Category Archives: Reading

Goodreads Giveaway – A Shadow in the Past

It’s not too late to sign up! My Goodreads giveaway for two signed copies of my novel, A Shadow in the Past, runs until March 11th and is open to Canada, the UK and the US.

a shadow in the past cover 500x773My cover was designed by the uber-talented Aidana WillowRaven. Don’t you just love it?

Whilst I’m name-dropping, I have to thank Vivian Zabel, President of 4RV Publishing for taking a chance on an unknown commodity.

Okay, so what’ my novel about? Well, here’s the blurb…

Nineteen-year-old Sarah Shand finds herself thrust back into the past. There she struggles to keep her real identity from a society that finds her comments and ideas strange and her speech and actions forward, unlike Victorian women. When Sarah verbally confronts confining social practices, including arranged marriages; powerful enemies commit her to a lunatic asylum. After falling in love with the handsome Laird of Weetshill, Robert Robertson, she must decide whether to find her way back to her own time or to remain in the past with him.

So, if you fancy your chances of winning a copy in my giveaway, click here. Winners will be notified after on or after March 11th (it’s my first giveaway so I’m not sure how soon after it ends that winners are notified).

If you don’t want to wait for the giveaway to end, you can buy a copy of A Shadow in the Past from the following sources:

4RV Publishing


Barnes & Noble

If you’ve entered my giveaway, good luck (winners are chosen by goodreads) and if you decide to purchase my book, I hope you enjoy it.

COVER REVEAL – The Fallen Stars by Stephanie Keyes

The Fallen Stars by Stephanie Keyes

“Imaginative and fast-paced. Couldn’t put it down!” – E.G. Foley, New York Times Bestselling author of The Gryphon Chronicles

“This well-written and intriguing fantasy was a delight to read. I can’t wait to read the second novel in this series!” – Linn B. Halton, author Never Alone on The Star Child by Stephanie Keyes

When all is lost, he will have to make the ultimate decision.

Kellen St. James was just your average seventeen-year-old prodigy, until he eighty-sixed the Lord of Faerie and proposed to a Celtic goddess. Now everything in Kellen’s life gets turned upside-down when Calienta, Kellen, and friend, Gabriel Stewart, find themselves on the run from a seriously irritated group of faeries. The worst part? They have zero idea why.

Suddenly, Kellen finds himself stuck in the middle of another prophecy that questions everything about him including where his loyalties lie. Plus, Calienta’s more than a bit different; she’s making choices that he doesn’t understand. And Gabe, his best friend? He’s started doing all sorts of freaky things that make Kellen question who he really is.
Kellen and Calienta will fight to stay together and keep the hidden part of the prophecy from becoming reality.

When the ultimate power is within reach, which side will he choose?

Release Date: 12-April-2013, Genre: YA Paranormal Romance

Sounds good? If you liked Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, Need by Carrie Jones, or Fallen by Lauren Kate, you will love this book!

Stephanie KeyesAbout the author:
Stephanie Keyes has been addicted to Fantasy since she discovered T.H. White as a child and started drumming up incredible journeys in her head. Today, she’s still doing the same thing, except now she puts those ideas down on paper.

When she’s not writing Stephanie is also a graphic designer, presenter, teacher, musician, avid reader, and Mom to two little boys who constantly keep her on her toes. In addition, she’s best friend to her incredible husband of eleven years.

TheStarChild200x300Keyes is the author of The Star Child YA Fantasy series, which currently includes The Star Child and The Fallen Stars. She is currently hard at work on the third book in the trilogy.

Interested in joining the blog tour from 6-Apr? Click here to register!

Blog Tour Registration Link


Giveaway (Open to US, UK and Canada)

1 wired star bookmark, 3 Star Child (Book 1) ebooks and 5 The Fallen Stars eBooks

Rafflecopter Link

Romancing the Genres

I’m guest blogging at Romancing the Genres today. Please drop over for a visit.

Suggested tweets:

Talking writer’s journey @RobertsoKing describes hers from inspiration to published novel #shadowpast #lahe #4RV

Talking writer’s journey @RobertsoKing describes hers from inspiration to published novel #shadowpast #FFP #4RV

I’ve been awarded The Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

I was pleased to discover that my Scottish author friend, Janice Horton, awarded me with The Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Before passing it on, I need to provide seven random facts about me… here goes.

  1. I’m Canadian by birth but Scottish in my heart.
  2. I’m the proud(?) owner of the dog with the $1000 ear (affectionately referred to as the “alarm dog”.
  3. I recently placed 3rd in the 2012 Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll in the YA category for my novel, A Shadow in the Past.
  4. In 1999, I met the Princess Royal at the former orphanage in Scotland where my father and four of his nine siblings were raised (Quarriers Village) near Bridge of Weir.
  5. I’ve lived in and around Brockville my entire life.
  6. I work for a trucking company (not a driver but in the office) and have a background in computer programming.
  7. When I’m not reading, I’m working on the second book in my Shadows series – Shadows from her Past.

Now to pass the gauntlet on to seven more intrepid bloggers, so here goes. The names are in a hat. Mr MR-K is reaching in. The tension is building. And we have our first recipient! Yay!

  1. Brook Cottage Books – Jontybabe JB Johnston
  2. Romance that Rocks Your World – Nicky Wells
  3. Scribbles – Pauline Barclay
  4. Chris Longmuir, Crime Writer
  5. Sarah’s Place – Sarah Shand
  6. Sheryl’s Ramblings – Sheryl Browne
  7. Between the Lines – Ali Bacon

Congratulations ladies!

