For those of you who are addicted to these, I’ve managed to add yet one more to my “fun stuff” page. This one is Cities, Towns & Villages in Scotland.
You can test your skill at http:ww…
Hmmm… wonder if maybe a counter on the wordsearch puzzles that would start at the first click of the mouse might add to the fun? Or at very least the competitiveness… What are your thoughts on that?
I’ve created three new wordsearch puzzles and have uploaded them to the “funstuff” link on my website. I’ve added Scottish Castles, Scottish Single Malt Whiskies and Glasgow Pubs. Because of the length of some of the pub names ie King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut, the font size in this puzzle is extremely small. However, CTRL+ makes the text larger and therefore easier to read.
These and my other wordsearch and jigsaw puzzles can be found at
Have fun!
My Scottish roots and writing by Melanie Robertson-King