Category Archives: Publishing

My Writing Process #mywritingprocess

a shadow in the past cover 500x773I’d like to thank my good friend, Scottish crime writer, Chris Longmuir for tagging me to take part in the #mywritingprocess blog post. I don’t have as impressive intro to my post as Chris does, but without further ado, I’ll tell you about my writing process.

You can read about Chris and her writing process at

What am I working on?

I have a few projects on the go at the moment. One is a time-travel romance which is the sequel to my debut novel, A Shadow in the Past. The other is a contemporary romance which I started a few years ago but put it on the back burner when events I had included in my book started happening. It was purely coincidence but it freaked me out so I’ve had to let it sit. What events were these you ask? I started writing this book shortly before the first helicopter ditched in the North Sea in the spring of 2009. Writing of such a thing, then it happening rattled me to know end, but at the same time it’s made the research on the subject much easier since it’s almost always in the news – especially when there have been other ditchings.

How does my work differ from others of its genre?

Imitation is a form of flattery but when it comes to writing, imitating someone else’s style and voice isn’t something I do. I think it’s my voice and the direction I come at things from that makes my writing unique. I live in Canada but write books set in Scotland – Aberdeenshire where my father was born. I think my love of the country and its people comes through in my writing.

Why do I write what I do?

Reading in any genre is an escape from the real world. I like to read romance in any form so that’s why I write it. It’s also a genre I feel comfortable writing. Although I like to read crime fiction, I know I could never carry off a full-length novel successfully.

How does your writing process work?

I’m what you call a plantster. I need to know the ending before I begin but otherwise, I don’t know where I’m going or how I’ll get there. I like the surprises that come from the unexpected directions I end up going in.

I don’t write every day and really should. I’m hoping to get back into that routine now that the New Year is here but so far it’s not gone quite according to plan. However, as an idea comes to me or I come across something in the news that will work in one of my works-in-progress, I jot it down in an email along with any pertinent links so that when I am ready to sit and write, I have my notes readily available.


In the coming weeks, you’ll be able to read these authors’ writing processes:

Gina Dickerson – Gina writes Young Adult and New Adult fantasy romance swirled with a huge dollop of adventure. She also writes romantic suspense, horror, short stories, and is a columnist for her local newspaper.

Beverly Stowe McClure – Sometimes known as the “bug” lady, she is a former teacher who now writes stories for children and teens.





COVER REVEAL – Star of the Team by Beverly Stowe McClure

I’m thrilled to be a part of fellow 4RV Publishing author, Beverly Stowe McClure’s cover reveal for her newest YA novel (January 2014 release date) – Star of the Team.

star of the team

A girl.
A dream.
An accident.
A dream shattered.

Ten-year-old Kate Taylor dreams of being the star of her basketball team, Angels. When Kate’s tooth is knocked out at one of the games, and her mother, who is also her coach, says she can’t play until the tooth the dentist replants heals, Kate’s dreams are in jeopardy. Add Emily, the new girl at school who claims she’s the best, and Kate faces a challenge to prove that she is the star.

Will Kate succeed? Or will Emily ruin Kate’s plans?

Short summary of Book:

Ten-year-old Kate Taylor wants to be the star of her basketball team, Angels, but when her tooth is knocked out at one of the games, her goal is in jeopardy. Even though the dentist replants the tooth, her mother, who is also her coach, refuses to let Kate play unless she can come up with a way to protect the tooth.

With the encouragement of her friends and teammates, Kate tries everything. She asks her sister, Zoe, how her boyfriend, Ray, protects his teeth when playing football. Zoe is clueless. Kate wears her friend Simon’s catcher’s mask to practice, but it’s too big and blocks her view of the goal. Kate stuffs cotton balls in her mouth and thinks she’s swallowed one. Nothing works.

To add to Kate’s problems, Emily, the new girl at River Bend Elementary, is great at basketball. Kate worries Emily will be the star of the team. On top of that, Simon, the school brain, as well as klutz, says he plans to join the Angels, even though boys are not allowed.

In the final game of the season, Kate faces a decision that will not only decide who wins the game, but whether she’s star of the team or not.

Publisher: 4RV Publishing


Author’s Bio:
Beverly Stowe McClureBeverly Stowe McClure is the author of picture books, early readers, middle grade and teen novels. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, both national and North Texas. A fourth generation Texan, she lives in the country with two cats, and a variety of wild critters.





Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll is now open

Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll for 2013 is now open

Once again my publisher – 4RV Publishing – is nominated in the Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll in a number of categories. Voting is easy. Click on the link beside each category listed below, select the 4RV title/author/artist etc., then scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your name and email address. And to confirm you’re not a spammer, enter the author’s name in the box beside the thumbnail of the book cover that’s there. You’ll receive a confirmation email with a link in it. Simply click on it to confirm your vote. (My debut novel, A Shadow in the Past, finished 3rd in its category in the 2012 P&E Readers’ Poll.)

