I’ve managed another 234 words in my manuscript. Not bad after spending the entire day at work in front of a computer. This is about the time I tend to crash and burn on weeknights so the more I get written by this time, the better.
I’ve got a few ideas percolating for upcoming scenes but at the same time, I’m going to end up deleting a great chunk. What can I say other than it’s just the direction this revision is taking me in. When I get to that point, I’ll try to document the word count in the new material as well as the same in what I end up chopping. All those lovely words… hitting the cutting room floor.
But in this revision of my novel, my heroine is a far more likeable person… even if she does have the occasional “all about me” moment.
I’ve taken the plunge before and entered this contest. Trust me, coming up with a story that has a beginning, middle and end in only 250 words is not easy.
This year I’ve got three of my short pieces (all of which are exactly 250 words in length) at the top of the heap of possible entries. I’m leaning towards putting in all three but I might narrow it down to one.
Whatever I decide to do, I’ve got to get a move on. The deadline for it is February 14, 2011. Egads! That’s next Monday!
Here’s the link to the Writers’ Union of Canada website.
And no I’m not telling what I’m entering… at least not until after the winners are announced and maybe not then even.
After having a couple of lean days (still managed to write though), I succeeded in getting 644 words committed to “paper” yesterday. Hoping for about half that for today. Time will tell if I’m successful.
My Scottish roots and writing by Melanie Robertson-King