Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll for 2013 is now open
Once again my publisher – 4RV Publishing – is nominated in the Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll in a number of categories. Voting is easy. Click on the link beside each category listed below, select the 4RV title/author/artist etc., then scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your name and email address. And to confirm you’re not a spammer, enter the author’s name in the box beside the thumbnail of the book cover that’s there. You’ll receive a confirmation email with a link in it. Simply click on it to confirm your vote. (My debut novel, A Shadow in the Past, finished 3rd in its category in the 2012 P&E Readers’ Poll.)
4RV Publishing is nomininated in the following Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll categories:
Other novels:
A Wandering Warrior by Harry Gilleland –
Young Adult novels:
Taking the High Ground by Amy Alessio
Children’s books:
I Like Pink by Vivian Zabel
Book/eBook cover art:
A Wandering Warrior Aidana WillowRaven (Aidana did the gorgeous cover for A Shadow in the Past)
Vivian Zabel
Print/electronic book Publisher:
4RV Publishing
Ginger Nielson
Print/eBook editor:
Carla Ralston Carla was my editor for A Shadow in the Past and we had a great editor/author relationship.
4RV Publishing
It would be great to see 4RV finish first in each category but in order for that to happen, they need your votes. Only one vote per category, too. The Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll closes January 14, so don’t delay.