4RV Publishing is nomininated in the following Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll categories:

Other novels:

A Wandering Warrior by Harry Gilleland –

Young Adult novels:

Taking the High Ground by Amy Alessio

Children’s books:

I Like Pink by Vivian Zabel

Book/eBook cover art:

A Wandering Warrior Aidana WillowRaven (Aidana did the gorgeous cover for A Shadow in the Past)


Vivian Zabel

Print/electronic book Publisher:

4RV Publishing


Ginger Nielson

Print/eBook editor:

Carla Ralston Carla was my editor for A Shadow in the Past and we had a great editor/author relationship.


4RV Publishing

It would be great to see 4RV finish first in each category but in order for that to happen, they need your votes. Only one vote per category, too. The Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll closes January 14, so don’t delay.


Character interview with a twist…

Character interview

In most character interviews you see, it’s the character being interviewed. This time, it’s the character being the interviewer as opposed to the interviewee. My main character from A Shadow in the Past, Sarah Shand, interviewed me over at her blog, Sarah’s Place the other day.

We talked about A Shadow in the Past, the second book in that series, Shadows from her Past, author brand and other things. She asked some pretty tough questions. You can read the full interview here.

About Sarah:

cartoon SarahI live in rural Aberdeenshire with my parents, sister, and ginger and white cat, Murphy, on our farm (Gordonsfield) near the village of Kendonald.

When I’m not with them, I live in the year 1886 at Weetshill mansion with the laird Robert Robertson and his staff.

If you think going back to the past and knowing what you do now is fun, let me tell you, it isn’t. But then I’m probably telling tales out of school.

The best way to find out is to buy a copy of Melanie’s novel, A Shadow in the Past, and find out for yourself. You won’t be disappointed.



A Country Christmas Craft Fair – recap

The Christmas Craft Fair – recap

mallorytown legion nov 30 2013Normally, since my husband is a Mallorytown native, he comes with me but this weekend I flew solo. Except for having to make numerous trips to and from the car to bring my loot inside myself, it wasn’t bad. Okay, so I didn’t have ‘eye candy’ at my table to attract the ladies. What can I say, he’s a flirt.

Still things went well. And I was no further than a Blackberry message away from my hubby all day so I could keep him apprised of my successes.

And at the end of the day my results were … drum roll, please …

3 sales of A Shadow in the Past

2 sales of The Consequences Collection

1 sale of the 2014 A Shadow in the Past calendar (images of locations in the novel)

and I was complimented on my display.

Although it was a great day for me, my mind was with the people in and around Glasgow who may have lost loved ones in a horrific helicopter crash on Friday, 29th November.




Ladies Nite 2013

Nov 8th was Ladies Nite at Green Things Garden & Gifts and other participating merchants

In addition to Green Things where I set up, two other local businesses took part in the fun as well – Casual Living (who have been involved in previous years) and new comers Hall’s Apple Market (they have way more than just apples there).

This year I was set up in a different area than my first time out in 2012. It was extremely busy when I arrived so I rushed to get set up and it wasn’t until after I had everything out on the table that I realized I had forgotten my tartan throw that I use at most places. I had planned on using it as a topper over the red table cloth I had also been completely forgotten about until I saw it in the linen closet the other day and it begged “pick me! pick me!”. Still I think my table looked pretty good just as it was. What do you think?

ladies nite 2013
My table at Ladies Nite

See my funky coffee mugs there? I’ve got one for A Shadow in the Past and one for The Consequences Collection – both of which had candies in them.

Of course my usual accoutrements came along – postcards, bookmarks, business cards, easel to display a book on but I had more loot this year! I had another book, plus my 2014 A Shadow in the Past calendars! Luckily for me, I had another photo easel at home that I pressed into service for my anthology since the acrylic book easels I have on order haven’t arrived yet.

All in all, it was an extremely successful evening – 3 copies of A Shadow in the Past, 1 copy of The Consequences Collection, and 1 A Shadow in the Past calendar.

Keep watching my appearances page for where I’ll be next and if you’re in the area, drop in. I’d love to see you.



After the Wedgewood Author Series launch of The Consequences Collection

The Wedgewood Author Series – The Consequences Collection

consequences coverThe weather on October 26th wasn’t conducive to anyone venturing out yet a few brave souls joined me as I launched my short story anthology – The Consequences Collection.

In the week leading up to my launch, I sold three print copies and one kindle version. These sales were to folks who couldn’t make it to the launch and one person who needed the versatility of the kindle to enlarge the font.

One lady who came to my launch, I found out was a friend of my aunt’s during high school, so we had a lovely chat before things got underway.

