sarah Shand finds herself in Victorian Era Aberdeenshire, Scotland and has no idea how she got there. Her last memory is of being at the stone circle on the family farm in the year 2010.

Despite having difficulty coming to terms with her situation, Sarah quickly learns she must keep her true identity a secret. Still, she feels stifled by the Victorians’ confining social practices, including arranged marriages between wealthy and influential families, and confronts them head on then suffers the consequences.

When Sarah realizes she has fallen in love with the handsome Laird of Weetshill, she faces an agonizing decision. Does she try to find her way back to 2010 or remain in the past with the man she loves?


For those who prefer short stories…


The Consequences Collection is an eclectic compilation of twelve stories ranging from non-fiction through creative non-fiction to pure fiction, in prose and poetry.

The story of a Scottish Home Child is based on fact and told from the child’s point of view; The Mystery Woman of Kinettles is a non-fiction article on the appearance and subsequent disappearance of a woman’s body near the Wellington County House of Industry (Poor House) in 1879 Southwestern Ontario.

Some of these stories are lighter than others, and some might even beg you to leave the lights on.


And a middle grade Christmas novelette…


For Tim Frost, Christmas 2011 is a washout. No Santa. No presents. Nothing. His father lost his job when the mill closed and now the family is on the verge of losing their home.

A chance encounter with Nick Kringle, a modern-day Santa Claus teaches Tim that the greatest gift you receive is the gift of giving.


Hope to see you there!

RECKONING TIDE a new novel from Anneli Purchase



If you have not read The Wind Weeps, grab your free digital copy now on amazon or on smashwords. Follow it up with the conclusion to Andrea’s story in Reckoning Tide. Here is a sample of the beginning of Reckoning Tide.

You’re mine!
To have,
To hold,
No matter how hard.

You’re mine!
Give me honour,
And do as you’re told.

You’re mine!
In sickness,
My sickness,
Comes hell.

You’re mine!
This day forward,
Til death,
Do us part.


Chapter 1

“Nurse!” I screamed. “Nurse, come back!” Robert’s smile vanished. He advanced and tossed the three orchids onto the foot of my bed.

I twisted around grasping for the cord with the call button. “Get away from me!” I hit the button frantically.

Robert lunged at me. “No, Andrea. Don’t!” He ripped the cord away from me. I pulled my fist back to punch him, but he was quick and caught my wrist in an iron grip. His eyes narrowed into slits.

“Nurse!” I yelled again. He clamped a hand over my mouth. Flashbacks of what that hard hand had done to me went through my mind. I bit down on his fingers, my terror lending me extra strength.

“Arrrgh! You bitch!” Robert’s eyes grew wide. He stared at me with a glassy look that I remembered too well. He drew his arm across his chest to backhand me, but dropped it when the nurse appeared.

“What’s going on here?” the nurse demanded. Margaret was a hefty woman. She filled most of the doorway as she stood with her hands on her hips. “Sir! Come away from the bed.”

“She bit me!” he said, unable to keep the whine out of his voice. “I brought her flowers—orchids, her favourite kind—and she bit me!”

I gasped at his outrageous boldfaced ploy, twisting the truth. “He tried to kill me. Don’t let him near me. He’s the one I told you about.”

“Now, Andrea.” Robert’s voice, silky smooth, sent ripples of terror up my spine. “You know that’s not true.” He turned to the nurse and slowly shook his head. “I’m her husband. You see, she’s had quite a shock. We had an argument and she set fire to our cabin and ran away when she thought I had died in the fire. I guess she’s surprised to see that I’m still alive.”

The nerve of him! I tried to get out of bed. “No! No-no-no!” I had to get the nurse to believe me. “He’s twisting it all around. He tried to kill me.”

The nurse was quick to put her hand out. “Stay in bed, Andrea.” She looked flustered and tried to calm us both. But no wonder she was confused. The whole situation was so bizarre. She looked from Robert to me and back to Robert again.

Would she side with Robert?

“Sir,” she said, “would you mind going to the waiting room down the hall? I’m sure the RCMP would like to speak with you, too. They’ll be here soon to interview Andrea.”

Robert raised his chin and gave me a smirk. “That was fast,” he said. “We’ll soon get to the bottom of the situation then.”

The nurse escorted him out the door. “We called them this morning when she woke up,” I heard her say as they walked down the hall.

The nurse had explained to me earlier that the police have to make a report in cases where there has been violence, especially since a gun was found in my fanny pack. The gun I pointed at him last week. Should have pulled the damn trigger.


