Category Archives: General

My Authors at

Here is the information on the two authors I’m supporting at

First, Audrey Hawkins who writes as Joanna Lambert on the page She also has her own website at

Second, Harry Leslie Smith’s page Harry also has a website set up for his book 1923 A Memoir at

I’m looking forward to my involvement in this exciting project and hope I can do my authors justice.

Wish me well!

Check out to see what all the buzz is about!

Our 36th Wedding Anniversary

wedding day photo
June 7, 1975


Off with my husband for a night out to celebrate our wedding anniversary. The wedding photo above was on the front of the invitations I made for our 25th anniversary that we celebrated in Scotland where we renewed our vows in the church at Quarriers Village (the orphanage where my father was raised).



My Rhododendron

I posted on Facebook earlier in the week that I had three buds on my purple-flowered rhododendron. Mid week, after all the heat, humidity and no rain, they were looking extremely droopy. However, I’m happy to report that they are doing marvellously now.

One of the fully opened blossoms
Catching the sun's reflection







Now my plant might not be as large as the ones in Quarriers Village but at the rate it’s growing every year, it won’t be long before it’s a big as a tree.

I can’t wait!

Return of the Missing Muse

It’s still a bit too early to tell but I think my muse (aka George) has come home. I was working on a short story last night and I felt like I was being watched. The hubby was the only other person in the house at the time and he was working on genealogy on the other computer. The dog was asleep on his bed. Well, I’m assuming the dog was sleeping because he was doing a fine job of snoring. Besides, the feeling I had was more like someone was peering over my shoulder more or less reading what I was writing.

I firmly believe my house is haunted. It’s well over one hundred years old so surely at least one person died there. I’ve had a few encounters in the middle of the night with apparitions, spirits if you will – and not the kind that come in a bottle – those kind are a totally different story.

So, back to the feeling of someone peering over my left shoulder. Where I felt it from, the only thing behind me there is my laser printer and a case of paper. So I think it was George just checking to make sure I was actually writing something and not just goofing off.

I have forewarned my hubby that if he hears me talking to myself and the name George is mentioned, it’s only me arguing with my muse and he’s not to worry unless we get extremely loud and start throwing things! I doubt it will come to that but you never know.


Has Anyone Seen My Muse?

My muse is missing in action. I thought at first it was off sulking because I wanted to go in one direction with my writing and it wanted to go the opposite way. We’ve hit impasses before but they’ve never lasted this long. Previously, one of us (mostly me) has come slinking back all apologetic.

However, this time it’s different. I’ve offended my poor muse – big time! I hoped my recent weekend away would give us some time apart and it would be waiting impatiently for my return, ready to smack me into writing submission. It wasn’t.

I’ve looked in the closets, under the beds, in the garage, the garden shed and it’s not in any of those places.

I’ll bring flowers, a nice bottle of wine and maybe even some chocolate to our reconciliation meeting if it means us getting back into a working relationship.

So if you should happen to see my muse wandering about aimlessly, looking lost, dejected and rejected and will you please send it home?

You can tell it, too, that if it comes home, I will love it and hug it and squeeze it and call it George.





Day 3 – Girls’ Weekend in Niagara Falls…

Our last day. We lingered over our coffee and although we had a couple of things we wanted to do on the way home, we weren’t moving too fast – and it had nothing to do with the amount of booze we’ve consumed these last couple of days. Unlike yesterday morning, there was no fog and the sun shone brightly – an omen for a wonderful, scenic drive home. Still it was a bittersweet morning. We wanted to go home to our husbands and big-Jesus dogs but there was something magical about the weekend that we didn’t want to end.

Once we got checked out and called for petrol, we made our way to the floral clock. I remember visiting it back when I was a young girl the year my mum and I went and spent a week at my cousin’s house. I’d forgotten how far out of town it was. On our way there, we made a couple of stops along the Niagara Parkway to take photos. Even though it’s not the falls, the whirlpools and magntitude of the cliffs make it a breathtaking sight.

Boat tour heading up river

At one of our stops along the parkway, a Zodiak filled with tourists in plastic raincapes and life jackets worked its way towards the falls. Even it struggled against the strength of the current.




Eventually, we arrived at the Floral Clock. It’s almost all the way to Hwy 405 and the bridge to the USA. The clockworks were under repair but the flowers were still gorgeous. Too bad the background is scarred with hydro pylons and wires because of the power dam.

The Floral Clock

This trip to Lock 3 on the Welland Canal was much more pleasant than when we took  my friend, Anne, from Wales there back in 2005. Unlike back then, this was a much better route and was far more direct.

The bonus of this trip was a ship was going through the lock just above the one we were going to as we crossed the lift bridge. Couldn’t have timed things better.