I spoke a wee bit about how my anthology came to be, how I got my fantastic cover image,  then read from the title story, Consequences, which was originally written for the one and only storefront writing contest in Brockville.

consequences launch 1
Talking about The Consequences Collection

Afterwards, I fielded questions from the intimate group gathered in the media room at The Wedgewood Retirement Resort.

consequences launch 2
Working the room during the Q&A session

Then came time to sell books. Like I said, it was a small crowd but everyone there bought a book. And remember the lady who was a friend of my aunt? Well, she REALLY wanted a copy of A Shadow in the Past, so I sold her the copy that had travelled up mountains, to pubs, stone circles and ruined castles on our trip to Scotland (the only one I had with me) and she was happy as a clam.

consequences launch 3
Signing yet another copy of The Consequences Collection

At the end of the day, I sold and signed eight copies of The Consequences Connection and one copy of A Shadow in the Past. The next day, I sold two more copies at my writers’ group meeting. My end sales – 13 paperbacks, 1 kindle.

Where to buy The Consequences Collection:





Coming soon to amazon in paperback and to Barnes and Noble for the nook.

BOOK REVIEW – Voodoo Child by Janice Horton



voodoo child coverIn Voodoo Child, ex-celebrity UK fashion model Nola and her handsome Haitian husband Louis are expecting their first baby. But as one precious life begins another is about to end.

Louis’s beloved old Uncle Sid is dying and has declared his last wish is to see Louis and Nola’s new baby baptised on St John’s Eve – the most important event in the voodoo calendar. The voodoo isn’t over yet for Nola or for Louis!

My review:


In this the final instalment of Janice Horton’s Voodoo trilogy, we meet up with Nola, her Haitian husband Louis, “baby” and the rest of Louis’s voodoo practising family. With the impending death of Louis’s Uncle Sid, Nola, Lewis and their baby leave Scotland bound for New Orleans to fulfil the old man’s dying wish that the infant be baptised on St John’s Eve.

After reading the first two books in the trilogy (How Do You Voodoo? and Voodoo Wedding), I know that nothing is ever straight forward with this family unit and be prepared to expect the unexpected.

This final installment (actually the entire series) is a great Halloween read filled with voodoo spells, mayhem and mystery all skilfully interwoven into the plot that keeps you turning the ‘virtual’ pages.

☆☆☆☆☆ for Voodoo Child!

You can buy Voodoo Child at:  and Amazon UK

voodoo doll


The Wedgewood Author Series

The Wedgewood Author Series

Yup, they’re having me back. Go figure, eh? This time, I’m there launching the print version of my short story anthology – The Consequences Collection.

consequences coverIsn’t this a fantastic cover? I have to thank Madliz Coles for allowing me to use her photograph for my anthology. I don’t think I could have found a more perfect image.


The Consequences Collection is an eclectic compilation of twelve stories ranging from non-fiction through creative non-fiction to pure fiction, in prose and poetry.

The story of a Scottish Home Child is based on fact and told from the child’s point of view; The Mystery Woman of Kinettles is a non-fiction article on the appearance and subsequent disappearance of a woman’s body near the Wellington County House of Industry (Poor House) in 1879 Southwestern Ontario.

Sound intriguing? Well, come out to the Wedgewood Retirement Resort (that is if you live ‘local’ to Brockville), 15 Market Street East, at 2:00 p.m. today. I’ll be talking about the story behind the anthology and the stories contained within the covers as well as reading from one. Afterwards, you’ll have the opportunity to purchase a signed copy.

View Larger Map

I hope to see you there!

And remember… “If you could see the consequences – would you?”


Moria’s Time by Dayna Leigh Cheser

Moria’s Time

MT Cover 286Moria’s Time, Book 2 of the TIME Series, by Dayna Leigh Cheser

Janelle Grayson is distraught over a troubling vision. Old Agnes MacKendall has seen her infant daughter, Moria, as a young woman, years in the future, traveling afar to a perilous place, fraught with danger.
Janelle and her husband, Richard, are both concerned about the vision. They decide to do all they can to prepare their precious little girl for what likely lies ahead for her. It’s a future charged with risk the likes of which, for the unprepared and ordinary person, could spell certain doom.

So begins Moria’s Time—Book 2 of the TIME Series.

At six-years old, Moria starts to learn about her heritage. Like her mother, Moria is a MacKendall. The women of this Scots clan have unusual powers including, among many other skills, natural medicine—which Janelle soon discovers is Moria’s special and strongest gift. Richard agrees with Janelle that she should train Moria, focusing on, and nurturing, her rare strengths in preparing for her future. By the time she’s a teen, Moria is a talented natural healer.

At fourteen, Moria meets Elizabeth Blackwell who befriends and mentors Moria, guiding her through the long and arduous journey to her goal of becoming a doctor.