You will find paperback and digital versions of Reckoning Tide on amazon outlets and on (for e-readers other than Kindle). Just click on the links:

For more about Anneli Purchase and her books, visit her at

BOOK PROMO ~ Cradled Dreams by Beverly Hoffman



By Beverly Hoffman


Genre: Women’s Fiction

Release Date: April 2013

Publisher: Abbott Press

As her family gathers for Thanksgiving, Georgie’s heartbreak is hard to conceal. After years of pursuing her dreams of motherhood, she has recently learned that her last option to conceive has failed. Grim amid the festive holiday celebrations, Georgie feels that she has little reason to give thanks.

Her sister-in-law, Robin, desperate to ease Georgie’s suffering, struggles for a way to help. On loving impulse, she offers a solution-surrogacy.

Flush with excitement, neither woman can predict how her life will change. But each is comforted by the knowledge that her love for the other will guide the way. Soon, after in vitro using a relative’s sperm and her own egg, Robin shares the joyous news that she is pregnant. Every conversation sparkles with her private joy at the gift she could give her sister-in-law. But she encounters unexpected criticism when discussing the plan with others. She must now deal with judgment and questions about ethics. Relationships are strained. Both must pay emotional costs they never anticipated. Soon, questions they never asked begin to haunt them both.

Where do boundaries of possibility meet long-term responsibility? Under what circumstances does science need to pause to consider moral outcomes? When organs and tiny bones grow in spite of circumstances never seen in nature, where does motherhood begin and end?

And most haunting of all is the question Robin couldn’t ask herself on that first day: Will she really be able to give up the child for the sake of Georgie’s dream?

Buy links





Beverly Hoffman spent her childhood in Texas eating barbeque and drinking Big Reds. After college, she and her husband, Marty, moved to Panama, where she taught English for twenty-six years. Beverly loved to push her students to realize their full potential. She was able to help her students by taking huge assignments apart and helping them accomplish discrete pieces and then put all of them together into a finished project.

While in Panama, Beverly explored the country. She rode her bike 57 miles in one day from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, paddled the Panama Canal twice, and participated in Green Hell, an obstacle course, which included rappelling out of a 30 foot building.

Beverly and her husband later retired to Sequim, Washington, where they enjoy the bounty of fresh Dungeness crab, Washington wines, and family.

Beverly has a Masters degree in English and has been in a writing group for over six years. Beverly loves writing and hopes that through her books, she can get people to explore new concepts. Join Beverly on Facebook for giveaways, scenic photos, and more information about her books at


Copy of the book!

A paperback copy of the book (U.S only)

Ecopy of the book (outside U.S)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mark Your Calendar ~ Christmas in July will be here on July 25th!


One week from today!



July 25, 2015


In Prescott, Ontario in the parking lot next to the clock tower at the corner of King and Centre Streets on Saturday, July 25, 2015, The Prescott Farmers’ and Crafters’ Market presents #ChristmasInJuly!

I’ll be there with my three books and would love to sign one for you or that special someone on your Christmas list.

For the person who likes mystery and suspense with romance…


When a contemporary teen is transported back in time to the Victorian era, she becomes A Shadow in the Past…

Nineteen year old Sarah Shand finds herself in Victorian Era Aberdeenshire, Scotland and has no idea how she got there. Her last memory is of being at the stone circle on the family farm in the year 2010.

Despite having difficulty coming to terms with her situation, Sarah quickly learns she must keep her true identity a secret. Still, she feels stifled by the Victorians’ confining social practices, including arranged marriages between wealthy and influential families, and confronts them head on then suffers the consequences.

When Sarah realizes she has fallen in love with the handsome Laird of Weetshill, she faces an agonizing decision. Does she try to find her way back to 2010 or remain in the past with the man she loves?


For those who prefer short stories…


The Consequences Collection is an eclectic compilation of twelve stories ranging from non-fiction through creative non-fiction to pure fiction, in prose and poetry.

The story of a Scottish Home Child is based on fact and told from the child’s point of view; The Mystery Woman of Kinettles is a non-fiction article on the appearance and subsequent disappearance of a woman’s body near the Wellington County House of Industry (Poor House) in 1879 Southwestern Ontario.

Some of these stories are lighter than others, and some might even beg you to leave the lights on.


And a middle grade Christmas novelette…


For Tim Frost, Christmas 2011 is a washout. No Santa. No presents. Nothing. His father lost his job when the mill closed and now the family is on the verge of losing their home.

A chance encounter with Nick Kringle, a modern-day Santa Claus teaches Tim that the greatest gift you receive is the gift of giving.