I’ve seen ships pass through the locks at Iroquois but that’s nothing spectacular because of the lack of lowering the ships to exit at the other end.

Today was fantastic! Watching the lift bridge rise and the massive freighter approach the lock was breathtaking.

Coming under the lift bridge
Approaching the lock
Entering the lock
Lower gate opening
Exiting the lock

After watching the ship clear the lock and the gates close once again, we had a picnic lunch at the visitor centre and got back on the road.

We had a great time in the ‘falls’, made new friends, and it was the experience of a lifetime. I’m really glad we went ahead with our trip rather than cancel it.

Day 2 – Girls’ Weekend in Niagara Falls…

It’s really foggy this morning, although it could be the mist from the falls blowing back this way towards our hotel. Sometimes it seems to clear somewhat then we’re totally socked in again.

So since we’re on vacation we decided to start the morning off with mimosas. Okay, we already had coffee and muffins.

The plan for today is go for a ride on The Maid of the Mist this morning and then our wine tour is this afternoon. Then later tonight, we’ll check out the falls again and hopefully the fireworks and finish our night with a wander through the casino.

Shortly after boarding, an older gentleman from Korea came over and spoke to us. In the sea of blue, hooded rain gear he soon vanished in the crowd.

The American falls from the Maid of the Mist

The ride on The Maid of the Mist was quite the experience. Even with our lovely, fashionable blue rain capes, we got soaked. The force of the water cascading over both sets of falls blew water drops practically sideways, whipped our hoods down, our raincoats billowed up. We stayed on the lower deck but right next to the railing. I can’t imagine what it would have been like to be on the upper deck.

After our boat ride, we walked through Oakes Garden Theatre. A wedding party was there and they were either getting set up for the entire event or perhaps just wedding photos. There were two small children dressed up in their best bib and tucker running around having a blast and giving the older folks a great deal of grief. Somehow, a white dress with a pink sash wouldn’t look very nice with a big grass stain down the front of it.

Our original plan was to wait and walk through the casino at night but because we were right there, thought we would do it on the way back to our hotel before our wine tour. Inside the main doors, it almost looks as if the building was built around a historic one and they left some of the original features intact. We walked up a grand sweeping staircase and made our way to the “official” casino entrance. A waterfall cascaded down on both sides of the escalators. Before them, a huge metal structure with changing colour lights, is in the ceiling and goes up at least two levels, if not more.

Looking up through the metal and changing lights

I stood directly under it and took a photo. It was really something to see.

Back at our hotel, we had a snack while we got de-frizzed, dressed and our makeup reapplied. We certainly couldn’t have gone in the state we were in. Quite surprised we didn’t frighten the folks when we wandered through the casino.

We were the second “couple” to be picked up by the bus. Then we went to another hotel here in the city for another couple. They weren’t there yet. When they finally arrived, we headed off to the home base of the wine tour company and picked up more people. Once everyone was aboard, we were fourteen couples.

Inside the barrel room

Our first stop was at the Niagara College Winery & Brewery (although we didn’t tour that part of the business). Our guide was a young girl who will be getting her degree in tourism in a few short weeks. She led us through the various stages of the wine making process and then it was off to the sample room where we learned how to properly drink wine so take advantage of all the complex flavours going on in it. We sampled a white, a red and an ice wine.

After the structured tasting, we were led into the gift shop and sample bar where we were allowed to taste many of the other wines made there.

Our next stop was at Hinterbrook Winery. This operation has only been open to the public for tours for less than one month! They are also an eco-friendly business. They have a huge bank of solar panels, and also use geo-thermal technology.

At the Hinterbrook Winery

Here we sampled a number of white wines as their reds weren’t ready yet and a rose. I shouldn’t say we didn’t sample any reds. We sampled one but it was a darker white, made from red grapes but the skins were separated from the juice so it didn’t turn red.

Vineyard at the Hinterbrook Winery

I don’t normally drink a lot of white wine and can honestly say, I’m not that stuck on it. But, I found two here that I enjoyed a great deal – a Reisling and a Sauvignon Blanc.

Reif Estate Winery

Our next winery was Reif Estate Winery. Here we were led through a structured tasting of a white, a red and an ice wine. After this was over we were free to go to the sample bar and taste on our own.

In the herb garden at Reif Winery

This winery also has an herb garden so we wandered through it and discovered they had Patchouli plants growing. We had to ensure this was the real deal so rubbed the leaves and then sniffed our fingers. It was. I think we rubbed every leaf on one plant between Mary and Yvonne and MJ and me.