Later, while visiting family in England, Moria meets Florence Nightingale—who will figure significantly in her life in the future. The family also meets Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.

Later, Miss Nightingale summons Moria to London, where she works at a charity hospital and meets Dr. Simon Hensley.

Moria becomes one of the first 38 nurses bound for Scutari, Turkey with Miss Nightingale. Dr. Hensley, in love with Moria, follows her, much to her chagrin, but she’s skittish—about men, relationships, anything and anyone that might distract her from the challenge of being a woman daring to want a career in the male-dominated field of medicine—and, so … she rebuffs him.

At home for a visit, Moria is overjoyed to reconnect with her twin sister, Adelle, and meets her beau, Walter. He and Adelle convince Moria that Dr. Hensley isn’t the enemy. He may well be the one to protect her from the men she fears. Back in Turkey, Moria and Dr. Hensley work things out.

Simon and Moria return to London after the war. At Devonwood, the Grayson family estate, Moria’s Grandmother convinces Moria can marry Simon and not endanger her future. Simon proposes; Moria accepts. The twins plan a double wedding.

After the wedding, Simon and Moria visit medical schools for interviews. Moria is turned away from school after school, simply because she’s woman. Finally, a school in Pennsylvania accepts Moria who graduates at the top of her class.

Does Moria have the right to impose what her needs on Simon? How long will Simon put his life on hold while she pursues hers? Do they really want to open a practice? As doctors, is a practice all that’s available to them? There are so many questions, and too few answers.


About the Author

J head bMy mother, a non-fiction author, two brothers—one as a newspaper editor, the other, a copywriter—and a sister, a church newsletter editor, prove that clearly, writing ‘runs in my family’. Much of what I’ve written over the years was never published – much of it never shared with anyone.

My father, a school teacher/reading specialist, started teaching me to read after story-time one night when I was four years old. I’d stopped him mid-story to ask how he was able to say the same thing every time he read that story to me. My lessons started that night, beginning a life-long love affair with books—and for that, I am grateful.

The short stories I wrote in junior high school entertained my peers – and the occasional teacher who intercepted them in their travels. At the high school level, one English class assignment was to write an autobiography. In the teacher-specified chapter entitled ‘Future Plans’, being a published writer topped the list. I can’t remember not wanting to write.

After a college professor told me I ‘couldn’t write my way out of a paper bag,’ I stopped writing for years. It was not until the late 1970s, when I wrote an article for the now-defunct World Radio News (San Diego, CA), that my writing gene was reactivated. The article was about our amateur radio club providing communications for a March of Dimes Walk-a-thon. Seven of the twenty pictures my husband submitted with my article were used.

In early 2002, between jobs and wanting to write seriously, I obtained a third-shift position as a gated-community security officer and used the ‘free time’ to write what became Janelle’s Time. When the draft was complete, it went on the shelf. At that time, the industry was shifting from the Post Office to the internet – a very confusing time! In 2009, when I started my Twitter page, @Writers_Cafe, the WIP came off the shelf. What I’ve learned from my (now) 19,000 followers is prodigious – I feel like I’ve earned a degree! By August 2011, it was ready—at last—for submission.

@RileyCarney, a Colorado teen, and prolific YA fantasy author, who heads her own non-profit literacy project moved me to write an article about her. Never officially published, countless people have seen the article, thanks to Twitter retweets and some carefully chosen email inboxes.

On New Year’s Day, 2010, my shiny new blog, A Place for Writers, went ‘live.’ It evolved into a combination chronicle of my writing journey and helpful posts on publishing industry topics.

In the fall of 2011, I added ‘DIY Interviews’ to my blog (see the ‘DIY Interviews’ tab of my website for details on doing an interview). Not a primary task in the overall scheme of things, over fifty authors have submitted interviews to date.

Janelle’s Time is book one of my ‘TIME Series’ and was published in July of 2012. Book two, Moria’s Time, was my winning NaNoWriMo project for 2011. It’s now complete and will be released in mid-August of 2013. There are three more books in the series: Adelle’s Time (my winning 2012 NaNo project), Logan’s Time, and Clarissa’s Time (my 2013 NaNo project for 2013).

In September of 2012, I switched from my blog A Place for Writers, and went to a full website: With thirty pages, my new blog, ‘Posts by Dayna,’ is there now, along with ‘DIY Interviews,’ and extensive information about the ‘TIME Series.’

My husband, Pete, and I have been married for forty-five years—no children—and have lived in Southwest Florida for over twenty years, originally hailing from New England.

You can find/follow Julie at these links…

Website: Dayna L Cheser
Blog: Posts by Dayna
Twitter: @DaynaLCheser and at @Writers_Cafe
and her Amazon author page Dayna L Cheser