Hope to see you there!

7 YEARS BAD SEX by Nicky Wells ~ Promo Post







One wedding. One curse? Disaster ever after…

A seven-years-bad-sex curse? Surely not! Yet something went wrong when rock singer Casey and drummer Alex got married on that beautiful yacht anchored off St Tropez in the south of France. Something went badly wrong. For even on their wedding night, the young couple discovers a complete and somewhat surprising inability to make love. Muddling through their honeymoon with a string of thin excuses for their predicament, the lovers defer finding a solution (and panicking) until the return to their home in London. After all, they married for life and to make rock music, not for the love of sex. Right?

But when they resume life as normal in London, all hell breaks loose. Increasingly frantic in their quest for release, the unhappy newlyweds embark on a string of hilarious and occasionally harmful antics that drives them, their band, and an assortment of random strangers to the brink of despair. But it ain’t over ‘til it’s over or, in this case… it ain’t over ‘til the newlyweds sing.


I pre-ordered this latest ‘Rock Star Romance’ having read Nicky’s previous works and I wasn’t disappointed.

Casey and Alex are befallen by an age old curse that prevents them performing in the bedroom department. Wacky decisions – and not for the best – add to the fun and misadventures along the way.

A great summer read and many laugh-out-loud moments throughout.



Ultimate rock chick author Nicky Wells writes romance with rock stars—because there’s no better romantic hero than a golden-voiced bad boy with a secret soft heart and a magical stage presence!

Nicky’s books offer glitzy, glamorous romance with rock stars—imagine Bridget Jones ROCKS Notting Hill! If you’ve ever had a crush on any kind of celebrity, you’ll connect with Nicky’s heroes and their leading ladies.

Born in Germany, Nicky moved to the United Kingdom in 1993 and currently lives in Lincoln with her husband and their two boys. Nicky loves listening to rock music, dancing, and eating lobsters. When she’s not writing, she’s a wife, mother, occasional knitter, and ad-hoc radio show presenter. Rock on!

Nicky’s booksSophie’s Turn | Sophie’s Run | Sophie’s Encore | Spirits of Christmas| Fallen for Rock | Fairy Tale in New York | 7 Years Bad Sex

Join Nicky:  Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Romantic Novelists’ Association | Sapphire Star Publishing | Amazon | Goodreads | Pinterest | Google+

Did you know? There’s a single out now by Nicky’s fictional rock band Tuscq come to life! “Love Me Better” is available for download from Amazon, iTunes and many other places.




There will be fun and games, Prizes and lots of laughs. Starting online at 9am on 20th June!




HEALED BY LOVE by Melissa Foster




The Bradens (at Peaceful Harbor)

The Bradens at Peaceful Harbor are the newest addition to the award-winning Braden series and the Love in Bloom family, joining the Snow Sisters, the Bradens, the Remingtons, & Seaside Summers, (Voted BEST BOOK SERIES by Supportive Business Moms, UK).

Fall in love with Nate Braden & Jewel Fisher in Healed by Love.

Nate Braden has loved his best friend’s younger sister Jewel for as long as he can remember, but between their age difference and his respect for Rick, he’s always kept his feelings at bay. Now he’s back in Peaceful Harbor, and Jewel is no longer sixteen years old—but there’s an even bigger obstacle standing in his way. Nate and Rick joined the military together eight years earlier. Nate came home a hero, but Rick didn’t make it out alive.




Barnes & Noble



Google Play




Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes contemporary romance, new adult, contemporary women’s fiction, suspense, and historical fiction with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Her books have been recommended by USA Today’s book blog, Hagerstown Magazine, The Patriot, and several other print venues. She is the founder of the  World Literary Café and Fostering Success. When she’s not writing, Melissa helps authors navigate the publishing industry through her author training programs on  Fostering Success. Melissa has been published in Calgary’s Child Magazine, the Huffington Post, and Women Business Owners magazine.

Melissa hosts an annual Aspiring Authors contest for children and has painted and donated several murals to The Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, DC. Melissa lives in Maryland with her family.

Visit Melissa on social media. Melissa enjoys discussing her books with book clubs and reader groups, and welcomes an invitation to your event.

Authors Links:






Sign up for Melissa’s newsletter to stay up to date with releases and giveaways


3 ecopies of GAME OF LOVE

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Review ~ WALKING IN THE RAIN by Julia Ibbotson


Genre: Contemporary women’s romance fiction

Release Date: 30th March 2015


How do you cope when your worst nightmare comes true?