Our tour wrapped up with supper at DeLuca’s. We didn’t get the three course meal, but we could choose any two options from the menu… starter and main course, main course and dessert. I had the spring mushroom and goat cheese salad and organic BC salmon. OMG! They were so delicious! MJ and I shared a bottle of red wine with our meal as did Mary and Yvonne.

Mary and Yvonne at DeLuca's

Then the four of us split on another bottle. You’d almost get the idea we liked our wine.

Al and Heather at DeLuca's

The other couple at our table was Al and his wife Heather. We were all in agreement that it took too long between courses to get us our food but had it not, we wouldn’t have had the time to chat and get to know each other.
After returning to Niagara Falls after dropping the other couples off, we suggested we meet up with Al and Heather on a patio for a beer. We would meet at TGI Friday’s in about an hour and go from there.

We settled on the patio at the Casa ‘doro Restaurant right next door to our hotel. We stayed and chatted with them until about midnight and by then it was very chilly out and time to get inside where it was warm.

Day 1 – Girls’ Weekend in Niagara Falls…

We weren’t sure what the day would bring since it rained heavily during the night. However, the weather was much better than predicted. We drove through a few showers on the way but nothing extreme. Even when we made our first trek from our hotel to the falls, it was dry…

Here we are above the falls

until we got close enough to Horseshoe Falls when the mist drifted over the sidewalks and dampened us. As you can see from our picture we’re a bit frizzy.

While in the portals behind the falls, a younger gentleman offered to take our picture. By that time I had discovered my wee Kodak camera had a backlight feature.

In one of the portals behind the falls

In return, I took his picture with his fancy digital SLR. It was very similar to my new one but I’m just barely getting to it so I couldn’t offer much help. It took a few tries but he found the backlight feature on his and I finally was able to get a good picture of him. He thanked me for being so patient and we parted company. In the meantime, my digital SLR was tucked safely under my lovely, yellow rain cape. After our falls adventure, including the Journey Behind the Falls, we walked through the gardens, the flowers in which were spectacular,


Rhododendrons in Queen Victoria Park

and worked our way to The Hard Rock Cafe where we enjoyed a couple of cold beer.






Enjoying pints at The Hard Rock Cafe

After returning to our room and fed with a pizza takeaway from Pizza Hut, washed down with a bottle of red wine, we went out on a trek to see the falls illuminated at night. We didn’t know a band was playing by the water and that there were to be fireworks at 10:00. Two tests were done but it was deemed to windy to hold them tonight.

The American falls at night
Horseshoe Falls at Night

Hopefully tomorrow night, the wind will be a bit less blustery and we’ll be able to see them, if they do them again.

We finished our night off at TGI Friday’s where we had a beer and shots. Good thing it’s only across the street from our hotel.

The view from our room at night

This is what we see when we open the curtains in our room on the sixth floor at night. |A good view of the strip and Clifton Hill.

Coming to Brockville – A Writing Contest like You’ve Never Seen

The Thousand Islands Writers Festival Storefront Writing Contest will be taking place on August 27, 2011 at various locations along King Street in downtown Brockville.

Dorothy Bush and I approached the festival committee last November with our idea (borrowed from an annual contest held in Bruton, England) and they enthusiastically embraced the idea.

So what makes this contest so different? Well, you’ll get to see the writers working feverishly at their laptops or with pen and paper whilst they sit in the storefronts and write a story of up to 2000 words between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm when everyone will stop writing and make their way to the drop location.

Everyone will receive the same prompt/theme/first line so we’ll all be writing on the same topic. The organizers will select the topic that day so no one has any advance notice of what it will be. The contestants will draw the location where they’ll be writing from a hat. There will be at least two people writing at every location. Writing is a solitary venture so being with another like-minded person hopefully will help generate some good writing vibes.

Now, we’re not done yet. Contestants will be writing under a pseudonym so if you have always fancied yourself as being the next Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Bram Stoker etc…, you’ll get your chance.

Watch this blog and the Thousand Islands Writers Festival website for updates as the contest time draws nearer.

Gordon Lightfoot concert – GREAT!

Just home from the concert. WOW! Great time. Even at the young age of 72, he can still hit the high notes. I didn’t take a camera with me because at some concerts, you can’t take them in and I didn’t want to run the risk of having it confiscated.

Didn’t even take my purse so my wee Kodak that I carry everywhere with me stayed home. However, all was not lost. I had my Blackberry with me and managed to get some reasonably decent pics, with it.

The only downside to the concert was the people who sat directly behind us never stopped talking all night! I was tempted a few times to tell them to shut the f$%k up but I would have been the one kicked out. Not part of my master plan so I tuned them out (as best I could). It was quite the relief when they left partway through the second set.