Guest Posts

It’s been a busy day for my character, Sarah Shand, and me. Sarah did an interview with Kai Strand at her blog Strands of Thought. You can read her interview here.

While she was off with Kai, I was in the spotlight over at Famous Five Plus You can read that post here.

I hope you’ll stop by both blogs and find out a bit more about us.

Suggested tweets:

Featured author @RobertsoKing today at Famous Five Plus @famousfiveplus #Shadowpast #4RV #FFP #lahe

Get to know @SarahShand96 from @RobertsoKing’s novel A Shadow in the Past @4RV #shadowpast #4RV #lahe #FFP

I’m in Texas with fellow 4RV Publishing author, Janet K Brown

Fellow 4RV Publishing author Janet K Brown hosts me today over at her blog.

I met Janet last year at the Kansas Book Festival where we both had novels making their debut.

Suggested tweet:

Authorly chat with @4RV author @janetkbrowntx @RobertsoKing talks about her publication journey and heritage.

Happy Hogmanay!

Dec 31st says goodbye to the current year in anticipation of what is to come in the next year. Known as New Year’s Eve in many countries, in Scotland, it’s a special celebration known as Hogmanay. Great street parties with entertainment take place in major cities. Edinburgh’s celebration is the most widely known. You can see what’s happening in Scotland’s capital to ring in 2013 here.

But before I pop the cork on the champagne, I want to take a look at 2012 and reflect on all the good things that happened to me during the year.

In early January, fellow Writers’ Ink member, Joe Mossman, and I did a spot for the local cable TV’s program, Readers’ Corner and talked about our group.

Joe Mossman, myself and host of Readers' Corner, Doreen Barnes
Joe Mossman, myself and host of Readers’ Corner, Doreen Barnes

A few days later, I was assigned my editor. We hit it off immediately which made the revision process a lot more fun. My gorgeous cover designed by Aidana WillowRaven was revealed here on January 18th.

My novel's cover created by Aidana WillowRaven
My novel’s cover created by Aidana WillowRaven

In February, I was honoured with my First Book award from the Ottawa Romance Writer’s Association.


March came and with it, I received the Versatile Blogger Award from associate reader, Susan Livingston. I had been an associate reader for myself since June 2011 and on May 21, 2012 (my son’s birthday), I became a featured author!

June brought about the new Melanie Robertson-King “brand” reveal.

website header
The weekend of Sept 14-17 (okay Friday to the following Monday – weekend plus) took me to Kansas for the debut of my novel… and best of all, I got to hold it in my hot little hands for the first time. It was brilliant meeting my editor, Carla, for the first time and my publisher, Vivian Zabel, and fellow 4RV Publishing authors Jacque Graham, Janet Brown and Galand Nuchols.

Janet Brown, me, and Galund Nuchols with our books that debuted at the Kansas Book Festival
Janet Brown, me, and Galund Nuchols with our books that debuted at the Kansas Book Festival

My short story, Cole’s Notes, that had been accepted for publication became available for the Kindle in Carrick Publishing’s first cross-genre anthologyEFD1 Starship Goodwords Cover – EFD1 – Starship Goodwords, and classed as literary fiction, no less!

Home from Kansas and the following weekend I hosted my hometown launch at the Wedgewood Retirement Resort in downtown Brockville.

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One week later, I embarked on a 21-stop 15-day blog tour starting off at and ending at Author Roast and Toast.

In October, I created a blog for my character, Sarah, and filmed another program for Readers’ Corner – this time talking about my novel,

readers corner

was invited to join Famous Five Plus and woo-hoo, I got my first 5-star review for A Shadow in the Past!

November came along and with it, my first kick at the can taking part in NaNoWriMo, and a number of appearances and signings – Ladies’ Night at Green Things Garden and Gift Shop, the Mallorytown Legion’s Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale, and finally downtown Brockville’s Christmas Open House at Leeds County Books.

December and another signing – this time in Gananoque at All About Books Internet Cafe and I was awarded the Liebster Award by Joanne Clancy.

A great year for sure, and now I’m looking forward to what 2013 brings! So now that I’ve rambled on long enough, it’s time to pop the champagne corks and ring in the New Year.

champagne 5

champagne 4

Happy New Year! Happy Hogmanay! Or Happy whatever you call it in your part of the world. May 2013 be good to you and yours! Cheers!

A Shadow in the Past currently #2 in Preditors & Editors Readers Poll

My novel's cover created by Aidana WillowRaven
My novel’s cover created by Aidana WillowRaven

I’m so excited. My novel, A Shadow in the Past, is currently sitting in 2nd place in the YA category at the Preditors & Editors Readers Poll. If you’ve not done so already, I would appreciate your vote. Help me make it to #1.

If you’ve already voted – Thank you! Follow the instructions here.

I’m over at YA Author, Suzy Turner’s blog today…

Christmas Eve and I’ve flown to Portugal to meet up with YA and fellow Famous Five Plus author, Suzy Turner. Why not pop over to Suzy’s blog and see what we’re talking about?

But don’t lag about or you’ll miss the interview and won’t be home in time for Santa to come.

If you’re feeling so inclined, here are a couple of tweets:

YA author @suzy_turner talks to debut YA author @RobertsoKing over at Drop on by. #FFP #lahe

Debut YA author @RobertsoKing stops by to chat with @suzy_turner to talk about writing and other things #lahe #FFP

Today is the 200th anniversary of Grimm’s Fairy Tales


Remember those fantastic stories we grew up with? Listening to our parents read them to us and then when we were old enough to read, reading them ourselves?

Snow White

Hansel and Gretel




Snow White and Rose Red

There were many others but these were among my favourites as a child. What were yours?