Jess happily marries the love of her life. She wants to feel safe, secure and loved. But gradually it becomes clear that her beloved husband is not the man she thought him to be. She survived civil war and injury in Africa, but can she now survive the biggest trauma of her life?

This is the second novel in the Drumbeats trilogy but can be read as a standalone. However, Drumbeats is so amazing you should just read it too!


Walking in the Rain

Before I Die

Want to read Drumbeats first? Buy-link on Amazon for the first in the trilogy:

And, for a taster, the book trailer video for Drumbeats:





My review of Walking in the Rain:

With this being the second book in the series, I didn’t get to know Jess as well as I would have liked, but the book can still be read as a standalone.

I like suspense in a book and this one had it along with a few plot twists that I didn’t expect.

The author has a strong voice that draws you in and makes you feel what the characters are experiencing.

I’ll definitely be reading books 1 and 3 in the series.



About Julia Ibbotson


Julia Ibbotson is an author and academic, and lives in the middle of the English countryside in a renovated Victorian rectory with her husband, an orchard, a kitchen garden and far too many moles. Their four children are now grown up and they have four gorgeous grandchildren. She was a school teacher for many years before becoming a senior university lecturer, researcher and writer. She loves reading, travelling, choral singing, theatre, walking, swimming and gardening, as well as cooking for family and friends. Her books include a memoir/recipe book, The Old Rectory: escape to a country kitchen, and a children’s book (9-14 year olds),S.C.A.R.S, a fantasy story of dragons, knights and a boy who slips through the fabric of the universe into a parallel medieval world threatened by the evil Myrthor, the heart of darkness.

Author page on Amazon:

Author facebook:


Author website:

Pinterest page: includes boards with pics and images that inspired each book

Goodreads author page:


A signed paperback of Walking in the Rain
(Open Internationally)
a Rafflecopter giveaway





Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: 18th November 2014

Publisher: Accent Press

A story of friendship, loss, and the human heart’s enduring capacity for love…

After the death of her husband in Afghanistan, Kate Hemingway’s world collapses around her. Her free time is spent with a charity for teenage girls, helping them mend their broken lives – which is ironic, since her own life is fractured beyond repair.

Reserved, upper-class journalist Paul Farrell is everything Kate and her teenage charges aren’t. But when Paul agrees to help Kate with her charity, he makes a stunning revelation that changes everything, and leaves Kate torn.

Can she risk her son’s happiness as well as her own?

Buy links



iTunes: heart/id965774616


About Helena Fairfax

Helena Fairfax was born in Uganda and came to England as a child. She’s grown used to the cold now, and these days she lives in an old Victorian mill town in Yorkshire. After many years working in factories and dark, satanic mills, Helena began writing full-time. Her first novel, The Silk Romance, was a contender for the RNA’s New Writers’ Scheme Award and a runner-up in the Global Ebook Awards, and her work in progress has been shortlisted for the Exeter Novel Prize 2015. When not writing, she walks the Yorkshire moors every day with her rescue dog, and finds this wild landscape the perfect place to dream up her stories.

Author Links







Signed paperback copy of the book (uk only)


Ecopy of the book (International)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


A Shadow in the Past ~ Descendant chart

The Descendants of John William Robertson, Laird of Weetshill

The Robertsons, a somewhat offbeat Victorian family, are the mainstays of my debut novel, A Shadow in the Past.

This first chart covers the main Robertson “characters” in the novel and, yes, it implies there are more. But that section of the family won’t be revealed… just yet. After all, we don’t want any spoilers to creep in and ruin things, now do we?


If you click on the chart, you’ll get a larger image making it easier to read the who, when, where, and who’s hitched to whom. If you want to know the ‘whys’ you’ll have to buy the book. *hint, hint*

What’s it all about you ask? Well, grab a cuppa sit back and relax, and I’ll tell you – but first, I’ll show off my fabulous cover designed by Aidana WillowRaven.

A Shadow in the Past

When a contemporary teen is transported back through time to the Victorian era, she becomes A Shadow in the Past…

Nineteen-year-old Sarah Shand finds herself thrust back into the past. There she struggles to keep her real identity from a society that finds her comments and ideas strange and her speech and actions forward, unlike Victorian women. When Sarah verbally confronts confining social practices, including arranged marriages, powerful enemies commit her to a lunatic asylum. After falling in love with the handsome Laird of Weetshill, Robert Robertson, she must decide whether to find her way back to her own time or to remain in the past with him.

Finding yourself tempted? You can buy A Shadow in the Past from these locations:

4RV Publishing | ChaptersIndigo | Barnes & Noble

and in print or kindle format from | |